Why Call Him Savior 12/13/2020
I'm glad that you were here. We're getting close to Christmas on. We have a couple more weeks. We have a couple more sermons to go on the Nativity Story. Remember now our series is called a t is coming. And we have talked about why Jesus became a man. We have been looking at all the players in the Nativity Story looked at Joseph was born in Bethlehem. We looked at why was there no room in the end. We looked at the shepherd's we have looked at the wise men. And so today we're getting close to the end. We covered about all the folks has been involved. So for the next couple of Thurman's what I want to do is I want to speak about the name of Jesus here in the Nativity Story and what we're going to focus on today and the title of this message today is why call him savior. Why call this little baby in the feeding trough of animal why call him savior? So we're going to be in Luke Chapter 2 today. And I know you'll be glad to hear that we're going. We're going to be looking at. One part you say we're good. Preacher is not going to pay someone will be out of here before no time. We probably will but it's going to be one verse that we're going to focus piano home today. So remember we're talkin about why I call him savior. Well, what's in a name you remember choosing a name for your children remember doing that? I know y'all heard me talk about the names that I wanted to give my channel marker what degree when born a girl and a lie, but you would agree with that. I wanted to name the boy Flint. She didn't like that and then I think about if it's a girl I said, Miami or English Well, so it was two boys and we picked out the profound names of Jacob and Craig and that's what we think that but I know that you remember, you know, thinking about the names of your own children. But the name saver. When you hear that name safe. What that does is it describes God's purpose in sending Jesus to this earth. Now remember some of the other names Jesus when he was called the Lamb of God. He was called the man of sorrow. He was called The Prince of Peace. He was called the Good Shepherd. He was called Mikey. He was called the bright and Morning Star. He was called the Dayspring. He was called Emmanuel. He was called my rock my shield. He was called jug. He was called the bread of life. He was Paul feature. You would called light of the world. And he was called the King of Kings. He was called server, and he is called the only way to heaven. So Jesus in the Bible uses. I didn't know this until I was studying this passage this theme Here the Bible use is over 300 names and titles with project. Over 300 now. You can no more contain Jesus in those 300 name as you could if you tried to put all the water in the oceans in a 5 gallon bucket. You just can't contain any matter fact. I love to read the sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. He was a seventeenth-century preacher over in England and he often expressed his frustration in trying to wrap his arms in mind around the character of Jesus and I want you to listen to what he said. I wrote this quote down. He preached this sermon on February 6th 1881. And this is what he said trying to describe the character Jesus. He says, I know my words cannot honor him according to his Merit. I wish they could indeed I grow less and less satisfied with my faults and language concerning him. He is too glorious for my people language to describe him if I could speak with tongues of men and angels. I could not be worthy of him if I could borrow all the harmonies of heaven and enlist every Harbin song of the glorified. Even that music would not be enough to describe. That's what Charles Haddon Spurgeon said. How do you describe the greatness of the Lord? You see the name Jesus is the name of his personality the name of Emmanuel, you know what that means god with us that describes his proximity to Safe Bank of that savior describes the Lord's Earthly Mission why he came to this earth.
I'm going to focus on verse mapping, but let's just read versus being 11. Give a little contact. Then the angel said to them. Do not be afraid for my whole I bring you good tidings of great joy, which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David. estate who is Christ the lord now in Israel past as we know they had a lot of Newman save it. They had Moses. They had David and all the judges and they had a lot of human saved. But Jesus Took the title of Savior and he gave it a new and eternal meaning because the name savior defines not only his life, but it defines who's there? That's what he yet if I want to do this morning cuz I want to give you three points. I want to give you the promise of a savior that we were promised that we would have a savior then we're going to look at the purpose of the Savior. And then lastly we going to look at verse 11 and we going to break it down and we're going to look at the provision of a savior. So let's number 1 let's look at the promise of a savior. I look what it says in verse 11 for there is born to you, see how personal line it. There is born to you. They're born to y'all this day in the city of David a savior. Now was this the only time that we were promised to have a savior? Oh, no. No, not at all. I want you to look and I think I have it on the screen here, Isaiah 9 and verse it. Look what Isaiah said For unto us a child is born to us a son is given the government will be upon his shoulder his name Shall be Called wonderful counselor, Mighty God Everlasting father the Prince of Peace hundreds and hundreds of years before Jesus was born the prophet Isaiah promised us a savior and not only that he told us a lot about him there a few months before Jesus was born. God reiterated the same promise to Joseph look at it and Matthew 1 in verse 21 and she shall bring forth a son and you shall call his name Jesus for he will rock save his people from their sins. You see the promised that problem went back hundred seven eight hundred years before Christ was born a couple of months before he was born this baby. His name is going to be called Jesus talking to Joseph hear about his wife. Is she still give birth. His name is Jesus and he shall save his people from their seeing that was the promise of a savior. well let's look number 2 at the purpose of the safe now look what it says for there is born to you this day a savior who is Christ the lord not in the gospel Jesus often speaks frequently about his purpose why he came to this earth the Incarnation why did he come well-contained to do the father's business not let me give an example I know most of you remember this remember little fella little man in Scripture
