Sermon notes - Colossians 1.1-3.25
Sermon Notes – Colossians 3:18-21 - The authentic Christian family
Central Idea: Christians should live their lives in light of the secure salvation of their souls.
I. The source of true confidence
A. Your new position (1:13)
B. The completed work of Christ
C. Stop Thief (2:18)
II. The authenticity of your faith
A. Results of your new position (3:1)
B. A lifestyle to reject (3:5-11)
C. A lifestyle to adopt (3:12-17)
III. The impact of Christ in your Family
A. The Marriage relationship (3:18-19)
B. The parenting dilemma (3:20-21)
C. The actions of a godly servant (3:22-25)
Sermon Notes – Colossians 3:18-21 - The authentic Christian family
Central Idea: Christians should live their lives in light of the secure salvation of their souls.
I. The source of true ______________________
A. Your new __________________(1:13)
B. The ____________________ work of Christ
C. Stop _______________ (2:18)
II. The _________________________of your faith
A. ________________ of your new position (3:1)
B. A lifestyle to _______________ (3:5-11)
C. A lifestyle to _______________ (3:12-17)
III. The __________________of Christ in your Family
A. The __________________ relationship (3:18-19)
B. The ___________________ dilemma (3:20-21)
C. The actions of a godly ________________ (3:22-25)