Disciple Transforming Love Pt3

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We find many people who are poor in situations, like where at? Got a king by the name of Hezekiah. Got David going against Goliath was going to be afraid it's going to be Daniel. I don't want to I'm sorry guys. That was like you're going to be thrown into a lion's den. And by the way these Lions don't eat but every couple weeks.

Daniel faced with this challenge right now. He's like do I worship God and pray and be faithful and my relationship because what's built within me is his longevity love with God or do I love my life and not do this?

Wouldn't we know the story Daniel got thrown it? I'm sorry. I wasn't that terrifying.

When I was younger, I was terrified of dogs chasing me on my bike. If something were this big?

being honest

God I watch too many Dennis the Menace shows with a dog bites the guy or the cat if you never been attacked by a cat, I'm telling you guys. It's unreal.

It's unreal.

Unreal guys, are they scratch?

Yeah, I start thinking to myself like Mad. God didn't give me a spirit of fear, but of power love and a sound mind the sound my part. So I make Sound Decision wise judgment, but he didn't give me a spirit of fear. And a lot of the main thing that holds us back.

We're so afraid of what people will think I believe that's the thing that's held the church back from rising and Shining.

But we have the most powerful message in the whole entire world. Because our message changes lives the message of the Cross Springs. Hope every restoration it takes what's impossible and says it's doable.

And you were scared to share it with people.

Well, I sure did that's my life gets better.

And I always help you with the Jesus call you in your in your master. Like yeah, then why would you think that you can't talk about him in your mess?

But you just calls you and your mess like Jesus called me when I was high. I died came back. And by the way, I was still high.

But Jesus was talking to me that speaking to me.

Jesus calls you in your mess and I'll change it as you go religion tries to make you into puppets.

How do you say look this way be this way act this way? Religion always says look this way. Act this way, they'll be this way and they love to steal it with this terminology called fake it till you make it.

I realize you guys do know the word actor came from the Greek and it meant hypocrite. hypo like hyper-grace, hypo

Seriously, but I'm telling you guys this so I'm so I'm making a point hypocritical means one person with many masks. Coz back in the day the actors. They were four different math could be one person putting on different masks.

I told him I said you have a growing up. I like Eddie Murphy. You know what he did this movie called Coming to America and this is Barbara scene in Coming to America.

You must have watched it.

And I when I was younger, I did not know Eddie Murphy was every person in the barber scene. But there was an Asian dude, that was Eddie Murphy.

I don't like this is crazy because he played every person in the sink that's called highfill hypocrite. They play every person. depending on the scene there in and there's no consistency in character.

Are we doing that with the world as the church? Are we trying to fit into the world scene?

Are we trying to fit in in a place and say you know what? I'm going to fit in here because I want to be long everyone wants to belong guys.

But are we trying to fit in the wrong crowd?

Like if I'm going to fit in the crowd one of you go to fit in with heavens crowd.

like I mean Would it be cool to like play with Michael and and Gabriel?

What are we cool that you would sleep and you have visions of Jesus you can come and talk to you.

You may say these things seem foreign, but I'm telling you it's real.

Would it be cool if God can teach you how to communicate and hear his voice in such a way where you can't mistake it anymore?

imagine with me Jason Imagine if you heard that voice so clear that you would be just accurate everywhere. You went and people thought you were weird wherever you went. They thought you were an angel. They say I don't know if he's a real man or not. I just know you came here. His name is Jason.

That'll be Redeeming the name Jason wouldn't it? You don't even need a mask for it. You got a different sword, buddy.

That's what Jesus wants us to do. He wants us to redefine to the world what Christian is what it means cuz they have this View and as we live in him as we walk with him as we begin to live on a shame of the Gospel.

Let's make it this way if you were ashamed of your spouse when you went out, how long would that relationship work?

Think about that.

Think about you having a girlfriend or boyfriend in and every time you guys go out. Okay, you just go over here. I'm going to go this way.

And if they are if they try to get honey, I don't know her.

It sounds like Jesus, doesn't it? I don't know you. Because every time we were out and about you never even wanted me around.

There has to be this time in our lives when we greet. Just take a stand and say I'm going to share this and people can tell me to shut up, but I want

Because I tell you the truth the time will come.

