06AM June 11 Various Verses

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June 11, 2006—Morning Worship

The “Go Fish!” Series – Part 2

New Testament Missionaries

Ways God Can Use You to C.A.R.E.

Various Verses

Intro:  You recognize their names: William Carey, James Hudson Taylor, Albert Schweitzer, David Livingstone, Lottie Moon, Amy Carmichael & Jim Elliot. These are men & women who are famous among evangelicals for their willingness to go to strange places in order to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. These are men & women who sacrificed & suffered; who shared what little they had & who spoke of the Lord Jesus, the Savior of men! Their legacy lives on & still inspires many to leave the comforts of their homes & go for the cause of Christ & the souls of men.

There have been many down through the years who have given their lives to & for the Lord Jesus. These are but a few—the vast majority of which we’ve never heard & probably never will until we get to heaven. But there are others; others who gave of their time & talents; others who made themselves available to reach men for Christ! God used all these men & women to C.A.R.E. for others as they spread the gospel.

You may be thinking that what I’m about to preach is one of those “you can do it too” sermons. If they could do it, you can do it too! But that’s not really my point today. Today, what I hope you see from the Scriptures before us is that there are many ways God can use you to C.A.R.E. & every time I use the word C.A.R.E. today in this sermon, it’s going to be as the acrostic C.A.R.E. (as in the C.A.R.E. Ministry) which stands for Christians Actively Reaching Everyone!

Today, I want to introduce to you a group of NT missionaries who stand out in the story of early Christianity b/c God used them in different ways to accomplish His will as He used them to C.A.R.E. for others.

- We’re not going to look at these in any particular order, just as we come to them in the Bible.

- 1 way God can use you to C.A.R.E. is like…

1. Luke, the Missionary Writer. (Luke 1:1­4) 1 Inasmuch as many have taken in hand to set in order a narrative of those things which have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses & ministers of the word delivered them to us, 3 it seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very 1st, to write to you an orderly account, most excellent Theophilus, 4 that you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed.

- Luke had the gift. He could make the mysteries plain through words. He could “set in order” the accounts that could & have brought many people to faith.

- Some people just have that gift. They can write in clear, understandable, plain English exactly what others need to know.

- They can use words of encouragement, words of reproof & words of explanation that convey truth directly to the minds of those who read them.

- It doesn’t have to be a letter. It could be a card or just a note. But God can use you like Luke the missionary writer, to touch the heart & instruct the minds of others for His glory!

- Part of the C.A.R.E. ministry involves writing notes, cards & words of encouragement to church members & to our community; & God can use you to do it!

- You may feel gifted in that area & if you do, don’t let anything stop you from using that gift for God’s glory!

- Another way God can use you to C.A.R.E. is like…

2. Barnabas, the Missionary Philanthropist. (Acts 4:36­37) 36 & Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus, 37 having land, sold it, & brought the money & laid it at the apostles' feet.        (Acts 13:1-3) 1 Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets & teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up w/Herod the tetrarch, & Saul. 2 As they ministered to the Lord & fasted, the Holy Spirit said, "Now separate to Me Barnabas & Saul for the work to which I have called them." 3 Then, having fasted & prayed, & laid hands on them, they sent them away.

- Barnabas was a missionary philanthropist. & that means that he was a goodhearted person; a generous giver; a kind, caring, compassionate, supporter or benefactor.

- Barnabas was used of God to C.A.R.E. for others b/c he didn’t hold to the idea of “get what you can, can what you get & then sit on the can!”

- No! Barnabas was generous; he was a giver; so much so that he encouraged the apostles who gave him that nickname.

- But not only was he generous w/his resources, but Barnabas was spiritually minded!

- Did you notice he was in the church ministering to the Lord down at Antioch?

- He was not there alone but was w/others who were like minded & perhaps it was that Barnabas was teaching them how to be a godly giver!

- We do know that it was Barnabas that went & got the man named Saul after his conversion & took him to Antioch & ministered w/him there for about a year!

- You see, Barnabas was not always in the limelight & didn’t have to be!

- He was content to be a giver, a supporter of others; he C.A.R.E.d for others by giving of his material resources & being there to help in a supportive role.

- God may have gifted you that same way. God may want to be exalted through your generosity.

- God can use you to C.A.R.E. for others as you give of your resources & stand in the background in a supporting role making it possible for others to hear about Jesus!

- Maybe God can use you to C.A.R.E. like…

3. Philip, the Missionary Evangelist. (Acts 8) 5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria & preached Christ to them. 6 & the multitudes w/one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing & seeing the miracles which he did….35 Then Philip opened his mouth, & beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him.

