sf003 - Timeless Truths In A Time Of Tragedy (Psalm 22 1-6)

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Psalm 22:1-6


The events of Tuesday, September 11, 2001 have rocked our nation.  Never before has America been attached in such a way.  Never before have Americans witnessed the destruction of so many lives, military or civilian in such a short period of time.

On Tuesday morning Islamic fanatics led by Osama bin Laden launched a well planned and coordinated attach on strategic targets in the United States.  Using hijacked commercial aircraft they flew suicide missions into the World Trade Center towers in New York, the Pentagon, and in what seems to be a failed attempt to attack either the White House or Capital building crashed in rural SW Pennsylvania.

“The symbolism was unavoidable.  These two towers represented the might and energy of the American economy, sending a message to the world of our national power and influence.

The Pentagon is so powerful a symbol that the name needs no further explanation.  The Pentagon can unleash the power of the world’s greatest military force.  Now, the Pentagon sits like a wounded giant on the ground.  The world’s last remaining superpower doesn’t look so powerful through a veil of smoke.”  (Mohler, 9/13/01)

This tragedy has left our military, our government, and our citizens in shock.  We are searching for answers and meaning.  Our President has acted decisively to begin the process of bringing the perpetrators of these acts to justice.  He has declared war on terrorism and has called the American people to stand and fight.

With all the talk of war and vengeance, justice and retribution what are Christians to think.  What are we to make of these events?

“This is a crucial test for the Christian church.  We must measure our words carefully.  We must think biblically and seek a proper perspective into which we can put all of this.  This is not easy, but authentic ministry often comes down to saying what you know to be true when people are desperate to hear it and no one seems to know where else to look.”  (Mohler)

It is time for a Word from God.  What does God have to say?  Where was and is God during these times?

I do not pretend to understand the all reason or the ramifications of these events.  However, there seems to me to be some fundamental questions being asked that need to be answered.

Are these events a sign of the Second Coming of our Lord?

How should believers react to these events?

Where is God in all of this confusion?

What do these events teach us about mankind?

What should we do now?

1A.      Are These Events a Sign of the Second Coming of Our Lord?  (Matthew 24:3-8)

1B.      Matthew 24:3-8 - The Scriptures warn that the last days will be filled with war and terror.

2B.      Matthew 24:42-43 - The Scriptures warn us against the temptation of setting dates.

3B.      Matthew 24:44-47 - The Scriptures command us to be ever ready for our Lord’s return.

2A.      How Should Believers React to these Events?  (Psalm 22:1-2)

These events should cause us to cry out to God.

1B.      John 11:32-36 - We cry out to God because of the pain we feel.

Ø      Jesus felt pain with Mary and Martha when Lazarus died.

2B.      Matthew 8:24-27 - We cry out because of the fear we experience. 

Ø      The disciples called out to Jesus when they feared for their lives on the Sea of Galilee.

3B.      Mark 9:17-24 - We cry out because we feel helpless. 

Ø      The man was powerless to help his son.

4B.      Revelation 6:9-10 - We cry out because of the justice we desire.

Ø      Like the slain saints around the throne of God we cry for God’s judgment on evil.

3A.      Where is God In All Of This Confusion?  (Psalm 22:3)

1B.      God is “holy” therefore He cannot commit evil.

1 John 1:5 - God is absolute righteousness, love, goodness, and justice.

Habakkuk 1:13 - Good does not define God, God defines good.

2B.      God is “enthroned” therefore He is omnipotent and omniscient

“The Creator rules over all creation.  Not even a sparrow falls without His knowledge.  He knows the number of hairs upon our heads.  God rules and reigns over all nations and principalities.  Not one atom or molecule of the universe is outside His active rule.”  (Mohler)

Daniel 4:35 - God is sovereign over all anything less would make Him to be less than God.

