Revelation 5 01 07 additional
The Seven Sealed Book
Revelation 5:1-7
In Revelation 4 John was given a glimpse into heaven.
He focused on three things:
· Gods position
· Gods power
· Gods perfection
In Revelation 5 John continues this glimpse into heaven 5:1
This morning we want to look at
· What John saw
· What John heard
I. What John saw v. 1
A scroll with seven seals in the hand of God
1. It was in the right hand of God
This shows the importance of the scroll
Disciples constantly fought over being on Jesus right hand
2. It contained writing on the inside and the back
It was full, nothing more could be added
What it contained was the judgments that are about to be poured out
Gods judgment is full and complete
Gods judgment is planned: not haphazard or rash
3. It was sealed with seven seals
The scroll was rolled a ways and then sealed (7 times)
As a seal was broken the scroll could only be unrolled to the next seal
This followed in the pattern of a Roman will
*We are going to be reading what takes place as each seal is broken
*Beginning in Revelation 6
II. What John heard vv. 2-7
1. A Strong angel making an important announcement
Strong = mighty, strong, important
Likely this angel is Gabriel
Gabriel was the one send by God to explain to Daniel the vision that he had seen of the end times in Daniel 8
It was also Gabriel who ordered the sealing of the vision and the book of Daniel at the end of Daniel 8
It was Gabriel who spoke to Zacharias in Luke 1 and told him of the miraculous conception and birth of John the Baptist to he and his wife Elizabeth.
It was also Gabriel who spoke to Mary concerning the conception and birth of Jesus
2. An important message
Who is worthy to open the scroll and loose its seals?
An important question: As with a Roman will not just anyone could pick it up and open it.
3. The answer: No one is worthy
John is almost being baited:
· Here is an important announcement
· Made by a strong angel: shows importance
· Importance also shown by question of who is worthy
· Sees the writing on inside and outside of scroll
· He is certainly dying to know what is in it
Now the answer comes that no-one is worthy
Some think that this took place to emphasize the importance of the contents of the scroll
I tend to think it was done to impress John with the person of Jesus Christ!!
4. Johns reaction:
He wept!
Why did he weep?
I believe that John recognized that this was an important part of Gods plan
I believe that John was eager to see Gods plan carried out and he realizes that it cannot happen unless this scroll is opened!
5. Johns joy vv. 5-7
There is one who is worthy: that one is none other than Jesus Christ
1) He is shown worthy by His description:
a. The lion of the tribe of Judah
Genesis 49:8-10 says that out of Judah the Messiah would come
Jesus was the long awaited Messiah, the longing of all of Israel
The chosen one of God
Lion also speaks of King!
b. The root of David
Isaiah 11:1
And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a Branch shall grow out of his roots
Jesus had His root in David, He was in that lineage
Not what it is referring to here: He is the root of David
How could Jesus have His root in David and David have his root in Jesus?
*Jesus was God
As great a King as David was in Jewish history, Jesus is greater
c. The one who overcame (prevailed)
This would seem to me to refer to His resurrection
He came and fulfilled all that the Father sent Him to do and overcame victoriously!
All of this points to His kingship: He is above and over all!!
He deserves first place in our lives
For what do we push Him aside? Pleasure/gain/etc.
d. The one who is complete v. 6
The number 7 in Bible has idea of being complete
Complete in power: 7 horns
Complete in knowledge: 7 eyes: searching and all knowing
2) He is shown worthy by what He does and has done
a. He stood:
So far all that we have seen before the throne were fallen down
He stands as a lamb that had been slain
· 28 times in Revelation
· Gen. 22:8 God will provide Himself a lamb
· John 1:29 Behold the Lamb of God
· 1 Peter 1:19—as a lamb w/o blemish
If you were going to choose an animal to be worthy what would it be?
Jesus is a lamb: speaks of humility!
He has the marks of suffering: as a Lamb slain
He is worthy because He was obedient
He is worthy because He demonstrated love
He is worthy because He overcame
For all eternity He will bear the marks of those things!!
b. He came and took the book from the right hand of God v. 7
Exodus 33:15-23 Moses was told that He could not see God and live, now Jesus goes before the throne of God and takes the scroll out of His hand.
3) He is shown worthy by