- Philip had a burning desire to share Christ w/others. He was a witnessing machine!

- & God was using him mightily b/c practically the whole city of Samaria was coming to the faith b/c of Philip preaching the word!

- God may call you into a ministry to stand before 100’s or 1,000’s & preach His word.

- Or God may use you as you sit in your neighbors’ house & share over coffee & cake.

- God took the willingness of Philip & his heart of C.A.R.E. for others & used it for His glory!

- & God can do the same w/you if your heart’s desire is to share your faith so that others can be saved!

- There are some people who have the gift of evangelism; who love to talk to others about Jesus!

- There are others who are terrified at the thought of having to say something to someone about Jesus.

- But God uses people the way He has gifted them! We are not all clones; we’re not all exact duplicates of each other!

- You may be like Philip; you may love to share the gospel.

- But even if you’re not like that, God can still use you to C.A.R.E. for others & to show them the love of Christ that made you different!

- Perhaps you are best suited so that God can use you to C.A.R.E. like…

4. Timothy, the Missionary Helper. (Acts 16:1­5) 1 Then he came to Derbe & Lystra. & behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a certain Jewish woman who believed, but his father was Greek. 2 He was well spoken of by the brethren who were at Lystra & Iconium. 3 Paul wanted to have him go on w/him. & he took him & circumcised him b/c of the Jews who were in that region, for they all knew that his father was Greek. 4 & as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles & elders at Jerusalem. 5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith, & increased in number daily.

- Timothy was a young man w/a good reputation in his community.

- He was a young disciple, a believer, a follower of Christ & others spoke well of him.

- Paul desired to have an assistant; someone on whom he could rely; someone dependable.

- Timothy was all that & more! Timothy was in a learning position.

- He didn’t have to be the one w/the ideas; he didn’t have to be the one w/the answers.

- All he had to do was help Paul do whatever he set out to do.

- There are many Christians in churches all over America today who feel they don’t have the answers or the ideas but they would love to help those who do.

- These are people who don’t mind getting their hands dirty; they don’t mind rolling up their sleeves & doing whatever it takes, for as long as it takes; as long as it helps people come to Christ!

- God may have gifted you that way. You don’t mind doing whatever is necessary to help others as they do what God has called them & gifted them to do.

- In that way, both of you are fulfilling your God-given calling as ministers of the gospel!

- When Timothy helped Paul, the Bible says that “the churches were strengthened & increased in number daily.”

- So if you are a helper—be a helper for the glory of God; be the best helper you can be! But remember, that’s not the only way God can use someone like you!

- Did you ever stop to think that God can use you to C.A.R.E. like...?

5. Aquila and Priscilla, the Missionary Couple. (Acts 18:26)

- A Jew named Apollos came to Ephesus where Aquila & Priscilla lived.

- Apollos was a man the Bible describes as “an eloquent man & mighty in the Scriptures.”

- Basically, Apollos had been instructed in the way of the Lord & was all fired up about what he’d learned.

- So when he came to Ephesus he had a bad case of the “Can’t Help It’s.” He couldn’t help but share what he knew!

- But there was a problem. He only knew about the baptism of John. IOW the baptism of repentance that still looked forward to the coming of the Messiah.

Acts 18 26 So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila & Priscilla heard him, they took him aside & explained to him the way of God more accurately.

- IOW they told him about Jesus; who He is & what He did. They gave him the “Rest of the Story” as Paul Harvey would say.

- & afterwards the Bible says that Apollos “vigorously refuted the Jews publicly, showing from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.”

- So by helping just that one man better understand the truth of the gospel, Aquila & Priscilla were also instrumental in helping literally 100’s & even 1,000’s more be brought to faith in Christ.

- You may never know what God plans to do through you as you are faithful just to share what you know to be true from the Bible!

- You may help reach the next Billy Graham; or Billy Sunday; or the next Pastor Tet, or you may just help reach the one who reaches them.

- The point is, God can use you to C.A.R.E. for others & can accomplish more through you than you have ever dreamed possible!

- Has it ever crossed your mind that God can use you to C.A.R.E. like…?

6. Paul, the Missionary Pioneer. (2 Cor. 5:20) 20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.

- Has that truth ever occurred to you? Has it ever become clear to you that you are an ambassador for Christ & that as you plead for others to be reconciled to God; that God is speaking through you?

- Now I’m talking to those who are heart-broken over the lost condition of others.

- Those who are constantly thinking about how to get the gospel to others.

- Paul’s heart was w/his people. His thoughts were on his message. His desire was to reach the world for Jesus!

