When Things Go Wrong

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Sometimes God doesn't do things the way we think He should or how we'd like Him to answer our particular requests. What does this mean? How do we relate? In this sermon, Pastor Eric lays the reality bare that sometimes God lets us down. He doesn't always meet our expectations. Pastor Eric shares positive hope, from the Bible, on how other faithful followers of God have navigated through the rough waters and how you can too. IN SHORT: God will let you down, but trust Him anyways. His way is best.


Welcome, Greeting, Prayer

Good Morning and Happy Sabbath!
It is a wonderful privilege to be here with you this morning. Just this week, I was praying to God and asked Him to give me a preaching appointment. You know since COVID-19 has hit, all my preaching engagements got cancelled and I didn’t accept any others. We did produce the Alberta Conference Virtual Camp Meeting, and so I was one of the co-producers for that endeavor. But I haven’t preached. So, it has been about 9 months since I preached last.
Early this week, I said to the Lord, Lord, I’m ready for another appointment. I’d like to preach if You have anything for me. So, He sent me three invites this week. LOL
And this one, I received the email from Elder DJ, but I didn’t respond right away. instead I forwarded it to our Conference administrators and Office staff, and asked if anybody wanted to take this. I only heard back from one individual and their reply was kindly no.
So, I said, Okay God. Here we go.
Now, you need to understand the message that I am going to share with you today is not what you would say a popular message. IN fact, to some people, it may even sound like I am critical of God. But if you listen carefully, I think you will find that I am far from critical of God. Realistic, yes. But, not critical. Or at least I don’t try to be.
The other thing that I hope you take away from this message today, is some empowerment. You see, the particular topic that my message today addresses, has to do with how we relate to God. It has to do with our expectations of God and how He, in turn, handles those expectations.
What I share with you, may come as a shock. It may even make you a bit uncomfortable. But, I’m not here today to make you comfortable. I’m here to try and help you gain a clearer understanding of who God is and how we can relate to Him and how He relates to us.
SO, are you ready? If you’re ready, say: “I’m ready!”


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