Covenant 12/20/2020
Good morning, everyone. How's everybody doing today? Hope everybody's doing well, we've been preaching through a series of Covenant D3 and preaching through a series about the birth of Christ the prophecy the birth. the life the day will be going into the death burial and resurrection of Jesus.
A sad story a glad story and a triumphant story. a story that only could be told it was true.
So today we're going to
Preached the gospel about the death burial and resurrection of Jesus. We started the service often.
David Dahl said something about For unto us a child is born unto us a savior is given book of Isaiah the prophecy. And the government shall be upon his shoulders in his name. Shall be Called wonderful counselor, Mighty God.
those words wonderful counselor, Mighty God Are very powerful then he goes after that nice and everlasting father Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and a piece that will be no end. You see the death was tragic the burial. I thought they were going to put him away for good. But the resurrection was a triumph over death hell and the grave. This is what we call in the evangelico world are in the theological world. We call it the gospel. This is the good news of Jesus Christ. Is he the word gospel is a term. It's a term that is used in a number of different ways in Christianity. It means good news is essentially the good news of Jesus Christ. The word is used for the four books. Other Bible which are called Matthew Mark Luke and John.
the synopsis Matthew Mark and Luke and eyewitness account of John
what the word is also used very precisely in the central doctrine of Christian faith.
Concerning Jesus name and Lead his death is burial in his resurrection. That is good news. Without the resurrection we couldn't be here today without the resurrection. You would not know peace that passes all understanding through knowing Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Stop all clearly states that the gospel he preached is that Jesus died according to scripture.
Was buried and rose again according to scripture. I want you to be very attentive what I'm saying here according to scripture. You see scripture doesn't skews the death and burial and Resurrection it tells the berry. Eyewitness accounts of what happened? The prophecy and then the eyewitness account in the gospel. Paul says in 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4. Now, I would remind you Brothers other gospel I preach to you which you received in which you stand and by which you are being saved. If you hold fast to the word I preach you I preach to you unless you believe in vain for I delivered to you as of first importance that I also receive that Christ died for our sins. in accordance with scripture
That he was buried and he was Mandy rose on the third day in accordance with scripture. You say Paul is declaring here that Jesus made many appearances. That he proved that to prove that he rose from the dead and so the Apostles Creed was written from that and what and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate and he suffered and buried and on the third day. He rose again the Apostles Creed. The point being that the Christian Gospel does not simply the facts of Jesus's death burial Resurrection, but all but those facts understood in accordance with God's word. Not what somebody Healthcare on the street says about it not what you know I say about it. But according to what this blessed book says about it what's between the pages of Genesis and Revelation is the very truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So what we have here in the gospel is Jesus is Beth death burial and Resurrection the facts understood according to scripture says in other words. The death of Jesus has to be understood according to God's word. It can't be any other way. It can't be any other way. Then we have to understand who this Jesus is. We have to understand who he is. Who is this Jesus? They gave his life for me. Who is this? Who's this man who really laid his life on a on a old Frost and was hammered in to stay there till he breathed his last breath. Do we need to know who this Jesus is living in? Oh, why why his death was so important? What kind of death it was it was a horrendous death and that day it was the worst way to die.
It was an agonizing long death.
And what did it accomplish? What did it accomplish what did his death accomplish likewise the Barrel in the resurrection have to be understood in the way that scripture teaches us to understand it. What actually it teaches how it teaches about his resurrection why his resurrection was so important?
What approved and how it relates to exhortation of his glory?
You see this means we must first be very clear. We must be very clear on who Jesus is. You know a lot of people say he was a prophet. He was a good man, and he was dissing he was at let me tell you something if he is not God manifested In the Flesh if he's not God manifested In the Flesh TV is not the Divine Son of God. Then his death would be at best martyrdom. It best that's what it would be a great Act of love and devotion, but a great Act of love and devotion can't save anyone.