- Some of you here today may have those same thoughts & desires.

- & there is a place – even today – for people like you! God wants you! God needs you!

- God will use you to C.A.R.E. for others as you boldly implore & plead & seek the souls of men!

- Yet another way God can use you to C.A.R.E. is like…

7. Epaphras, the Missionary Prayer Warrior. (Col. 4:12­13) 12 Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect & complete in all the will of God. 13 For I bear him witness that he has a great zeal for you, & those who are in Laodicea, & those in Hierapolis.

- Paul said that Epaphras was “always laboring fervently” & those words mean that he was, at all times, endeavoring w/strenuous zeal, w/difficulties & dangers, struggling against adversaries to obtain something.

- IOW Epaphras was engaged in fervent prayers of spiritual warfare for the benefit of others!

- Epaphras never prayed, “God, bless the missionaries.” NO! He prayed w/determination & zeal & commitment for the specific needs of others; that they would grow strong in the faith; that they would fulfill all the will of God; & that they would stand firm against any opposition of the enemy!

- Oh, how we need people like Epaphras today! Oh, how we need prayer warriors to stand in the gap for others & to pray that God’s will be done in them & through them!

- Are you a prayer warrior? Are you gifted w/a deep longing to spend time w/God interceding for others?

- Does your heart beat to the tune of God’s as you spend long hours on your knees?

          [I told you at least once before of a man I know in Kings Mountain named Woodrow Laughter. This man was such a prayer warrior that he worn holes in the tops of the toes of his shoes from spending so much time down on his knees!]

- Where are the prayer warriors today? Who are the ones who are committed to stand in the gap & to hold up the arms of others?

- God can use you to C.A.R.E. for the spiritual needs of others as you pray for them.

- & finally, God can use you to C.A.R.E. like…

8. Gaius, the Missionary Host. (3 John) 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren & for strangers, 6 who have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well, 7 b/c they went forth for His name's sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we may become fellow workers for the truth.

- Gaius was a man of great compassion. He may not have been especially gifted to teach or to share his faith or to help others come to Christ in any number of other ways.

- But God had gifted Gaius w/the gift of hospitality. Basically, Gaius would take in missionaries & evangelists & intenerate preachers & give them a bed to sleep in & food to eat.

- He gave his best for the cause of Christ; he helped in the way God had gifted him.

- He shared w/others & encouraged them as they used their God-given gifts to faithfully serve Jesus!

- When we C.A.R.E. for others, that’s exactly what we are doing; using the gifts that God has given to us to help others be encouraged or comforted or enlightened to the truth of the gospel!

- In the C.A.R.E. Ministry, if you are gifted like Gaius, you can help prepare & serve a meal; or make sure that everyone has pens & paper or cards & stationary.

- You can put stamps on the cards & letters & make sure they are mailed.

- You can take care of the smallest children so that their parents could serve.

- You can set up tables or help clean up after the C.A.R.E. night is over.

- The point is, there are any number of things YOU can do to C.A.R.E. for others so that the word of God goes out in a demonstration of the Spirit & of power.

Conclusion:  My prayer is that God would so fire us up, whatever our station or status or giftedness, & make us His missionaries! My prayer is that God’s love would show through us to our own people & to the outside world! My prayer is that each & everyone of us, working in the ministry, would come to own the ministry & that each of us would not only take part, but also take pride in being part of what God is doing right here in our own city!

          I truly believe that God wants to revive Gastonia! I truly believe that God wants to reach the lost of Gastonia! I truly believe that God want to use each one of us to C.A.R.E. for Gastonia! & by God’s grace, I truly believe that Brookleigh Baptist Church will have a huge role to play in that revival & will impact the lives of those around us that we will have a huge role to play in the harvest of Gastonia, North Carolina!

          BUT I ALSO TRULY BELIEVE that will never happen UNLESS EACH ONE OF US begins to C.A.R.E. for others in the way God has gifted us!

Invitation:  Would you commit to pray for the leadership of this church? Would you as the Lord to lead us so that we lead you according to His will? Would you also begin to ask the Lord to reveal to you your area of giftedness? If you already know your gift, would you commit to begin to practice using it for God’s glory?

          Will you allow the Lord to C.A.R.E. for others through you? Will you show the love of God to others by practical helps? Will you be part of winning Gastonia to Jesus?

          Or perhaps God has shown you the true condition of your eternal soul today. Would you come to faith in Jesus by repenting of your sin & turning to Him alone by faith?

          God is calling you today for a purpose & for a future. Will you come?

Hymn 486 Lord, Here Am I

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