Our Eyes Are On Thee

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Our Eyes Are On Thee
Saturday, September 29, 2018
7:23 PM
Jehoshaphat means "Yahweh Judged" or "Yahweh established the right." He was the son and successor of Asa as the fourth king of Judah (1 Kings 15:24). He ruled for twenty-five years. You can find the Biblical record of his reign in the final chapters of 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles 17-20. While he was considered a good king and worshiper of the One True God of Israel, he did make an alliance with Ahab, king of Israel, while it brought some peace to the divided kingdom it brought Jerhoam, Jehoshaphat's son and Athaliah, Ahab's daughter into marriage a union that proved to be horrific.
His reign though was rich with worship, seeking God, and educating the people. I like this about King Jehoshaphat.
In this passage we find that someone brings King Jehoshaphat a message:
"There cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side Syria: and they are very close."
Jehoshaphat doesn't seem to spend much precious time wringing his hands wondering what to do next it says that
Verse 3 - He was afraid and, set himself to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. And Judah gathered themselves together to ask help of the LORD."
This prayer of Jehoshaphat is powerful and helpful listen to it: Its' as if I can see a desperate King calling upon the King of Kings in faith and hope -
Jehoshaphat's prayer had several essential ingredients.
(1) He committed the situation to God, acknowledging that only God could save the nation.
Mrs. Charles Cowman wrote in Streams in the Desert: It is such a comfort to drop the tangles of life into God's hands and leave them there.
(2) He sought God's favor because his people were God's people.
(3) He acknowledged God's sovereignty over the current situation.
(4) He praised God's glory and took comfort in his promises.
(5) He professed complete dependence on God, not himself, for deliverance.
Life Application Study Bible.
I really like verse 12 when it's as if King Jehoshaphat has reached the end of himself and his desperation and cries out, "We have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: BUT OUR EYES ARE UPON THEE!!!!"
I like that - if we can get our eyes upon God even an approaching army and the sentence of sure death doesn't sway our vision. But causes us to focus on HIM.
Keeping Our Eyes on HIM is the only way to victory!!!
Brother David in his book, "Project Pear" which chronicles the successful smuggling of 1 million Bibles into China tells an amazing story I want to share.
"Long after Project Pearl was completed we received a remarkable testimony from an elderly Chinese pastor named John, who had already spent many years in prison for the sake of the gospel.
Pastor John, who was in his seventies, agreed to receive a consignment of 10,000 Bibles on the day following the Pearl delivery. He was thrilled and overflowing with joy to participate in this way, and he looked forward to distributing the Bibles among the many needy believers in his area. When the consignment of Bibles arrives at his home, John wept and hugged them with pure joy, thanking God for allowing them to have so many copies of His precious Word at one time.
After the authorities were notified of the Bible delivery and launched a thorough investigation, the situation became so tense that John decided it was prudent to store the 10,000 Bibles until the pressure eased. The weeks passed but eh situation remained tense so he asked a Christian farmer to hide the Bibles under his barn. The authorities were sure John was one of the main participants in the project, so they arrested him and took him to the local prison, even though there was no evidence of his involvement. John realized how serious the situation was when he saw that his interrogators were not local policemen, but special investigators who had flown in from Beijing to deal with the incident.
The infuriated interrogators shouted questions and abused the venerable man of God, who just closed his eyes and prayed silently. They wanted names of the leaders of Project Pearl, but there was no way John would betray his brothers and sisters in such a way. His refusal to answer enraged the men even more, so they dragged him from the interrogation room into the prison courtyard where they made him stand on a wooden box, about four feet high and less than a foot wide.
Seeing that the old man would not bow to their intimidation the guards bound John's hands behind his back and placed a noose around his neck. A man climbed up on the roof of an adjacent building and fastened the rope to a beam. "Now, lets see how calm you are, old man!" they sneered. "The moment you grow tired you will fall off the box and die! This is all your own doing. Get ready to meet your God!"
Two guards remained behind to witness the faithful pastor's death, while the others walked off, mocking John's faith and laughing at his predicament. Instead of stumbling, however, the humble pastor felt a surge of power enter his body. His legs seemed to strengthen, and he boldly proclaimed the gospel to the two guards. When the sun went down, the guards were surprised that the old man had not yet collapsed.
The following day dawned to find John still standing on the small box. His throat was dry, but a shower of rain refreshed him. The guards resumed their positions, sure that any minute the Christian prisoner would collapse and hang himself. The hours passed, and the only sound heard in the courtyard was that of John preaching the gospel in a loud voice. He told the guards that He was not afraid of death because Jesus Christ had already made a place for him in heaven. One of the men laughed and replied, "Old man, if I get to be your age and look as unhealthy as you do I won't be afraid to die either!"
The bored guards turned their attention on gambling with each other. This greatly encouraged John as he thought about the similarities with the Roman guards gambling for Jesus' clothing as He hung on the cross.
Incredibly, the second day ended, and the pastor remained standing.
The same happened on the third day, then the fourth, fifth, and sixth! The other guards heard that the old man was still alive and they came to see for themselves. Other prisoners heard of the incredible miracle and gave glory to God. The longer John remained standing on the box without food or rest, the more the fear of God began to grip all who witnessed the extraordinary event.
As each day passed, John's physical condition worsened. His legs swelled up to twice their normal size and at times they shook uncontrollably from cramp. On the 11th day John started to feel weak and was close to collapse. The Holy Spirit sustained him, however and he carried on. John had now become something of a spectacle, and news of the miracle had reached outside the prison walls. Some of the leading officials and men of the town came to see it for themselves.
On the 13th day a strong storm swept in and heavy rain lashed John's body, soaking him to the skin. As the box beneath his foot shook from the wind, John realized that he could hold out no longer. Every sinew in his body had been strained beyond endurance. His limbs were numb, and his torso ached for a moment's respite.
John closed his eyes and his legs gave way, and the beloved pastor fell unconscious as the noose tightened around his neck.
About ten minutes later John opened his eyes to find himself stretched out on the prison floor, His whole body was in excruciating pain, especially his arms which had been tied behind his back for almost two weeks. Now that the ropes had been loosened, the blood rushed to his limbs and caused overwhelming pain. Not knowing what was going on, John finally became aware that someone was trying to help him sit up, and a bottle of water was being pressed against his chapped lips. A few minutes more passed before he was able to make out that the person helping him was one of the guards who had been assigned to watch him die. The second guard was standing nearby.
"Please don't die! We want to know your Jesus !"
"Why?" John asked in a faint whisper.
They explained to John that when his legs had finally collapsed in the midst of the storm, his body hung in the air, swinging back and forth from the overhead beam. Then, a moment later, a bolt of lightning suddenly illuminated the courtyard, cutting the rope just above his head and causing him to fall to the ground. Shaking with fear, the two guards dragged the unconscious prisoner inside and tried to revive him.
Pastor John gradually regained his strength and led the two desperate men to faith in Jesus Christ. Dozens of other guards and prisoners who heard what happened also repented of their sins and placed their trust in God. Realizing that they risked the wrath of God if they continued to persecute the elderly Christian, the authorities released him form prison. John returned home, and later dug up the 10,000 Bibles and distributed them among the believers.
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