Pursuit of Your Dreams
Subject: God’s Call Occasion: Sunday Worship
Theme: Pursuing God’s Will Date: Sept 28, 2008
Speaker: Patrick Shively Place: LIFE Com. Church
Pursuit of Your Dreams
Intr.: Who is the owner of your dreams?…
1. Do you have dreams?
2. Where did they come from?
3. Who owns your dreams?
Prop.: God doesn’t need our help or our reminder to meet our promises...
T.S.: Abraham’s actions show us what a trusting life can look like.
I. Abraham was Attentive
1. “Here I am”
2. “Left early the next morning”
II. Abraham Understood God’s Character
1. You can trust God with your dreams
2. Hebrews 13:5-6
3. He will never leave or forsake us!
III. Abraham Knew the Outcome
1. Is anything to hard for God? (Gen 18:14)
2. God always does the right thing (Gen. 18:25) [Sodom and Gomorra]
3. God can raise your dreams from the dead (Heb. 11:19)
IV. God Owned Abraham’s Dreams
1. Freed him to follow boldly
2. Freed him from worry
3. Allowed him to be attentive, trust, and know the outcome
Concl.: God is the One who will make come to pass the things He has planned for our lives. Trust in Him and seek His leading and you will not be disappointed. (Read Psalm 25:4-5)