You remember him and Jesus was coming through town and Zacchaeus ran in front of the Entourage and he jumped up in a tree so he can see everything that was going on. Now. He was Jewish and then he had a job and people that like, he was a tax collector. Nothing staying has it but they don't like that play. We don't like paying our tax. Well, he ran ahead of the prowl jumped up in the tree and Jesus look up in the tree and called him by name. He said that he has come on down here. I'm going to eat with you today. What did all the townspeople and all the scribes and Pharisees think about that they were angry because they are and then they questioned Jesus about eating with such a center. In what was Jesus's response? If you want to know the purpose of why Jesus came to this earth here. It is in 1 verse and this is it right here. This is what Jesus said to them for the son of man has come. the seat and the same that
That's why he think that's that's the gospel right there in one verse. So let me give you two points about this about the purpose of the Savior. We see it right here. First of all Our Saviors needed. To seek the long now. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost now found another something. Jesus sought us out he saw us. Now. There's a certain course found and it says this I found what I wanted when I found the Lord, that's a good too good to good cars. bad theology I didn't find the Lord Lord found me. He was seeking after me. I was not seeking after him. The Bible says there is none who seek the Lord. No, not one. I think about that of all the billions and billions of people that have been born in this world. Not a single one has ever thought about that. You would think out of being in beds at least one person somewhere good kind of change the trend and they would be born and they would see the Lord Bible says no one seeks to let me tell you something. There's a there's a lot of churches out there today. Started in the 90s in in the 80s. They're called Seeker sensitive church. And what they do is they change their message because they say they preach to people who are thinking about and who are seeking the Lord friend of us what you do then you're preaching to nobody because there's no one seeking the Lord. I understand what they're saying that there's people that the Holy Spirit may be coming to church and they want to learn more about God the Bible Jesus. I understand that with r and there's not a single person on earth that is ever sought the Lord on their own because we're born born with being away from God not for God in his only the power of the Holy Spirit when he comes and convince our heart. That's when we walk tile. That's when we get our heart to Jesus. You see a Seeker sensitive church is just a man Center Church that gives all the praise to Manuel I'm seeking God and if I find him if I like what I find then I know you want you will not. God how God will choose you. Cheese's you. He says I chose you from the pound before the foundation of the world and then we're born he seeks us out. He can fix our heart and if we are one of the chosen one, we can't help but get saved. What caused it is the wooing of the Holy Spirit as he Woos us to the Cross you see a savior is needed just like 1910 Heron Loop CEST to seek the lost because we're not going to say he he will see us. Well, there's one for focus on that first. It's the Lost. There's two actions to see Bank in Jesus came to this Earth on the rescue mission and if you're saved this morning, aren't you glad you rescued? Well, that's exactly what he did. He rescue you from your sins. So we need a savior. The purpose of the savior is to see the lost. Well, I can't lie. The savior's needed to save the Lost not what we think about being saved we picture maybe people out floundering around where I ship is going down out the building. They're just hanging on for dear life hanging on to some part of the ship or a plane is going down there hanging onto the wing or something like that and we picture of helicopters hovering at dropping ropes and they try to save them or we think of a collapsed mine maybe somewhere West Virginia and all these poor men. They're just very and hundreds and hundreds of feet below the ground. How in the world are we going to rescue me on the oxygen is running low. We think of a little girl at the bottom of the well, how are we going to get her out or friend? The Coast Guard will probably Rescue all those Sailors minors also will be Rescue, they're not going to be abandoned a little girl. Well, she probably will see the sunshine one day but all of these are temporal situations and their transcended by the tragedy of people who are walking around today and their everyday life going about their business who are lost in their scent read. Those are the ones who really need to be rescued. You have to be at the bottom of a mine at the bottom of the ocean. You can just be living your life in your home going to work trying to make a living. Those are the ones who need to be rescued from their own CNN from the darkness that Satan has given them in a deal where Willy To admit to God that we fall far short of his profession. Then whatever Jesus has done for us will never make a difference until we're able to admit that he's not going to force himself upon you the pay the penalty for our sin, but he waits for us to accept him by faith. And that is his gift of Eternal salvation. Brandon can't say well. Well, I think I'm one of the chosen one, but that's fine. But are you saying Are you say and you can't say what if I'm chosen how to get save I'm not going to worry about it. No, you can't think of it like that. He paid the penalty for our sin and we must accept we have to make a decision. I'll talk more about that in just a moment. So we see here the promise of a savior Satan Isaiah a few months before Jesus was born in Matthew. Then we see the purpose of the Savior to seek the lost and to save the lost. Well, lastly let's look at the provision of a sailor and we see that in verse 11. Let's look at it once more. I'm going to read it and then we going to unpack. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a savior. Who is Christ the lord hears the first thing I want you to understand about this pack.