It would not have made the atonement for our sins. This will also mean that that you and I we we would have to be clear on why Jesus suffered. Such an agonizing death for us. Scripture teaches at that. It was first enzyme that he died, you know, he didn't deserve to die. Even the thief on the side that he owned one of us. I said, he's innocent. He doesn't deserve this but we do He didn't deserve to die. But we do we do but we've been given the privilege in the honor of eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
You said he died for the just and the unjust? Are the just died for the unjust?
Is death was a precarious substitutionary its sacrifice for the sins of the world.
In scripture also teaches that his death was an atonement for our sins the blood had to be applied. In other words, it was not just a physical death. But a Divine Son of God to die was the equivalent of the human race suffering the second death, which is by all means Eternal separation from God because that's what he felt brothers. That's what he felt on that day Eternal separation from his Holy Father.
Christ the Eternal one was separated from his father God spiritually on behalf of us on behalf of our sins. He died on the cross.
This also means that there was a complete death. This is not some fairytale. This is not some.
Summary of something happened in that. It really was a story and a made-up thing. You see he really died. He died a complete death. He was buried you didn't faint. It went in a coma and then later on when it woke him up and providing he died and was buried when people are buried they are dead. It was a real dad. And if it was a real death, this would also mean that it was a real Resurrection. You see people don't come out of the Grave unless they're resurrected the one who is Dan actually came back to life the resurrection proof that his death was an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world. It accomplished all that. God wanted it to accomplish in order to take care of your and my sins.
easy authentic
god of the universe. He's the authentic atonement for the sins of the world. You did it take me much longer to explain all the details about the gospel that are contained in all the scriptures. This is a task actually for the churches and their teaching and preaching of God's word in the ministry that they go through and we have an entire lifetime or as long as God allows to focus on these truths and discover all that God has done for us but today.
perhaps it would be
good for us to discover all that God has done for us.
the day it be raps be most helpful to look at the Old Testament prophecies. The Old Testament prophecies about the death burial and resurrection of the Messiah God the Messiah Jesus Christ. Isaiah 52:15 Isaiah 53:12. These are called the songs of Isaiah. The song is written in the past tense as if it had already happened. You see a lot of the prophecies. That's the way they came forth because they were Visionaries. They Vision then to describe what they had seen. They will call Sears.
We know from the context that its ultimate meaning is in Jesus the Messiah.
We're Jesus claim to be the suffering servant. He claimed to be the servant who came into the world to Ransom him his own life for many Matthew 20 verse 28. And the Apostle knew that that this song was a vivid picture of the suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary, which is quoted in 1st Peter 2 verse 21 through 25, which says for this for to this you have been called because Christ also suffered for you leaving you and examples of what you might follow in his steps. He committed no sin neither was the deceit found in his mouth when he was reviled. He did not revile in return when he suffered. He did not threaten but continued in trusting in himself to him who judge judges justly. Ian sell bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness by his wounds. We have been healed for Wii U were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the shepherd and the overseer of your soul. Today, I want to preach the Bible exposition of this scene. out of Isaiah 52 and Isaiah 53
And Isaiah 5250 a 15 and Isaiah 53:12. These are the fourth and so-called servant of the so-called servant songs of Isaiah. and the most powerful of them they say according to theologians the prophet Isaiah does not always identify the servant the suffering servant in the scripture as Jesus. He doesn't actually come out and say that name. At times it seems it would be referring to the righteous remnant of Israel. At times to the prophet at times two other servants at times it would be referring to a prophet or other service that God might be used in at that time. But in this passage in this song about the suffering servant it meant clearly the meaning clearly breaks free from an Old Testament application and find fulfillment in the Messiah Jesus Christ. Much of the song much of this song and Isaiah 52 and Isaiah 53 much of this song.
