This is really good so far
This is really good so far - so you have to figure out why Ron is at the castle? Well, according to JK he helped George take over the joke shop - so maybe he could be managing the Hogsmeade branch now - so he's not at the castle, but still at Hogsmeade
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 5:55 AM, John Bailey <> wrote:
Below is what I wrote and then what Claire wrote for the nextt part of the story. I've got to come up with
something good that Ron is going to be doing.
Chapter One-The Changing of the Guard
August 1, 2012-Mrs. Hermione Granger Weasley, standing in front of the great doors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is frightened to open the door and enter the castle. It was not so long ago that the great battle that ended with the defeat of Lord Voldemort took place just inside this door. The destruction of the castle, the deaths of so many people, the death of Dobby the house elf all came rushing at her, giving her a feeling that a veil of death had just been dropped on her. Hermione thought of the Elder wand, lying inside the tomb of Albus Dumbledore, just a few yards away. Why hadn't Harry destroyed the wand? Hadn't it been proven that the wand could be taken from the tomb? Did he honestly believe that no evil wizard would ever surface again? She scolded herself for thinking such thoughts and with a great sigh, pushed open the door and entered Hogwarts for the first time in years. Inside she found that the walls, floor and staircase had been repaired and the portraits hung on the walls just as they did when she first arrived at Hogwarts. As she looked around, she heard the familiar voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt. Kingsley Shacklebolt had recently stepped down as Minister of Magic to assume the Headmaster position at Hogwarts. It was because of Kingsley that Hermione had agreed to return to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hermione remembered all too well the comment that was made by Delores Umbridge when she asked "are you a qualified teacher Miss Granger". Well, she was a qualified teacher now and her ambition was to show Delores Umbridge how Defense Against the Dark Arts should be taught. Hermione beamed inside. As Hermione started to take a step forward she heard a faint sound coming from a door that was ajar. Hermione started to walk to the door and I pulled the door open to meet her. She smiled as she saw me and said "hi Kreacher, it is so good to see you". "Yes", Kreacher said with a bow, "it is good to see you also miss and I apologize for ever calling you a mudblood, please forgive Kreacher".
Claire wrote:
"It is all forgotten now. Where is Winky?" she asked. "Well..." said Kreacher, "she is probably with Master Shacklebolt as Winky is now his personel elf." Against the degredation of house elves, Hermione shouted "What does he need a personal elf for?" "Oh after the past incidents, Master Shacklebolt decided it would be best if he had another set of eyes and ears" Kreacher said. "Well then at least he isn't letting anything to chance" Hermione stated firmly.
Her eyes traveled upward as she walked towards the great hall. Above her were countless banners of the victims of the war with Voldemort. With each banner of a student included the Hogwarts' house they had been a member of. As her eyes caught the red and yellow of a Gryffindor banner her heart stopped. Right in the front was a memorial to Fred Weasley. Fred would now be her brother inlaw. Not a day went by since his death that Ron hadn't mentioned him.
Living with Ron as her husband was a dream come true. Arriving here made her remember all the times they had spent pretending to not like each other. Now that she looked back on it, it seemed like so much time had been wasted. As Hermione went towards the Headmaster's office to discover where she would be staying, she heard a hearty laugh behind her. "Hermione, love, looks like we won't be apart too long after all" laughed her rugged, auburn haired husband. "Ron what do you mean?" she said in a state of shock.
Smiling Ron replied, “You’ll find out soon enough. Why don’t we go to the Headmasters office?” Hermione exclaimed, “why won’t you tell me?” Ron did not reply for they had reached the door of the Headmaster. Hermione said, “I think it is really great that they moved the Headmasters office to another part of the castle and to leave Dumbledore’s office the way it was when he, well, you know”. She could remember vividly the day Dumbledore had been killed and her heart saddened. There were so many bad memories in the castle now. As she stifled a tear she knocked on the door. The door opened and they were greeted by Kingsley Shacklebolt. “Come in” Kingsley said, stepping back to allow them to enter. “Please, set down”. Ron and Hermione both sat facing the Headmasters desk. After a few moments Shacklebolt said, “Ron, Hermione, welcome to your first year of teaching at Hogwarts”. Hermione looked shocked and turned to Ron and said, “you’re teaching”? Kingsley smiled and said “yes Hermione, Ron is going to teach also. Bewildered Hermione looked at Ron and asked, “what are you going to teach”? and smiling Ron replied “spew”. “Ron” Hermione exclaimed, it’s not spew, it’s S.P.E.W., the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare”. “I know” Ron replied, “I couldn’t resist”. Shacklebolt cleared his throat and said “Hermione do you remember how all of the house elves came to our defense in the battle with You Know Who?” “Yes of course,” Hermione replied. “Well”, Shacklebolt said, “the Board of Governors has decided that witches and wizards must stop treating house elves like slaves and they should have rights and be allowed to carry wands if they wish to. I had heard about S.P.E.W. and what you had tried to do but since you had already taken up the position you requested, it was decided to ask Ron to teach the young witches and wizards that come to Hogwarts so they learn just how valuable elves are and how we are fortunate to have them as allies”. “Oh Ron”, Hermione said, “this is wonderful. Now we won’t have to be apart.” “Hold on Hermione” Ron interjected, “it isn’t a full time position.” “What do you mean it’s not full time” Hermione asked. The Headmaster said, “Hermione, it can’t be a full time position since this is the first year for the subject and Ron will only have first years to teach”. Hermione turned to Ron and asked, “what will you be doing when you aren’t teaching”? Smiling Ron replied, “I’m going to take Fred’s place and help George run the joke shop in Hogsmeade”. “Ron Weasley”, she exclaimed, “you could have told me”. “What” said Ron, and ruin the surprise”. Hermione fumed. “Ron, Hermione, we are going to have two more new teachers this year. Neville Longbottom is going to teach Herbology and Luna Lovegood is going to teach Divination.” “That’s wonderful” they both said together. Silence filled the room and after a moment, Hermione asked, Headmaster, do you know where Harry is”? For a few moments Shacklebolt did not answer and then he said, “yes I know. Harry is arranging Hagrid’s funeral”. “What” they cried out together, “I don’t believe it, it just can’t be true, you know it can’t” Hermione said. With hesitation Shacklebolt said, “Yes Hermione, it is true, Hagrid died a week ago from a heart attack”.