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Scripture Reading:  Colossians 3:12-14


Title: Living like an authentic Christian – Colossians 3:15-17


Introduction:  Guy H. King relates a very important event.  Years ago I was leading the Children’s Special Service Mission at one of our South Coast resorts.  As I was approaching the beach one morning, this little fellow was going along there, too.  As he caught sight of me, he said, ‘Mommy, here comes the JESUS man.”  He only meant that I was a man who spoke to the children about the Savior; but his remark meant far more to my heart that day.  What right had I, have I, to be called a JESUS man?  What degree of resemblance is there about us?


Central Idea:  Christians should be living out authentic Christianity.


Main Transition:  Last week we began studying what it means to be an authentic Christian.  The key words were “Put on.”  As Christians we must put on Mercy, forgiveness, and love.  Today we now have to live it out.  A key word for us today is “let,” in other words, in your life let the authentic Christian be revealed.  So as Christians we must live peacefully in the body of Christ, then we must also live in the Word of God, and all of this translates to living out a godly life.    


I.  Live peacefully in the body of Christ (15)


            A.  Your heart of peace

                        1.  This is a peace that only true believers can possess.

2.  This is peace that comes when the war is over, for the believer the battle between themselves and God is over, the treaty has been signed by Christ, through his substitionary atonement.  This is the gospel in two words, the gospel in four that helps us to understand this a little better is Christ died for us.

3.  Romans 5:1 helps us to understand this.  The peace that we have frees us from the writhing anguish of constant struggle with God over our lost condition.

            B.  Your calling as a Christian

                        1.  Your calling as a Christian is the relation aspect of peace. 

2.  Individuals that express this peace with Christ will live in unity and harmony with each other.

3.  In order to maintain a peaceful heart one has to be thankful for what the Lord has done for them and for their fellow believers.

Illustration:  Church members many times have problems living at peace with one another.  However, the source of those conflicts is usually a heart that is not thankful for what God has done in their hearts and is doing in the hearts of the other individual.  Peace and gratitude are closely linked.

C.     Your identification in Christ

1.      All of this boils down to your identification in Christ.

2.      As a believer you must be one who is thankful for the work that God is doing in your heart. 

3.      You are part of one body, the church which is not just this congregation, but every person who trusts in Christ as Savior.  You have an obligation and a command to live out the peace that you know have a believer.

4.      Those that do not know Christ are truly tormented souls at war with God because of their sin nature.  You who are at peace praise the Lord and live like it.


Transition:  Again this morning as was the case last week in order for you to live out an authentic Christian life, it starts personally before it moves into the church.  So often we blame the church for not feeding us or meeting our needs.  We blame the church for the problems with conflicts and strife.  This is not the pattern Paul is demonstrating.  Christ working in your life, brings about change that then moves to the other believers around you.


II.  Live in the Word of God (16)


A.     Be a student of the Word of God

1.      the word for Dwell literally means that we are to be at home in the Word of God

a.  The word is in the present tense which indicates that as believers we are to be in the Word of God now, when we get home, when we lay down tonight, and throughout the week.

b.  and by adding to that the command to let the Word of God richly dwell in us

c.       Means that the Word of God should permeate every aspect of the believers life. 

2.      Paul’s command is that we are to be people who know the Scriptures well. 

Application:  In order for you and I to be able to say that we are living in the Word of God, we need to ask a question, when was the last time you made a decision based upon what the Word of God says?  As believers we need to not only know the Word of God, but be using the Word of God.  The principles and the instructions should be foremost on our minds.  This means that we memorize and dedicate ourselves to study and application of God’s Word.


            B.  Exercise your opportunity to be involved in the body

1.  Once we have applied what we have studied from the Word of God we need to be active within the body of Christ.

                        2.  Paul’s command is that we be reaching out to others in the church

a.  He gives two directives to follow, first teaching – this is the positive side of imparting Truth. This can come only after having applied the truth of God to our own lives.  This is the ability to reach out to one who is hurting and encourage them with the Word of God and helping them to begin to spend time in the Word of God as well. 

b.  The second directive is admonish, this is the negative side of discipleship.  This is the instruction that reveals the destructive nature of the path that one is on.  As believers we need to be teaching and admonishing, both revealing the positive and the negative instruction. 

3.  This then produces not only information, but also emotion.  We display that emotion and honor back to God with our song.  Believers, we are uplifted and discipled by the words that we sing and the testimony of each other.

C.  Have a heart of thanksgiving

1.  Thanksgiving is a major theme in these three verses, it is an important part of the believers relationship with Christ.

1.  We need to understand that as Paul says “singing with Thanksgiving in your hearts” he does not means to not sing praise to God with our voice

2.      Rather he is saying that one action produces the next, Your study leads to application which leads to discipleship which leads to praise

3. Paul’s concern is that your heart agree with your mouth.

Application:   Paul is looking right to your heart.  This morning you sang praise to God, we prayed for one another, we lifted each other up.  But, does your heart agree with the words you lifted in song?  Singing is offered to God as praise and worship offered to Him for His pleasure and glory.  Believers are also edified as a result of praise as a by product of its main purpose.


Transition:  When you leave this afternoon, will you become a student of the Word of God?  Will you return next week prepared to join in praise and worship in order to build each other up?  Paul is still speaking to believers and instructing us how to live godly lives.  The question becomes are you willing to live it out?


III. Live out a godly life (17)

            A.  A basic rule of thumb

1.  This verse really summarizes the other five verses of authentic Christianity.

Application:  I encourage you to begin living in the Word of God by memorizing this verse. 

2.  If you desire to be an authentic Christian this verse should become your vision statement.

B.     Wear the clothes of Christ

1.      No matter what you put your hand too are you living it out godly.

2.      no matter what you say, are your words seasoned with godliness, remember godliness does not mean that your words are always nice and fluffy. 

a.  Speaking godly means that you are teaching which is positive, but you are also admonishing, warning those around you of the consequences of their actions,

b.  No matter what you say it should always be said out of agape love (14)

3.      For the third time we are also reminded that we are to be thankful.

a. all that has been instructed to us today must be done without reluctance or despair or legalistic duty

b.      It should stem from our thankfulness to Christ through God the Father. 

c.       I would encourage you not to fake Christianity, or you will be sorely disappointed as the Lord will correct what needs to be corrected.

4.  To put on the new lifestyle is to put on Christ.  That is the obligation of every believer.  (Romans 13:14)

Conclusion:  Out of all that we have studied these past two weeks, it is encouraging to me that we are each one as believers working on this process.  It also reveals to me that we often struggle with the Spirit of God and in reality we only need to stop and listen to the Word of God.  We must be careful not to lord over our fellow believers, but to lift them in prayer and praise before God.  Encourage each other this morning and do so out of peace.  So the question we must answer is the same question that Guy H King asked.  What right, have I, to be called a JESUS man?  What resemblance is there between you and your Savior?  We each have the obligation before God and this body of believers to live out godly lives.  This is one of our foremost responsibilities as believers, every aspect of your life will be radically transformed is you are faithful in being an Authentic Christian.   The goal of the authentic Christian life is Christlikeness.

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