Is about the suffering servant? The innocent suffering of the suffering servant but when it comes to speaking about the Lord placing the sins of others on his own back so that he could be just so he could justify them. The passage can have no other fulfillment but to be about Jesus nobody else in this world ever has or ever will have that kind of power only Christ Jesus. but for you and I
But for you and I and all the other Christians in the world, the point of suffering should be very clear. We're going through a lot these days when you say. Is a lot of controversy there's a lot of confusion lot of chaos lot of conflict. Don't call that a little bit of suffering when you I'd call that a little bit of suffering that that we're going through. Paul talked about a little bit of suffering.
And we are going through that today.
In summary, we may say that the scriptures teach that it's God's will or the will of God that Believers suffer. Not all the time. Not all the time and not all the same.
And some very little and saw him a whole bunch. That is not to say that God's enjoys this that's not to say that. Or that people should seek more of suffering. But the Bible says that it is inevitable that we will suffer. Paul said that Jesus said that is the world hated me. It will hate you also.
Paul said all who live Godly lives in this world will suffer persecution 2nd Timothy verse 3 I'm persecuted for the cause of Christ.
I was jailed. I was beating. 06 Tahoe
and painter explains that Christ's death revealed so fully and Isaiah is both our justification and our sample to follow so that we might know how to suffer 1st Peter 2 verse 19 through 23, Jesus Christ and obedience through the things he suffered Hebrews 5:8
And if that is true the sinless Son of God. How much more is it true of us? Are we any better and him do we think that are high and mighty statue is better than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God forbid that we do.
You see all of this teachings simply says it's suffering is inevitable. And especially if we seek to live a righteous and holy life in his Stead.
You're going to be persecuted going to be talked about people going to look down their noses at you. They did to him. What makes us any better than him.
This song that I'm preaching out of the day is divided into five sections or stem a stanza. This music folks would call that.
And the first line of each stanza gives us a summary of each section.
The very first thing is my suffering shall prosper. That's kind of a funny statement in it by suffering will prosper give me his last supper. I'm going to prosper. Well. Yes. Absolutely. You see suffering leads to Glory. Isaiah 52:13 says behold my servant call. I'm sorry behold. My servant shall act wisely. He shall be high and lifted up and shall be exalted. As many are starfish that you his appearance was marred beyond human semblance and his form beyond that of the children of mankind. So shall he sprinkle many nations kingshow shut their mouths because of him for that which has not been told them to see and that which they have not heard. They understand what any word is all that me what in the world is all that me? Jesus Christ was exalted Above All Things.
My servants shall be exalted the 13th verse behold. My servant shall act wisely and he shall be high and lifted up exalted above all kings that says in that verse you see the grand theme of this entire song is summed up and fees 3 versus the sermon who endured such suffering will empty evidently be exalted on high to astonishment of all the world. He will be highly exalted since it will describe the his death and exaltation here. Here assumes the resurrection is the exalted part of that death in the burial. See the passage does not explain that that precisely but other passages do which were going to get into The Beano exaltation.
a woman who stayed dead there's a lot of so-called gods that are still in the tombs. The bones are there. There's a lot of so-called people that lifted themselves up to be revered that are still buried in a grave. But this King that I'm talkin about this one that I'm talking about today Rose from the gray. This one that I'm talking about today is alive in our lives in in our world today because he lives I can live also because he's alive because he is the suffering servant because he is the one and only God Almighty as it was explained in Isaiah 9 verse 6 and 7 he is almighty God.
He can do anything. He's a sovereign God.
You see his exaltation also was a contrast of the humility. Is there he is very humble in himself? the theme of
of this is now developed earlier many were shocked and astonished at him because of the form that he took on the cross. You didn't look much like a king. You didn't look much like a a god
he didn't look much like somebody to be revered. He didn't look. Much like somebody to worship and honor. The Bible says he was marred beyond recognition. He was beating he was scourged.
His mother could hardly recognize him John could hardly recognize him.
But beyond all of the ugliness of this Frame. Oh Hallelujah beat the heart of a king.
