Sermon notes - Colossians 2.8-12
Sermon Notes – Colossians 2:8-12
Central Idea: Believers in Christ must understand that our roots must be placed in the firm foundation of Christ.
I. The supremacy of Christ (8-10)
A. The world’s point of view (8)
B. Paul once again confronts the Colossian heresy (9)
C. Your position as a believer (10)
II. The circumcision without hands (11)
A. The purpose of circumcision
B. Your new position in Christ
C. The sufficiency of this new circumcision
III. The baptism of Christ (12)
A. The reality of the death and resurrection of Christ
B. The purpose of this baptism
C. The sufficiency of Christ in Salvation
Sermon Notes – Colossians 2:8-12
Central Idea: Believers in Christ must understand that our roots must be placed in the firm foundation of Christ.
I. The __________________ of Christ (8-10)
A. The ________________ point of view (8)
B. Paul once again ________________ the Colossian heresy (9)
C. Your _________________ as a believer (10)
II. The circumcision _________________ hands (11)
A. The ________________ of circumcision
B. Your new _____________ in Christ
C. The ______________________ of this new circumcision
III. The ________________ of Christ (12)
A. The _______________ of the death and resurrection of Christ
B. The purpose of this _______________
C. The sufficiency of Christ in ____________________