06-02-12 Worship
Worship and Life
2 Samuel 1-10
- Everyone worships something or someone. Even an atheist who says there is no God worships himself as a god. The great question is, “Who do you worship?”
- Three kings series. Saul – no heart for God
What I want to say: David was a man after God’s own heart because he always put God first. When you live life in the proper priority, you find God entrusts you with His kingdom work.
I. A heart for God waits upon God
A. Ask God before taking action
1. “He inquired of the Lord” – 6x (2:1)
a) David made it a habit to seek God’s will before taking a course of action.
2. Too many professing Christians make decisions dependent upon their own wisdom or the world’s advice, not God’s
3. When making a decision, begin with God’s will
a) Does this violate any of the Commandments of God?
b) Does this violate any other part of Scripture?
c) E.g. God will never move a believer to commit adultery.
B. God’s will is done
1. David becomes king (2:4)
2. first over Judah only in Hebron for 7 years, six months (David only 23)
3. then over all Israel (5:1-5)
a) David is now 30 years old
b) God had used the difficulties of those years to equip David for kingship.
4. God’s will is now done (it always is) but it may be done over a period of time.
C. The way you live reveals what you believe
1. David lived by priorities – as king he needed a capital; as a worshipper he wanted the presence of God near him.
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 NASB95
2. David conquers Jerusalem
a) Jerusalem was chosen by God centuries before
b) God told Abraham to bring his son, Isaac, to Mt. Moriah (now the Temple Mount occupied by the Dome of the Rock)
3. “lame & the blind”(5:6)
a) It seems that the Jebusites were taunting David about how impregnable their fortress was – that even the lame and the blind could defend it against Israel
b) David turned it back on their gods calling them the lame & the blind
c) Never be arrogant against God’s people. (This should be a warning to modern Iran)
4. David builds a palace for himself
II. Worship is a great celebration (Chapter 6)
A. Worship is a hunger for the presence of God
1. David could not bear to be away from the presence of God. Brings the Ark to Jerusalem
2. a noble desire does not excuse a wrong action
a) a new cart – the Ark was always to be carried only by priests. That it was a new cart did not change the wrongness of it
b) Sometimes we will try to worship God in our own way but He will have none of it.
c) Uzzah died – he crossed the line and became too familiar with God
d) Never be careless about the things of God.
ILLUS> Do you remember that Lexus ad from Christmas where the husband surprises his wife with a brand new Lexus in their living room topped by a perfectly formed bow? All she can say is, “Where did you find a bow that big?”
Sometimes that is how we approach worship – all impressed with the incidentals and missing the big wonder: God Himself.
3. In our day informality is the rule. (cp. Old photos of people at ball games) Worship is not as formal as it once was – it should always be available to people. Yet we must take care that we do not become so casual in our worship that we forget Who our God is
4. Can it be said of you that you hunger for the presence of God?
B. We are celebrating the Living God
1. That is why we call our Sunday worship a celebration
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1 NASB95
2. David was a man’s man and he shamelessly loved to worship God
3. In our day we need men who are not ashamed to worship God. Worship is a man’s business as well as a woman’s yet in every church you will find more women than men because men tend to be occupied with the tasks of today above all and we forget about eternity.
Show Normal Rockwell picture.
4. We need fathers who by their example show their boys what manhood is all about.
5. Manhood is more than scratching and spitting – it is leading in worship
C. Worship is joyous (:4-5, 14)
1. The expression of joy is often loud and musical
cp. Psalm 68:24-27 perhaps written when Ark was brought
2. Sing to the Lord
3. Shout to the Lord
4. David danced with joy
5. Raised voices
6. Raised hands
7. Moving to the music
8. Your body is the instrument God gave you to honor Him
9. Worship declares the glory of God
III. Worship is life! (Chapter 7)
A. Honoring God is a priority (7:2)
1. Ever before our thoughts – David was always concerned about honoring God.
2. As king he knew he had a responsibility to set an example for his people.
3. Nathan agreed with David – how could it not be right? This was a no-brainer – but David did not inquire of the Lord’s will
a) cp. 1 Chronicles 28 – David’s meeting with his leaders
b) God chose Solomon, David’s son, to build the Temple
c) detailed plans for the Temple given by God
4. Worship is not man’s idea but God’s. Every human heart will worship – the question is what
B. When you honor God, you are blessed (:9-10, 16)
1. David wanted to honor God but God honored him.
2. David wanted to make God’s name great but God would make David’s name great (:9)
3. David wanted a place to worship God but God will provide a place for His people (:10)
4. David wanted to provide a house for the worship of God but God will establish the house of David (:16)
a) He will raise up offspring
b) Of course, this is a promise of the coming Messiah - “root of Jesse” (Isaiah 11:10)
5. A rule of life: When you honor God, he will bless you
“…but now the Lord declares, ‘Far be it from Me—for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me will be lightly esteemed. 1 Samuel 2:30 NASB95
C. Worship is quiet moments alone with God (7:18-29)
1. David sits before God (also in 1 Chronicles 17:16-27)
2. Do you ever sit quietly with God?
D. Worship is awe (:18-19)
1. Who am I that God should bless me so?
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?
Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. Psalm 8:3-5 ESV
2. This should be the thought of wonder that is ever before your mind.
Theodore Roosevelt and a friend regularly engaged in a nighttime ritual. Author Leslie B. Flynn tells about it: "After an evening of conversation they would go outside on a clear night and search the skies until one or the other found a faint speck of light-mist in a certain spot in the sky. Then he would recite, 'That is the Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda. That speck is as large as our Milky Way. It is one of a hundred million galaxies. It consists of one hundred billion suns, each larger than our sun.' Then he would conclude, 'Now that we have our perspective, let's call it a day!'"
3. You say, “Well God made David a king – I’m not king over any thing.” No?
a) He has given you all that is His in heaven.
b) An earthly-minded man will not care for such things but let me ask you, “Would you prefer a little blessing now for a little while or a lot of blessing forever?”
“Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 NASB95
E. Honor God by dwelling on who He is (:20-29)
1. God keeps His word (:20)
2. How great is the Lord (:22)
3. God has established Israel (:23)
4. May the Lord’s name be great (:25-26)
- David ended his prayer with a request – seeking for blessing (:27-29)
- Do you seek God’s blessing or just more stuff? That may be the measure of your life.