Trail Magic I Couldn't Take
Day 5 - Walking at 8:30 a.m. I saw my first "trail magic". That is a term for "ra ndom acts of kindness" done for hikers. Often it is some form of food or drink. It was early so likely the two were left the evening before. Such items are meant to be enjoyed by those who come along. You do not look around to see who has given it. You do not look for a way to pay for it. You may have some one with you with whom you can share it. You are reminded that someone who does not even know you is thinking about you. There will be not thank you note afterwards. It is SIMPLE. Leavning something for someone whom you do not know. It is something they will likely want and even need. It made my day - even though I did not take it. In fact, I took a picture of the "trail magic". There were two cans (one to drink and one to share). If it was hotter in the day it may have been much more tempting. It was two cans of Budwizer light.