BG heart of a of a of a savior who in his own love and devotion for mankind the creation of the world laid his life on the line for it all.
He was humiliated before man and exalted the 14. He's a God of all creation. He's the God Almighty see Paul and got service will lead to Glory. That's what he said in God's service. It would lead us all to glory and the pain in the in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ will lead the greatest Glory his glory forever. 2nd Corinthians 4 why why is why is he going to do that? Because he's the king of kings and the Lord of lords. He's The Great. I Am before them before him there was none after him. There will be none. I am that I am I'm the alpha the Omega the beginning and the end. There is no other God, but me.
His suffering was offencive. Isaiah 53 verse 1 through 3 says who has believed what? Has heard from us. And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? But he grew up before him like a young plant. Like a root out of dry ground. He had no form or Majesty that would that we should look upon him. No beauty that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men a man of sorrow acquainted with grief. And it's one from men hit a 10 is one who men hit their faces he was despised and was a steam not. That's how I Lord was treated. That's how I Lord was looked upon in. Is days on this planet Earth?
You say that we're reports. Meats with disbelief. It's if it if if we may paraphrase this verse right now for you. It would it would sound something like this. No one ever imagined this. No, one ever imagined a god like this. No one ever imagined anything like this could happen. In Our Lifetime or in the lifetime of this age for ages of prophets predicted people would not believe the word that's such a suffering servant could be at the heart of God's Redemptive plan for mankind.
Isaiah uses a series of questions to make this point the penance room reflect on this and eventually be realized.
Who would have imagined? It was going to be a little baby in a Manger.
It grew up. Through being a carpenter with his Earthly father. to baffle the people the scholars in the synagogues to walk among the streets of his Countryside to free people from diseases to raise people from the dead to create me a thousands upon thousands of people 222 cleansing lepers from leprosy who would have ever imagined. Did he was suffering serve?
but he was he suffered for us. He suffered For All Mankind. His suffering is observed in verse 2 and 3 when it talks about 4, he grew up before him like a young plant like a root out of dry ground. He had no form or Majesty that we should look at him another. Where's he wasn't nothing to really look at.
No beauty that we would desire or should desire him.
You see the response to his suffering is so very true in life. First he was considered insignificant.
Who would have thought that Carpenter's son out of Nazareth to be? God the Beast the ciphers of the world you just said it was just a tender plan out of part ground. Nothing greater glory is you just a stem sticking up out of mud or drive a drone. certainly not Something you would look upon as a king.
You did not appeal to them in any kindly way. That would make him look anything other than just a carpenter's son. They even said that several times in this The Carpenter's son. DD's words That I've been saying here these things that we've been talking about. It says it that but then the more that they observed him and his suffering became offensive to them. He was despised verse 3. His life was filled with grief and sorrow so that people turn their faces from him in short. Nobody esteemed him at all. They did not think much of him another words, especially in the condition. They saw him on Calvary. These words point out a habit we all share today. The habit of letting the side of suffering blind us to the meaning of God's glory. We don't like to look on anyone who is suffering. We forget that such conditions have purpose and they have a future with God. We make up snap judgments about people suffering. and their value in life in general
reminds us of the human predicament. We all share. To bring us out of ourselves. In sympathy and patience and to eventually fit us. For God's glory. You think we got to go through these thing these things happen for a purpose. God is preparing. His people God is preparing his church today. He's preparing his church for a glorious homecoming.
It was certainly so in this case for Jesus, so It's easy to imagine for us.
first 53 chapter 53 verse 4 and 6 in Shirley He was born. He bore our griefs and carried our sorrows yet. We esteemed him stricken him Smitten by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his wounds. We were all healed. All we like sheep have gone astray. That's pretty true.
We've turned everyone everyone everyone we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Come on on the steam yourself, highly. if your flesh and blood
We like sheep have all gone. Astray. We have turned everyone to his own way. And the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all he took all your sins on himself.
