Revelation 7 01 08
A Break in the Seal Judgments
Revelation 7:1-8
*We have focused so far on the first 6 seal judgments opened on the earth
*Now we are going to focus on what God is doing in lives of people
-This is encouraging to me because it shows God’s great grace
-God never leaves Himself without witness on the earth
I. The Setting for This vision
1. Just seen 6 seals opened and the judgments that came forth
*Literal judgments by God upon the earth
*Some believe that these judgments are from the anti-christ and not from God Himself: Based on Verse 17
*They then believe that the rapture of the Church takes place here
*I believe that the context is clear, rapture has already taken place
2. Now there is a pause in the opening of the seals: 7 not until 8:1
i. This is evidence of God’s grace
ii. See later: 6 trumpet judgments (pause) 6 bowl judgments (pause)
3. Preaching of judgment must always be accompanied by God’s grace
II. The Content of this Vision
1. Four angels
1) Standing on the four corners of the earth: Not teaching square earth
Represents 4 quadrants of the earth: N S E W
What they are doing affects the whole earth
2)Holding 4 winds: Judgments: compared verses 1 & 2
2. Another Angel vv. 2-4
1) Had the seal of the living God
2) Had a cry: “Hold it!”
3) No more would be hurt until the servants of God were sealed in their foreheads
God’s purpose and plan will not be stopped, His work will be carried out
Question concerning the seal: What is it?
A. In John’s day masters sealed their servants
a. Ownership
b. Protection
B. God’s seal of protection in the past:
a. Flood: God sealed Noah and his family
b. Jericho: Rahab and family with scarlet chord
c. Elijah: Thought he stood alone but God had protected 7,000
d. Passover: Sealed with blood on door
C. Perhaps it is the seal of God’s name: 14:1
a. Ownership
b. Protection
D. Moral seal as well 14:4-5
3. Who are those sealed? Vv. 4-8
1) Who they are not
a. The Church: already in heaven, Rev. 14 lists the 144,000 and the 24 elders separately
b. 7th day Adventists: Teach that those observing the Sabbath when Jesus returns
c. Jehovah’s witnesses: Used to teach that all JW were part of this, now have changed to the hardest workers
2) Who they are:
Seems clear enough: v. 4 b and lists all the tribes by name
12 X 12,000 = 144,000
Some say that the 12 tribes are gone: never heard from after Assyrian Captivity: God knows the tribes!
Listed by name: This should confirm who it is!
Lessons to learn:
God is a gracious God: He is constantly giving that which we don’t deserve, in this case it is another chance.
God also does not leave Himself without witness: In this age in time it is the Church. What a privilege and a duty that God has given to us