So what are you going to do? Like we live in the most freakiest Nation right now. We can share the gospel. Are you doing it?

Google II me other Christians like no we need persecution. They were to share the gospel in like Maybe you do but I don't I don't need a cold to ask God for healing. I'm going to pray for people to get healed.


Come on.

One of the things I tell people that I learned from my wife. You're a sick as your secrets are.

My wife talked to that.

And she teaches me guys I teach her but she teaches me, too. I love you, sweetie. You're sick as your secrets are you know the stuff that you're holding in? Do you know churches when they hold back their worship and praise and adoration and love for God become sick.

Who? Why? because When you are really expressing Who You Are. Depression can't be there cuz there's no suppression. Let me say that again depression can't be there cuz there's no suppression. Most people are depressed because there's something internal suppressed. And once they'd comes to light.

I can remember growing up and a lot of people my mom tell you I like Japanese animation. I was all into this show called Dragon Ball Z and not many people were in back when I was growing up. So me and my brother we wear these t-shirts with little cartoon characters.

That's true. Let me know. People look at us like oh my gosh.


And people say what what are you guys wearing? You? Don't fit in your weird? Oh my gosh, and you allowed with people thought about you to Define you so you suppress it and you became what they wanted in order to be received.

Printer, that's the reason why I got the Press also has a child. It doesn't have to be one way at school on my way home the one way when I'm really by myself.

Are you one way at home one way at church and one way when you when you are with other people?

Couldn't tell you if you are you're phenomenal actor.

We are called to live in a place with him where this is consistent where it's not a different cat you're getting on Sunday because I'm speaking. What is the same guy? You meet when you stop over my house or when no one else is around. I'm with my wife.

Did my wife knows me? She knows me. She knows me when I have good days to know if you want to have bad days. She knows what I said when I say the right things she knows when I say the wrong things.

First got married, you know, they would say you're in the doghouse, you know, the guys when the guys do something crazy or the dog house. So I look for my older brother cuz you was married before I was he sent his wife to the litter box.

He's like if I'm going to the doghouse you're going to the litter box.

And maybe one day we just come together really we don't have to fight like cats and dogs.

But my wife she knows me.

She knows me more than I think anyone else like my mom. She's really close to me.

She knows my hurts.

She knows my mom when I'm excited and why I'm excited. She learned who I was. In order for her to learn, why was I had to reveal it to her?

In order for you to learn each other you have to reveal each other. to yourselves

You have to become completely vulnerable Kevin.

I don't know. What you forgot is I like being vulnerable away movies.

But you have to become vulnerable.

I find ladies are more easy to become vulnerable. But if they've been hurt in the past dude, you have an impenetrable Fortress.

You know, I told my wife recently I said this I think you know that scripture in the Bible. It says who knows the mind of God, but the spirit of God. Who knows the mind of man, but the spirit of man, so then I said well who knows the mind of woman but the spirit of God.

Give me a joke like that. She's like a funny thought it was.

vulnerable Olympian barnable there's his place where you can be rejected. When someone can say no I don't want to.

Or maybe if you're from like the 90s error, you'll say u g l y. You ain't got no alibi.

That would share this with my wife. I was sure and I don't know but you know what happened, she had hurt and insecurities with my own vulnerability and guess what it was triggering her.

And then we have the Clash of the Titans. What did you not understand? I don't understand why that would bother me.

Every marriage, right?


I'm talking about this because this is the listen and God says the demonstration of real pure love looks like husband and wife for us to be vulnerable. That way better. Help us be honorable this way towards God. God has to reveal himself to you. Listen. God is so vulnerable that he came down as a man. Talk about being vulnerable. He made himself subject to his own creation. Good God.

He let them mocking beats and hang them on the tree. He was obedient to what the father called him to but he became subject to the things he created talk about being vulnerable.

So Jesus did that for us and he said follow me follow my demonstration and live open like this if you borrow with one another but we we try but we struggle because we're scared of that thing covered jection. We've been talkin about Who was the first people rejected in the Bible?


Who was the first person rejected in the Bible? Come on, dude. The first person to experience rejection the Bible was Papa. Adam made a conscious decision to reject Papa because you wanted to fit in with his wife. Oh.