You see the suffering servant was punished for our sins this and that were laid upon Him should have been on us the death that he bore. We should a bore our self the earliest the most common moral judgment that people make about pain is that it is punishment you are being punished for something. Oh, I'm sorry. That's not true. But you must have done something. That's why you're going through that. People think that those who suffer do so because God is angry at them and he's paying them back for something. We do not serve a God Like That
You see that's what they thought about Jobe is friends as wife all of them gave him arguing with lintless with him.
There's a people say in in the words of Isaiah. We saw the suffering servant and thought they got it's tricking him so dearly. That's what that verse mints. But now they know that. They were partially wrong. Yes. He was stricken. But not because Jesus had done anything. But because it was a purpose in Jesus's wife for us. Without his suffering we could not be safe. Without the punishment being laid upon him. We would have no salvation. So the punishment of the servant was vicarius and Redemptive. First five and six women read these two verses we must know the contrast between words. He expressions and our Expressions. You see the he Expressions say but he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his wounds. We are healed all we like sheep have gone astray. So you have to have to listen to the words and Isaiah saying hear the are expressions and that he expressions in the urine specimens. You see in these vs. We see he endured the suffering not for himself, but for you For me for the world that will accept him as their savior of their life.
Eddie's versus show that The Suffering The sufferings were also Redemptive. It says our peace. And we are healed. Our peace was brought to us. Through his chastisement.
The healing was brought to us by the stripes that he bore on Calvary. all of this thing is a purse purposeful Act of God for you and I The truth is confessed and verse 6 the verse begins and ends with the word all all when it says all we like sheep have gone astray. And it is with and the lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all.
Is he in every family and every nation innocent people often suffer for the guilty? So, but Carrie is suffering.
Is not a curse. Is a part of service we have to God and a man Khan.
We look going down and we talked about but but they they were able to use it as an opportunity to Proclaim God's word. You know Ezekiel Jeremiah Daniel. We're all captives. They were all put persecuted AWOL punished and that they didn't they didn't deserve to go. They didn't deserve all of that.
But they were able to use it as an opportunity to Proclaim God's word. Even as a lesser know we we know that parents who suffer for their children when they are sick at or will suffer for their children when they're sick or needy understand the impulse of precarious suffering.
people in our country today understand this people in our world today understand this We may suffer because we deserve it.
But we may also suffer because of others or out of love for others and service to others.
There's a verse in John 15. It's a very Noble and Majestic magnificent verse I use that word. Greater love has no one than this. Did he lay down his life for his friend? That's exactly what our Lord and savior did for us. That's exactly what he did on Calvary. That's exactly who this suffering servant is. That's exactly why there was a death a burial in a resurrection. So then as a great as as bit curious suffering can be as great as it can be it's not Redemptive. When we do it.
What is pictured here is that the suffering of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ also removed our sins. When Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate he became the sin Bearer for us all. No other suffering could have done this. No other supper could have done this. No one Isaiah couldn't do it. Daniel couldn't do it. David couldn't do it. David was a man after God's Own Heart. Why couldn't he do it? He couldn't do it. It wasn't only. He wasn't the holy God of the universe. You see no suffering could have been done like this. It took the suffering of God incarnate Jesus Christ the Holy One who knew no sin to become sin for the world to remove all the sins that you and I committed
the suffering was accepted in verse 7 through 9 when it said he was oppressed. He was afflicted. Yet he opened not his mouth didn't say one word. It's kind of hard to believe in our imagination how we would let our imagination. That's why I had to hurt in to say something. He had to say quit don't do that. I think all the do's and don'ts he said the garden when he said father if it's your will let this cup pass from me. But after that, what did he do? He accepted it. He said father not my will but your will be done. Oh, I'm so glad he said that. I'm so glad he said that her I couldn't stand up here before you today and claim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
He said he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet. He opened not his mouth like a lamb led to the slaughter like a sheep that before his shearers is silent. So we opened not his mouth by oppression in judgment. He was taken away and asked for his generation who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living stricken for the transgressions of people and they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence. And there was no deceit found in his mouth. Our suffering servant was silent. You didn't say no. No, no. No, don't do this. Don't do this to me. What wait wait. There's a guy coming after me. He's please bad news, man. You you can do it to him, but don't do this to me. You see what's so remarkable about this suffering servant accepted hit he accepted this Affliction in silence total silence.
