Scripture Reading: Colossians 4:2-6
Title: Paul's Farewell Appeal 4:2-18
Introduction: There is something about a farewell address that peaks the attention of the listener. We may doze off for a while and then when the speaker says finally we snap back to life. I remember a pastor growing up that left our church on good terms and left one Sunday after having given a farewell address. The church was full of those wishing to say goodbye. I cannot remember a message of his that was so clear and pointed as the one he gave that day. He was a good speaker and expositor of the Word of God, yet this day he was at his best. His message resonated in the minds of each on that attended that morning. It was a day that not one soon forgot.
Central Idea: A believer must never become lazy in the most basic of Christian duties.
Main Transition: Paul's appeal this morning deals with two areas of a Christian’s life that are the most mismanaged responsibilities we have. It may be that we are too familiar with them that we let them slide. It may be they are too simple and we neglect their prominence. Or it may be sinful disobedience, whatever the case we need to come to the place of complete obedience. The first of those responsibilities is having the devotion to pray. The second is the dedication to witness. We will then close out the book of Colossians with Paul’s final encouragement.
I. Having the devotion to pray (2-4)
A. Developing a devotion to pray
1. The word devote that Paul uses is to express to us that we need to be steadfast and diligent about prayer.
a. It is easy to slip into a time where it is hard to pray, we forget about it or we loose our desire to come before God.
b. Sometimes we question the true power of prayer, therefore we begin to question the power of God to answer prayer.
2. Paul’s encouragement is that we need not worry about God’s power, we need to be concerned about our worship.
a. The word for prayer is the word that we get prostrate from. This is an attitude of lay face down before God in worship of Him
b. This means that we consider and apply the truth of who we are before God. How dare we become haughty and prideful when prayer goes seemingly unanswered.
c. It is at this time that we devote ourselves to prayer and seek the heart of God.
B. Seeking a heart of Thanksgiving
1. The word for keeping alert is the same word used to describe the Christians anticipation of the rapture of the church in 1 Thess. 4
2. Paul is urging us to keep awake, and alert to pray especially with an attitude of Thanksgiving.
3. Thankfulness should be on the tip of our tongue every time and any time we pray.
C. Pray for the witness of Gospel
1. Paul now presents a prayer request to the Colossians, Pray for us that we may have an open door to share the gospel.
Illustration: Most Sunday morning’s we have Missions Moments. The purpose of this time is to ensure that we are aware of what our missionaries are doing and how we can best be praying for them. My question is, are we faithful in praying for them? We have a board in the foyer that has the letters and picture of our missionaries, do you spend time reading the letters and praying for the missionaries? This is what Paul’s prayer request for himself is all about.
a. Our missionaries represent one form of witness that is out in this world, the other one is right here in this room today.
b. Paul’s chief concern was that God would continue to use him to spread the gospel. Paul was in prison for sharing his faith, yet he is passionate about continuing the work.
2. Do we pray for each other as we seek to share our faith? Pray for the witness of the gospel here in Goodland as well as in Uruguay, Paraguay, Mexico, England, Utah, and on and on.
Transition: Paul has issued a call to arms. Lay on your face and pray before the Lord. Devote yourself to a life characterized by prayer. The greatest warriors in evangelism are often times the ones behind closed doors on their face before the Lord praying for the salvation of souls. Learn what it means to pray before the Lord, don’t allow yourself to forget to pray, or be to lazy or to much in a hurry to pray.
II. Having the dedication to witness (5-6)
A. Proper lifestyle outside of the church
1. Believers should live like they are believers. The outsiders are those that do not know Christ as Savior.
2. Their life should be seen as different by those that are in the world.
a. The only way that a believer can be different is if they are truly seeking the wisdom that is from God. James 1:5 says, If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
b. This then is reflective of your prayer life.
Illustration: A story was shared with me about a conversation one of our younger members had with his parents. He said, “If they want to know the truth they should come to our church.” This is profound insight coming from the mouth of such a young person. The same should be able to be said of us, if they want to know the truth they should come watch you for a day. How would they respond after watching you?
B. Take full advantage of each opportunity
1. The way you live your life will open up doors for the sake of the gospel
2. The Christians job is to walk through those doors no matter how small they may be and share the gospel message.
Illustration: John MacArthur says of this passage, “Believers are called to so live that they establish the credibility of the Christian faith and that they make the most of every evangelistic opportunity.”
C. Think before you speak
1. Graceful speech means to speak what is spiritual, wholesome, fitting, kind, sensitive, purposeful, complimentary, gentle, truthful, loving, and thoughtful – O how I wish we watched what we said more often. Your words reflect what is going on in your heart, it may be unspoken but a heart that is not genuine is easily detectable, make sure your heart agrees with your words.
2. Seasoned with salt
Illustration: When I was in Brazil as a teenager I was fascinated by the way they preserved their meat. There are no refrigerators in the jungle, but there is salt. The salt would be rubbed into the meat to prevent it from decaying before it was able to be consumed.
a. amid the decay of the world around us, our words should be the preserving agent that slows the decay, and shares the message that may save some.
b. Salt also has another benefit – How many have ever eaten a French fry with no salt? Salt flavors, a Christians would should always be a blessing to those who do not know Christ as Savior. They should also especially be a blessing to those who do now Christ as Savior.
Transition: Both of these responsibilities that we have discussed today are areas that we struggle with. But a word of encouragement to us is that this normal for the Christian. While this should not be an excuse it does serve to remind us that even the early church struggled with reaching their neighbors. They struggled to make the most of every situation for the cause of Christ. This is why we need to spend time to develop each and every aspect of the Christian life. Now, Paul closes out his book.
III. Paul's final encouragement (7-18)
A. The report from Rome (7-9)
1. We enter into the final farewell’s of the book of Colossians
2. There are some stand out names and events that Paul mentions
a. First, Tychius – He is bringing word of what is happening to Paul and the those with him. Paul was in prison but the ministry of the gospel continues to grow.
b. Onesimus – a slave of Philemon – He too will inform the Colossians about what is taking place in Rome.
B. Ministers to Paul (10-17)
1. Paul now informs the Colossians about those that are ministering to him.
2. Among them are Epaphras, who was the first Colossian believer and who was used of God to begin the church in Colossae, there was also Luke, the writer of the gospel that bears his name. These are those that are ministering to Paul as he is imprisoned in Rome.
D. Remember the suffering (18)
1. Paul finally closes the book with a request that the Colossians would remember the sufferings that Paul is enduring and very likely remind them to pray for him.
2. Paul never having seen the Colossian church endears himself to them in a special way. The unity of the family of God is truly a gift from the Lord. Paul feels a special bond with these believers, that special bond is the Holy Spirit, to gift of the completed work on the cross and the Risen Savior.
Conclusion: Paul’s closing words to the Colossians bring us to the point of understanding the power of God through the body of Christ. Paul a man who suffered for his faith terribly found strength and encouragement through those that the Lord used to minister to him. It was through the prayers and the unstoppable gospel message that Paul found encouragement. The challenge to you and I is don’t forget!! Don’t let the business of the world interfere with your responsibility to share the message of Salvation, and don’t let the pressures of the world strangle your prayer life, especially when you are praying with thankfulness and for the continued work of reaching the lost.