The Suffering and Surviving Son: Mark 9:30-32

Mark   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Some stories tell us what is to come through foreshadowing or foretelling. Mark’s Gospel does both. The sufferings, death, and resurrection of Christ are foreshadowed in His baptism, the temptation of the devil, and the plotting of the religious authorities. Jesus foretold His sufferings, death, and resurrection one chapter before this one. He will do it again in the following chapter.
The frequency of the foreshadowing and foretelling of our Lord’s death and resurrection highlight their importance. Such repetition is like a flashing road sign that says, “look here.” God the Son in becoming the man Jesus descended from his heavenly dwelling into His cursed creation to undo the works of the Devil. He would accomplish this undoing by suffering and entering glory, that is by death and resurrection. The question our text answers is simple; What does Jesus want you to accept about His person and work? The answer should already be clear from reading the story. However, my retelling of what happens in the story may give you greater understanding and acceptance.


To begin my retelling, consider how the passion is foretold: 30-31

Jesus and his disciples leave the base of the mountain of transfiguration. They journey through Galilee. Jesus had done a lot of ministry there. He was well known. In Galilee, He was practically an ancient version of a celebrity. Thus, they likely avoided populated areas. Jesus wanted no one to know that he was there because He wanted to focus on training His disciples and what awaited Him in Jerusalem. The time of His crowd ministry had ended.
Look at verse 31:
For he was teaching His disciples, saying to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise.”
What Mark quotes Jesus saying here is a summary of Jesus’s lessons to His disciples on the way to Jerusalem. He likely told them what is recorded here and explained it many times along the way.
Jesus’s prediction of His death and resurrection in the last chapter emphasized how it was God’s plan that Christ should die and rise again. This time He emphasizes that it not only must happen but will certainly happen. Jesus is going to be handed over to the hands of men. Judas has already been called the one who handed Him over (Mark 3:19). Jesus is going to be killed. Jesus is going to rise on the third day after He has been killed. The coming death and resurrection is more certain than the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.
Notice, also, the title that Jesus gives Himself again, “The Son of Man.” This is the title He most often gives Himself. He did it in the first passion prediction and He does it again here. As a reminder,
The Son of Man is the dying and rising servant of Isaiah 52:13-53:12.
Thee Son of Man is the one that Daniel beholds in a vision. The Ancient of Days gives the Son of Man an universal and everlasting Kingdom. It is through this Son of Man that the saints are delivered from powers of darkness (Daniel 7:13-28).
Jesus in this part of our story reiterates both His identity and work to His disciples. You have considered how the passion is foretold.

To end my retelling, consider how the passion is misunderstood: 32

Look at verse 32: “But they did not understand the saying, and were afraid to ask him.”
Mark informs us that the disciples didn’t understand the saying. Indeed, the disciples often didn’t understand our Lord. They were confused by His parables. They were frightened by and doubted His power. They lacked faith. After Jesus foretold His death and resurrection the first time, Peter rebuked Him. They didn’t misunderstand what the words meant. They misunderstood how the words could be true. How could their beloved Master be betrayed, killed, and rise again? They didn’t want to believe it. They couldn’t accept it. It brought them sorrow. Their eyes had not yet been opened to the glories of our Lord’s cross and resurrection.
Not only did they not understand how what Jesus had said could happen, they also were afraid to ask Him about it. Mark doesn’t tell us why. Elsewhere in Mark they had asked Jesus for clarity when they were confused. Perhaps they feared to be called Satan as Peter was when He questioned our Lord’s passion the first time.


You have considered how the passion is foretold and misunderstood. Now we can transition to answering the question I asked at the beginning: What does Jesus want you to accept about His person and work? Jesus wants you to accept that He came to die and rise again. We might put it in the form of a charge: Accept that Jesus came to die and rise again. Now let me flesh out how accepting this this fact will impact your life.


Accept that Jesus came to die and rise again.

