SF042 - JESUS POWER OVER SIN (Matthew 9 1-8)

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Matthew 9:1-8 (Mark 2:1-13)


The most distinctive message of Christianity is the reality that sin can be forgiven.  That is the heart and lifeblood of the gospel, that men can be freed from Sin and its consequences.  The Christian faith has many truths, values, and virtues, each of which has countless applications in the lives of believers.  But its supreme, overarching good news is that sinful man can be fully cleansed and brought into eternal fellowship with holy God.  That is the message of Matthew 9:1-8.

Matthew’s arrangement and presentation of the three sets of miracles in chapters 8 and 9 show progressive developments in revealing Jesus’ credentials as the divine Messiah.  First we see Him heal a leper with the touch of His hand (8:3), heal a centurion’s servant without having seen the afflicted person (8:13), and then heal Peter’s mother-in-law of a serious fever (8:15).  Next He went beyond physical afflictions and demonstrated His authority and power over the spiritual kingdom of Satan by casting out many demons with a word (8:16), by demonstrating His power over the great natural forces by stilling the storm on Galilee (8:26), and by again demonstrating His authority over Satan by casting out a legion of demons from two possessed men of Gadara (8:32).

In the first of the last three miracles in these two chapters Jesus ascends still higher in the drama of supernatural acts as He deals with sin, the root of all man’s physical and spiritual troubles and misery as well as the cause of his separation from his Creator.  Christ Jesus demonstrates His power to remove the pollution and guilt of sin in those who trust in Him.  The Great Physician not only can heal the sick, still the storm, and cast out demons, but can bring to the human soul the thing that it needs most: forgiveness of sin. 

The events and teachings of Matthew 9:1-8 and its parallel in Mark 2 set forth this truth.

1A.      A Supernatural Excitement (Mark 2:1-2)

1B.      The source of the excitement was Jesus.  (2:1b)

The Lord’s person should excite us!

The Lord’s presence should excite us!

The Lord’s power should excite us!

2B.      The scope of the excitement was broad.  (2:2a)

The coming of Jesus was the biggest event in town.

Nothing bigger can or will happen in your life.

3B.      The subject of the excitement was the preaching of Jesus!  (2:2b)

Acts 8:35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he preached Jesus to him.

2A.      A Life Changing Encounter (Matthew 9:2)

1B.      The paralyzed sinner (Matthew 9:2a)

Sickness is often used to illustrate what sin does to us.

Ø      Sin will cripple you and make you powerless.

Ø      Sin will change you and make you dependent on others.

Ø      Sin will isolate you and keep you from Christ.

Ø      Sin will condemn you to death.

2B.      The persistent soul winners (Matthew 9:2b; Mark 2:4)

They paid a great price to bring their friend to Jesus!

They refused to allow his condition to stop them.

They refused to allow the crowd to stop them.

They refused to allow the ceiling to stop them.

They refused to allow the critics to stop them.

3B.      The perfect Savior!  (Matthew 9:2b)

Jesus commands the paralytic to “take courage.”

Ø       Tharseoô (take courage, imperative) refers to courage which is deep and genuine—in contrast to tolmaoô, which refers to outward boldness.

Ø       Tolmaoô would be characterized by gritting the teeth to help endure pain.  It is the kind of courage that tries to master fear by sheer will power and determination.

Ø       Jesus was saying, “Don’t be afraid, because you no longer have anything to be afraid of.”

Jesus confirms the paralytic’s faith.

Ø       He saw “their faith”

Ø       He called him “son”

Jesus announces the paralytic’s forgiveness - “Your sins are forgiven”

Ø       Aphieômi, has the basic idea of sending or driving away, of doing away with.

Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

3A.      A Soul Searching Examination (Matthew 9:3-5)

1B.      Jesus read their hearts.  (Matthew 9:3-4)

Jeremiah 17:9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?  I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

Jesus knows every thought, desire, and intention of our hearts.

Nothing is hidden from Him.

2B.      Jesus revealed their hearts.  (Matthew 9:5)

Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.

God will first reveal your sin to you.

If you do not repent, He will reveal your sin to others.

3B.      Jesus rebuked their unbelief (Matthew 9:6-7)

What Jesus said.  (9:6)

Ø      To the scribes

In order that they might know He could forgive sin, which they could not see, He did what they could see—by dealing with sin’s symptoms.

Ø      To the paralytic

Airo, get up, imperative verb

What the paralytic did.  (9:7)

4A.      A God-Centered Exaltation (Matthew 9:8)

1B.      Their praise was based on reality not emotions.  (Matthew 9:8a)

This man was healed.

This man had been saved!

2B.      Their praise was a result of God’s power not man’s programming!  (Matthew 9:8b)

They were amazed!

Only God is truly amazing!


What has happened in your life lately that can only be explained by saying God did it?


Matthew 9:1-8 (Mark 2:1-13)

1A.      A Supernatural Excitement (Mark 2:1-2)

1B.      The _______________ of the excitement was Jesus.  (2:1b)

2B.      The ______________ of the excitement was broad.  (2:2a)

3B.      The _______________ of the excitement was the preaching of Jesus!  (2:2b)

Acts 8:35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he preached Jesus to him.

2A.      A Life Changing Encounter (Matthew 9:2)

1B.      The paralyzed ___________________ (Matthew 9:2a)

Sickness is often used to illustrate what sin does to us.

2B.      The persistent ___________ winners (Matthew 9:2b; Mark 2:4)

They paid a great price to bring their friend to Jesus!

They refused to allow his condition to stop them.

They refused to allow the crowd to stop them.

They refused to allow the ceiling to stop them.

They refused to allow the critics to stop them.

3B.      The perfect ______________!  (Matthew 9:2b)

Jesus commands the paralytic to “take courage.”

Jesus confirms the paralytic’s faith.

Jesus announces the paralytic’s forgiveness - “Your sins are forgiven”

Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

3A.      A Soul Searching Examination (Matthew 9:3-5)

1B.      Jesus ________ their hearts.  (Matthew 9:3-4)

Jeremiah 17:9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?  I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

2B.      Jesus revealed their hearts.  (Matthew 9:5)

Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.

3B.      Jesus rebuked their unbelief (Matthew 9:6-7)

What Jesus said.  (9:6)

What the paralytic did.  (9:7)

4A.      A God-Centered Exaltation (Matthew 9:8)

1B.      Their praise was based on ______________ not emotions.  (Matthew 9:8a)

2B.      Their praise was a _________ of God’s power not man’s programming!  (Matthew 9:8b)

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