“How does God exercise His rule?  Does He order all events by decree, or does He allow some evil acts by His mere permission?  This much we know—we cannot speak of God’s decree in a way that would imply Him to be the author of evil, and we cannot fall back to speak of His mere permission, as if this allows a denial of His sovereignty and active will.”  (Mohler)

3B.      God is God and God is good.  (Romans 8:28)

“We dare not speak on God’s behalf to explain why He allowed these particular acts of evil to happen at this time to these persons and in this manner.  Yet, at the same time, we dare not be silent when we should testify to the God of righteousness and love and justice who rules over all in omnipotence.  Humility requires that we affirm all that the Bible teaches, and go no further.  There is much we do not understand.  As Charles Spurgeon explained, when we cannot trace God’s hand, we must simply trust His heart.”  (Mohler)

4A.      What Do These Events Teach Us About Mankind?  (Psalm 22:6)

“These acts of terror were not merely attacks upon individuals, or attacks upon America, or attacks upon civilization—these were attacks upon God’s dignity, God’s creatures, God’s law, and God’s glory.”  (Mohler)

1B.      We are all sinners.  (Romans 3:10)

We are all sinners from birth.  (Psalm 58:3)

We are all sinners by choice.  (Psalm 53:3)

We are all sinners by practice.  (Genesis 6:5)

Ø      Left to our own there is no sin we are not capable of committing.

2B.      Sin will always bring pain.

We are all personally responsible for our sin.  (Ezekiel 18:20)

We are all hopelessly ruined by our sin.  (Jeremiah 13:23)

Ø      We are not as bad as we can be, but Sin has contaminated our entire being.

We are all eternally doomed by our sin.  (Romans 6:23)

We are all affected by the sin of others.  (Exodus 34:7)

3B.      In Christ alone we find the remedy for our sin.  (Romans 5:6, 8)

“God will judge all of us, and we will bear the full wrath of His judgment except we be found in Christ, covered by His own righteousness imputed to us by faith.”  (Mohler)

5A.      What Should We Do Now?

1B.      These events should cause us to trust and obey God.  (22:4-5)

Final justice belongs to God.

Romans 12:19 “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,’ says the Lord.”

Temporal justice is the responsibility of earthly rulers.  (Romans 13:3-4)

Ø      We are to seek justice and demand punishment for evil deeds.

Ø      Governments that refuse to exercise justice are an affront to God.

Ø      True justice is proportional to the crime.

2B.      These events should cause us to repent and turn to God.  (Luke 13:1-9)

Ø      We should see this as God’s call to repentance not as an opportunity to “judge” the sin of those who died.

Ø      We should see this as warning of the danger of God’s immediate judgment on us.

Ø      This should be a time of personal and national repentance.

Psalm 22:1-5

1A.      Are These Events a _________ of the Second Coming of Our Lord?  (Matthew 24:3-8)

1B.      Matthew 24:3-8 - The Scriptures warn that the last days will be filled with war and terror.

2B.      Matthew 24:42-43 - The Scriptures warn us against the temptation of setting __________.

3B.      Matthew 24:44-57 - The Scriptures command us to be ever ready for our Lord’s return.

2A.      How Should Believers _________________ to these Events?  (Psalm 22:1-2)

1B.      John 11:32-36 - We cry out to God because of the _________________ we feel.

2B.      Matthew 8:24-27 - We cry out because of the _________________ we experience. 

3B.      Mark 9:17-24 - We cry out because we feel ____________________.

4B.      Revelation 6:9-10 - We cry out because of the _________________________ we desire.

3A.      Where is ________ In All Of This Confusion?  (Psalm 22:3)

1B.      God is “_______________” therefore He cannot commit evil.

1 John 1:5 - God is absolute righteousness, love, goodness, and justice.

Habakkuk 1:13 - Good does not define God, God defines _____________________.

2B.      God is “_________________” therefore He is omnipotent and omniscient

Daniel 4:35 - God is sovereign over all anything less would make Him to be less than God.

3B.      God is God and God is good.  (Romans 8:28)

4A.      What Do These Events Teach Us About ________________________?  (Psalm 22:6)

1B.      We are all _______________.  (Romans 3:10)

We are all sinners from _________.  (Psalm 58:3)

We are all sinners by ___________.  (Psalm 53:3)

We are all sinners by __________.  (Genesis 6:5)

2B.      Sin will always bring ___________________.

We are all ___________________ responsible for our sin.  (Ezekiel 18:20)

We are all hopelessly ____________________ by our sin.  (Jeremiah 13:23)

We are all eternally ________________ by our sin.  (Romans 6:23)

We are all affected by the sin of others.  (Exodus 34:7)

3B.      In Christ alone we find the remedy for our sin.  (Romans 5:6, 8)

5A.      What Should We Do Now?

1B.      These events should cause us to _________________ and obey God.  (22:4-5)

______________________ justice belongs to God.  (Romans 12:19)

Temporal justice is the responsibility of earthly rulers.  (Romans 13:3-4)

2B.      These events should cause us to ___________ and turn to God.  (Luke 13:1-9)

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