Is a fact of history. It is a fact of history. Look at it again in verse 11. For there is born to you this day. best day Jesus the Lord God was born into Humanity. He arrived through the Virgin Mary list. He was born on a certain day at a certain time in a certain city or a certain perks. In other words, Jesus. Happy birthday. Just like you do. This is not some Whimsy thing that we think of well, this is maybe that's just mean spiritually speaking. He was born surely. God didn't become human in the flash. Yes. He did and he did it on a certain day at a certain time for certain purpose. It is a fact of history. It is a fact of history. It's not some spiritual Force but it's the record of a person who had an actual birthday just like we do. Well not only is it a fact of history II it was a fulfillment of Prophecy. Look what it says here in Atlanta. He was born to you this day if I can history. In the city of David Foster City today, he was born. It was a fulfillment of Prophecy you say what property is at 5 but you Bethlehem ephrathah. I know you are little among the thousands of you among the Thousand little Villages of Judah get out of you shall come forth to me. The one to be ruler of Israel who did going forth are from the old from Everlast that was 700 years prophesied before Jesus was born. We already talked about that in another message why that what you because God chose back with him in my coronavirus 700 years before Jesus was born you seem not only is it a fact of history? It is for a prophecy. He was going to be born in the city of David in Bethlehem. and then lastly
is a foundation for eternity. I think about that because it says A savior who is Christ the Lord. It is a foundation for eternity unto you is born a savior. Jesus Christ is our savior God energy Humanity. So that Humanity would be able to enter if he had he not died for our sins. We would never have any hope of entering eternity with the Lord but he enters Humanity so that Humanity can enter eternity the birth of Jesus father happened at a point in time. It began something that will never end. Never meet him for eternity. We will be with the Lord, you know, some people have what they called. During this time of year. The Christmas blues never heard of it. Sad sad syndrome. My people have that what that means is seasonal affective disorder. in many people get so discouraged and depressed at this time of year. I don't have enough money. I can't buy for my family. Like I want to I have an estranged from so members of my family and this time of year It just strikes on them people get so discouraged and depressed. Artifact this season that we're in now. It's where most people commit suicide out of the whole year because they're so discouraged and depressed or friends list. Here's how you get out of that.
Stop thinking about Christmas. Start thinking about Christ. Because he's the reason for Christmas. You see what happens if we think about all the things we can't buy on all the gifts that we can't give our children and everything, but we don't have because we look at Christmas from a consumer respect. I don't have this and I can't get that started looking at it and start thinking about Christ start thinking that I have a prophet. I have a priest. I have a king. I have a I have a bridegroom. I have the Good Shepherd. He's the Holy One Of God, he's Emmanuel who will always be with me. He's God With Us in his name is Jesus. I don't think about Christmas. Think about Christ. Don't think about giving presents. Think about his presence. We've you that's what we need to think about John introduced him as a lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Remember the Magi what they said that he's the king of the Jews, and he said my Lord my God. Jesus said to the disciples who do men say that I am Peter said you are the Christ the son of the Living God. That's who we need to be thinking about. It's not about presents its about his rest. You may not have family nearby. The friend you have a father posted hand if you were saying. I can tell you that. When you get depressed refocus your attention on the one who loves you more than anyone has ever loved you who came to this earth to be your savior. I don't know if some of you listen to one of my emotions this past week, but I said I started talking about taking pictures with your phone. I said we need to crop everything out of Christmas except Jesus. We need to focus it when we take a picture of this nativity scene. We need to start cropping out the Shepherds the wise man will crop out Joseph and Mary and the little feeding trough and all you have left is Jesus. That's what you focus on that's what Christmas is all about. Well, I'm going to close and I'm going to give you a story is about a region or me. Matter fact, I heard dr. David Jeremiah tell this story once and I think he would be a good time to use it today talkin about why call him say it occurred. I think back in the late 30s 1930s early 1940s was in Virginia. That was a little one-room schoolhouse there. A bunch of rambunctious Boys in there. They just kind of mean-spirited and all they tried to run the teacher out and off all the