The disciples didn’t fail to understand the words. They failed to understand that they were true. They failed to accept them as fact. What Jesus prophesies to His disciples was not a prediction or an aspiration. It was a guarantee. He was going to die and on the third day He would rise from the grave. What was a future event for the disciples is a past event for you and I.
Jesus was handed over by Judas to men. They had Him crucified. He suffocated to death on that cross and was laid in a tomb. On the cross He bore the just punishment for sin on behalf of His people. He satisfied God’s justice in their stead.
He laid in the tomb until the third day. On that day, He rose from the grave, showing that God accepted His sacrifice. He was first seen by women, then His apostles, and then large crows beheld Him. After some time, He ascended to heaven where He sat at God’s right hand. He rules His people. He sends the Holy Spirit to empower them to spread His kingdom. He intercedes for them. He will return to resurrect them and place them on the New Earth where they will dwell with Him forever. Yes, Jesus came to die and rise again. By faith in Him and His work sinners are made into saints and captives are set free.
This acceptance of the fact that Jesus came to die and rise again should manifest in two ways.

1. Accept that Jesus came to die and rise again for your salvation.

Christian, never grow weary of hearing the simple gospel truths of Jesus’s death and resurrection. Your entire salvation hinges on these simple truths. God promises that through the ministry of the Word you will be empowered in your faith and equipped for your life. Do you still understand and accept that Jesus died and rose again? Do you still marvel at this glorious truth? Do you still long to please your dying and rising redeemer? I pray you do. If not, renew your first love. Awaken from your spiritual stupor. Behold your glorious savior.
Child, you need Jesus. I’m sure you have heard about Him both in your house and at church. I’m sure you understand that your parents may even understand and accept that He came to die and rise again. My question is do you? Do you understand and accept that Jesus came to die and rise again? Do you understand why He did it? He did it to save sinners like you. You are a sinner. You have disobeyed God. If you don’t trust in Jesus, you will face the consequences you deserve. The good news though is that if you come to Jesus, trusting in Him and His work, He will save you from those consequences. He faced them for you. Child, accept that Jesus came to die and rise again for your salvation.
Vista Baptist Church, are we committed to the gospel truth that Jesus came to die and rise again for the salvation of sinners? I certainly hope so and intend to shepherd us in such a commitment. Let us never grow tired of the glorious and simple gospel of Christ crucified. May it be firmly set in our minds and in our hearts. May it take centerstage in all our ministry efforts and gathers. May no one ever leave one of our events, ministries, or gatherings without hearing that Jesus came to die and rise again for the salvation of sinners. May they never leave with a doubt that we whole heartedly hold to that gospel.
Unbelieving sinner, you have heard that Jesus came to die and rise again for the salvation of sinners. Do you understand and accept this gospel for your salvation? Will you repent of your sins and trust in Jesus today for your salvation? Jesus will not cast out anyone who comes to Him in faith. Jesus is able to save even the most despicable of sinner, even you. His death is sufficient to pay for your sins. His holy life is sufficient to garner you eternal life. Accept that He came to die and rise again for the forgiveness of your sins.
Listener, accept that Jesus came to die and rise again for your salvation.

2. Accept that Jesus came to die and rise again as your example.

Believer, Jesus is certainly more than your example, but He is not less. You should pattern your life and faith after Him. He is the founder and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:1). He is the example of humble obedience (Philippians 2:5-11). He suffered and entered glory. He died and rose again. You also will suffer and enter glory. You also will die and rise again.
If you devote yourself to godliness and faithfulness to Christ, then unbelievers will hate you as they hate Him. They will mock you as retrograde, old fashioned, and a believer in fairy tails. All the while they believe that all that exists came from nothing. Accept all the sufferings that come your way with the faith-filled and humble resolve of our Lord Jesus. Set your eyes on Him who lived, died, rose, ascended, and will return. Take up your cross and follow Him, knowing that He will surely bring you to glory. He that began the good work in you will bring it to completion. Run your race. He will get you to the finish.
Church, are we willing to face suffering and persecution to remain faithful to our Lord, who died and rose again. If they killed Him, then should we not expect that some will want to do likewise with us? Stand firm, knowing that death doesn’t have final say for the Christian anymore than it did for Christ. He is the firstborn of the resurrection not the lastborn. So long has we cleave to Him, He will bring us through the waters of death to the eternal promised land. Accept that like Jesus we will suffer and enter glory. Accept what sufferings and hardship come our way. Holdfast to Jesus and not the gimmicks of this age.
Listener, accept that Jesus came to die and rise again for your salvation and as your example.


You have considered how the passion is foretold and misunderstood. I have have charge you to accept that Jesus came to die and rise again. Do you accept it? Will you accept it? Indeed you must accept it. Your eternity henges upon your accepting it by faith. May He who is the fount and focus of faith grant such faith to you. Let us go to Him in prayer.
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