This is also an almost an unheard-of thing in the Old Testament, especially in the Book of Psalms the sufferings either confess at the suffers either confess their sins. That brought on more suffering.
All Cried Out in their suffering
in grief Bailey can fast and complain but not our Jesus.
He did not confess his sin. Because he had no sin.
How could I be silent through all of this? He knew the truth. He dealt wisely. with the truth You see he was innocent it said it in verse 4.
But it pleased God in verse 10 and 12 and later on to say that yet. It was the will of the Lord to crush him. He has put him to grief when his soul makes an offering for guilt. You shall see his offspring he shall prolong his days. He will the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand out of the anguish of his soul. He shall see and be satisfied but his knowledge shall be the righteous one. My servant make mini to be accounted righteous and he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore. I will divide him a portion with the mini and he shall divide the spoils with the strong because he poured out of his soul to death. It was numbered with the transgressors yet. He bore the sins of many and makes intercession for the transgressor. What does all this mean? It was actually God's will for Jesus to be there. It pleased the Lord to bruise him. The scripture says that's hard to Fathom in our carnal Minds. But it was for God's creation David. It was for God's creation. Did he did these things? it was because he look down Through the Ages and he seen me he seen you guys and he seen us all and he Set up got to do something to bring these people to a realization of salvation.
So is suffering was justified.
Is suffering was justified his suffering with will lead to the service exhortation. Another Where's God would be lifted up. He would be lifted up among many.
United exhortation in verse 10 and being through through verse 12 with the passage comes full circle here Isaiah says that because he bore the sins of many that is because he made intercession for you and I God appointed him to honor and glory honor and go ahead and lifted him up. He said to the right hand of God, which is the power of God. Jesus said all power is given unto me both in heaven and in Earth and I give it to you if you become one of my children You say we can have all that God wants us to have a we will only accept him as our savior if we will only become the Savior that the person didn't at the Savior wants us to be in closing. I would like to say this.
Isaiah presents a picture
ideal suffer
actually, the only suffer we could take on this. pass He does not identify him at first. He just give you a description of him. an overview per se but this language Parallel so much other prophecies about Jesus the Messiah.
That we know without a shadow of a doubt.
You had a future fulfillment Isaiah had a God had a future-proof self-fulfillment in mind. And that when the Son of God came into the world and fulfill the passage to the to the letter to the T the dotted all the I's and cross all the t's and none of them or left out of place. We know that he was a prophecy of G it we know that it was a prophecy of Jesus Christ the savior of the world. By his suffering we have peace with God. By then we have been just by him. We have been Justified because irises have been paid for by his blood. Or to put it another way apart from this precarious suffering. There is no remission of sin. None whatsoever.
Contrary to many beliefs.
no, hope I'm justification would god without the blood sacrifice of Jesus cries and I repentance to him and his blood applied to our life. So without that
We have no chance but in in through that we have hope when Peter quoted this chapter in his epistle. He explained that it also left us an example of how we should suffer for his call. If God calls us to suffer and some way for him, then we need to understand that is as a service to God and not there. So. We're going through some stuff guys. We're going through some stuff. audience But I can tell you one thing for sure as sure as I stand behind this pulpit and preach this word today that the truth is true that Jesus Christ is Victorious over all things. Because of his death because of his burial and because of his glorious Resurrection, we can live eternally with him. All it takes is an acceptance to him.
To God be the glory.
Don't know in part. Did your life is God's will?