time. And so this teacher came one day and said would look if I'm going to straighten these boys out. If we going to have any type of semblance of a teaching atmosphere here, we need some Ruth rather than one on the way. There is named as they called him big old, huh? Big ol Tom he was like the ruler and he was kind of like the bully and he bullied everybody around him. The teacher said the one day said look we need some rules. Y'all know of any rules that we have for our plants. That's how he was the first one. He said don't steal it then someone else woke up and he said no late no being late for class then someone else woke up and said no running in and out of the building and things like that well before long they had the rules and they had 10 rules written on the board and the teacher said well, you know, It's not good to have all these rules if you don't have a penile. What's the penalty going to be for breaking these rules in overtime big old time? He stood up said I know why anybody who breaks these rules. They get 10 stripes across their back with nothing on but a t-shirt. Don't think about that little bit hard, but he went ahead and went along with well the next day big old time. He come in. He said he said someone stole my lunch. Did you look Crossroads the doors I'm saying that someone stole his lunch. Did anyone in here take time lump? Find me this little boy. His name is Jimmy. He stood out in years old and he said I'm sorry. He said I took his lunch.
I was so hungry. I couldn't help it. I haven't eaten in 2 days and I just wanted something to eat. Well, the teacher knew that he was going to have to give this little Jimmy Kim stripes on his back. He didn't want to do it. But if he's going to keep order he had to do it where the little boy star big is a picture. Please don't please don't strike me today. If he said what I said take your coat off and he said please don't do it today. He said do it tomorrow picture said take your coat off and he took his coat off and all he had on was just a fender going across the shoulder and I only have it.
He said I don't have a shirt and said my mama, he said my daddy died. My mom has very poor and I don't have one shirt and he said she washes it on Wednesday. He said I promise you if you wait till tomorrow. I'll have more.
And he didn't know what to do and big old time the bully stood up and said feature. He said I'll take your strike.
Do you understand what you're doing? He says you're the victim here and you want to take the penalty of the one who stole your lunch. He said your lunch got so he says I don't care. He says he's little he don't have a shirt. He said I'm big I can take it. He said I will take his stripes. Somewhere boy leaned over to Jimmy's at Jimmy you better thank God. He stated you today. When that light kind of what Jesus did to us did we break all the rules we broke all the rules but one day he came in took off his coat stretched himself on a wooden beam and he took the strike that we deserve. That's what it is. And that Daddy he became Our Savior. The Bible says going to you is Born This Day in the city of David a savior. Which is price the Lord, why won't ask you now to Bow your head and close your eyes. I just want to ask you a question. Do you know? This Jesus a saint.
Zelnorm is lowered. That's good. I know him as the root and offspring of David. That's good. I know him as my shield my rock a buckler to them that walk uprightly. Well, that's good. I'm glad you do. I know I messed up Alpha and the Omega the first the last the beginning and the end. I'm glad you know it. I know him is a good Chef. I know him as a good teacher. I'm glad you know in that way, you know him as say That's the question but it's not enough to believe that he's the savior of the world. You have to acknowledge that will cause if you were seeing you deserve. And then you have to trust in Jesus as your savior from God's Wrath. If you've never done that this is how you can express it today. You can pray a prayer something like this Lord Jesus. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. Thank you for taking my stride. Because I know that I should be the one on that cross you took what I deserve and I know it and today I accept your punishment for my sin and today I received your forget it. I accept you in my heart today come into my life come into my heart and be my savior help me to live for you the rest of my days and help me to never be ashamed.
You see friends? A savior was promised. its purpose was to come and seek and to save it is a fact of history in his film or prophesy. It is the foundation for
Father we do thinking crazy. Love you today and your work. What I pray if there's anyone here today, that does not know you as safely. Do you buy many more names? The phrase we need to know Jesus by Sadie. I pray everyone here not today. Did they would accept you into their life, but their life would be changed. Guilt and shame will be taken away and that they can live a lot any price free of any send free of any Guild the Lord if you would change that hard today, give him a new heart give him a new purpose in life or some Christ's name. I pray amen.