Revelation 9 13 21
The Sixth Trumpet Judgment
Revelation 9:13-21
Have seen so far the 7 seal judgments poured out during the Tribulation Period
Out of the Seventh Seal come the Trumpet Judgments
Horrible devastation: Some repent, others hearts are hardened
*Hail, fire, blood
*All water will be affected
*Sun, moon, and stars affected
*Pit opened and the demonic forces sent forth: cause desire to die
Ended last Trumpet Judgment with: “two more woes to come”
I. There is a demand from heaven to judge vv. 13-14
1. The Location of the voice: “the four horns of the golden altar before God”
When was the last time we saw the altar before God in heaven? 6:9-11
Under it were the souls of the Martyred saints
Crying out to the Lord for judgment
8:3 We see the prayers of those saints being brought before the Lord
2. Now I believe that we see God responding to that prayer
How do you feel about praying for God’s judgment?
Habakkuk did, other examples?
Should combine with prayer for God’s mercy
Must make sure it is not mingled with pride
II. The tools of the judgment v. 14
1. The four angels
Two types of angels in Bible: good and bad
Good = those who serve the Lord and carry out His work
Bad = those who serve Satan and carry out his work
Here I believe are the bad angels (demons)
They are loosed means that they are bound
Never see good bound
God will use even that which is against Him to carry out
His work (Word)
2. The River Euphrates
Gen. 2:14 flows out of Eden
1st sin, 1st murder, Tower of Babel
3. They are going to use a great army v. 16
200 million strong: specific number given: literalness
III. The details of the Judgment
1. Specific time set: “an hour, a day, a month, and a year”
We may not know when it is, but God does: time is set
Moving closer and closer to it each day
2. Targets are set vv. 15, 18
1/3 of inhabitants of the earth
6:8 ¼ part, Now 1/3 of ¾ = 50%
Not since Noah has earth been so affected
3. The Warfare: vv. 17-19
Could see how this was speaking of modern warfare
In John’s day how would you have described?
Attack helicopters
Jets, missiles, etc.?
IV. The Description of those Judged
1. The object of their worship
1) They worshipped Satan (demons) 20
Satan always desired worship
Men are created with a need to worship
Interesting that they don’t see the connection of who they worship and the acts of judgment upon them
Just as today people don’t see the rejection of God as being connected with the problems of society
2) They worshipped the works of their hands v. 20
Idols which they themselves made
3) They refused to repent of their sinful deeds
*Murders: when gospel is not known life is cheap
*Sorceries: Witchcraft and use of drugs
*Fornication: immorality of all types
*Thefts: no moral direction: me first mentality
They refused to repent = they refused to listen