And God being rejected. What does he do? He did something cool, man. He finds this land. And covers that because they weren't covered themselves. They took the leaves and they covered themselves because they were trying to hide their shame. So the father being rejected to know I'm going to cover you find the land he slices. It makes the first first clothing line.

We called War.

Any covers them with it because you said you will not cover your Shame by your methods. You'll cover it by who I am.

So then later on who's the next person to be rejected?

Who is Max you guys thinks? It's Kane. Who think sissies? I believe the thief.

Come on.

it was he's the next person to get rejected was he's Adams like she made me do it the woman you gave me her.

Please start getting rejected because now starts rejecting woman. What? A man rejects God and then from the rejection of God came to rejection of his spouse.

But I feel kind of this. Superman when he's not looking at God and receiving can naturally only rejected spouse.

We can only reject him her because he couldn't receive him.

So the rejection of God. leads to the rejection of others because of the shame that's covering self. Come on, we're going to talk about the generations next week. Now, it's Christmas Sunday. We're going to talk about the next week.

think about seven generations But listen guys, that's the reason why we reject because we're not receiving acceptance from coup. God is for who we are right in the middle of our mess. But I tell people this all the time I said, you know something that Jesus says Kathy, do you know son? Jesus says it's so cool. I'm shirt with you. You ready? I'm sorry. You can see it, right.

Oh, so you were paying attention?

This is really cool because she's honest about it. I love thank you. You're okay. I didn't know you working for you. I would have known I would have went to someone else.


I lost my train of thought.

Thank you, Kathy.


because you won't receive from God.

When we don't receive from God we can only reject when we don't when we don't believe keep me fully. My accepted, but we don't believe people will.

So we're running pretty drunk.

We have Prime this well. Thank you. To have one of those hand crank my parents, It was cool when I was growing up cuz you know, it's like You started taking you know where I got that from that Sesame Street show and they made a movie called Follow That Bird with big bird. I remember big very having that he was singing this song to always wanted to have one to do when you know because of Big Bird, The logic of children look fun. So, you know, sometimes your life in order for you to love people and accept people and not live in a place of rejection. You have to realize, you're well just pray in the spirit, but you have to believe God actually likes you.

I didn't say love do we use that a lot? God loves me. He loves everybody for God so loved the world he gave so. This love everyone but I'm not making light of that but does not like you.

Does God Like You?

Do you really know you're like my God?

Most people that don't they stay while I'm trying to make sure you like me. I'm trying to do all the right things. So God can't like me I'm trying to to to to to to to do do do error.

Please into it. I'll tell my husband. I'll say I love you, but I don't like you today.

Yes. That's rich.

That's why I want.

It's a good day for hats.

Come on. Thank you. Thank you. I love that. Thank you. I love you, but I don't like you today.

like like I want to share that with you like we as people Worst worst worst scared to even say that Maria. Brisker to tell ourselves. I don't like you right now.

It's okay. But this is this is like it's supposed to be a place of freedom and honesty and we're not willing to be that we're into suppression gym. And when you start suppressing or stuffing emotions like a turkey.

Come on.

I don't know what's wrong with me. You need to give me down stuff yourself. You got to go before the Lord and got to let the Lord.

So there's no more coffee grounds. That's right.

Bible girl

Thank you. Come on.

Yes. Yes.

Thank you. Thank you God. Absolutely. If you guys are if you guys aren't in the Bible and what I mean by in the bible, let me see this different ways of reading the scripture the first one you can read it through in the year. So you have an idea of the general story and things going on in the vents, but then there's another one with your reading and you're actually taking an and chewing on What you're reading?

Cuz most persons they know the story about Jesus, but they don't know what Jesus thinks about them. Most Believers know the story about Jonah but then they live like Jonah.

We know stories in the Bible, but do we know the author of it?

And knowing the author means you have to sit very still and learn when you say inflate dude. I'm telling you like when you really believe that you're a Son of God. You will never want to be a Christian again.

put on

when you believe your son the child of the king of God, you will never try to be a Christian again. You only ever even try to think what's Christian. You say Christian. What was break that down Christ and he's in me. So should be Kristen me.

When you know what God says about you, you can live and receive in sometime. The biggest battle is believing what he says and the reason why we don't because we really don't believe God lights us.

too good to be

that's what we think. It's too good to be true. IPod mini Christian struggling at 3 even going to heaven even though God says if you believe in me that Believes In Me will never die. But then we pay for old Christian Life trying to figure out if we're really say then going to heaven.

Do you know in the Bible it talks about progressing to talk about your school. It says, you know leave behind Elementary teachings of the face. The elementary teachings of the faith is number one is repentance from dead works. The beginning of that school is going to the cross.

according to the word of God how many student we can talk about the laying on the hands and baptisms?

So you have to know and I believe the basis of the preschool is look. I'm at the cross. He receives me. I believe you love me cuz I couldn't come to my own even if I tried. So he called me into this and that work that he started doing when he called me. He'll bring it to completion cuz he said so. And I realize when I'm in Christ, I am a new creation and old things are passed away.

Sometimes where you are we know so much about the old things that we can't receive the new.

My dad works on cars he likes to work on cars that we can't he's back on the case. Good mechanic. Realize work on cars back in the 80s, you know, they have all this computer stuff in the car, right, It was several change this change that it's over. Really had to go and put computers.

Computer Zen and the complicated things they made these little tools that only can be used for certain Vehicles now, so now you got to go to a dealership in order to get it fixed. You guys know what I mean? They made it complicated, but they also change the times.

They changed it they progressed. What is you kept up to date on how vehicles are being made in the progression of vehicles? You feel like all I'm excited about the newer models. Because you stayed there by it was progressing. Now you can do this before you couldn't do this with now you couldn't you won't look at what you're losing your looking at what you can do now. In our life with Jesus, we mainly focus on what it used to be what we used to do and not what we can do now.

So it takes away the Innovation scriptural terms. It takes away the inspiration.

And then you live in a place of looking to yesterday.

You'll spend the relationships and honey. You changed not the same people we change every 5 years is proven by science people change every 5 years.

You cannot base your life on the path and you can't base it on rejection. You got to relieve God likes you.

God likes you you may not like everything you do. But he likes you. Okay, let me tell you he does not like everything you do or even say but he likes you. Yes, I will never come in and teach you guys from without being from a relationship standpoint. And this is why and I'm finishing up with this last scripture.

Jesus was talking to his disciples. He said many will come to me and I'll say Lord Lord. We lay hands on the sick. We fed the poor Lord Lord. We did all these things in your name and Jesus responses Stern. scary and what's his response? I don't know you have I spent my whole life giving I don't know you and I told you are the way truth and like I don't know you but I don't know you.

Some curses use that as a valid reason not to do anything. I don't do any of those things. You know me. It doesn't work.

Jesus was saying you're not in a relationship with me. You did all those things apart from relationship because you were trying to appease me instead of being please by me.

You tried to appease god with your actions.

Instead of knowing Jesus action are your peace God? your mental relationship Oh Lord. I pray really hard today. You're meant for a relationship. Majan me with my wife honey. I'm really trying to love you today really hard, but I just love her. places Lumber everything that she is everything she's not I love her everything. She loves everything. I am everything. I'm not she loves me. I do know for fact that woman loves me. She put up with me.

She likes me. He's darn skippy she does. I like her too.

You make me blush, sweetie. I'm saying this because you must know God from relationship.


not for religion not from your good deeds trying to appease God. from relationship and your relationship will look different in someone else's. My marriage look different than other people.

But this is the way my marriage works. Are they ship with God may look different from other people. But that's the way my relation works one challenge you guys. To let your relationship. Be your Sunday. Don't let your Sunday be relationship.

Okay be who you are during the week dude when you come here.

Don't try to be Christian when you get here, if you're coming in a mess, tell us will pray for you and love you.

Will give you truth will show you scripture. So you don't just trust our words, but you trust in his word cuz his word is life and it sets you free.

Simone dismiss now who needs prayer

one two three, you three.

Do you feel like Jesus calling his disciples, you know, follow me and I'll make you Fishers of Men Don't Worry guys. I I'm going to not going to I'm not going to blow my preaching breath in my mouth first.

How do you say Savage in me? You people pray over you?

You guys I'm on dismiss you guys we're going to pray for these guys. We're going to dismiss you. If you want to pray for me, I'm going to ask you guys to come to the front. But other than that, I love you. Have a blessed Sunday.

And God bless but I pray for you guys.

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