Beyond the Christmas Blues: He Gave the Right to Become Children of God!

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This Advent season we have looked at who Jesus is through the lens of John - preexistence Son of God - Wisdom, Word, one who is towards God; and light and life of world coming in the human nature in body and soul - to . Seen in Revelation how he is the man-child who alone can defeat Satan and all the sin and suffering, shame and condemnation. Jesus Christ, God’s Son is King of the word and whose kingdom through present suffering is being established by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of this testimony! But though much to be played out in these lasts days - the fact remains that if Christmas is about receiving something else its’ going to disappoint
I remember one Christmas Eve - nostalgia never be the same … but like that song Ike sang by Matthew West - there is the reality of Christmas that we can get back and never lose. Christmas the big event is a past event already happened, God the Son did come into our world. I read of a story of a kid thought Christmas would be better - actually wrapped up his presents again and opened them the following day - hold on to Christmas Spirit. But look True Light came 2000 years ago, though He was the world-maker, the world didn’t know him. He came to his own, own to didn’t receive him. But then comes the Gospel of Christmas - one little word that changes everything. BUT
John 1:12
John 1:12 ESV
But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,
We all have a decision to make tonight - are you looking in the wrong direction for the wrong things at Christmas. Or are you looking in the right direction for Jesus tonight? Christmas has come, the Word become flesh, He has already lived, bled , died and risen again for us. And the Coming of Christmas Joy even in the post Christmas blahs of this year, especially in pandemic, is about the next two comings of Jesus. Jesus left his world his first earthly ministry saying: But I will rise and then I will come to you again. I have told you that favourite line of Christmas Carol, from O Little Town Of Bethlehem, - where meek souls will receive Him still the dear Christ enters in. And the whole warp and woof, whole sweep and direction is Christ redeeming all things when He comes in His Second coming to judge the living and the dead! When as we’ll see Christmas morning - he will wipe every tear from His people’s face, right every wrong, bring into judgment all evil and destroy - make a renewed heaven and earth!
If Christmas is about the one who was toward God, the Word the eternal Son of God, if that is really who came to save us, Jesus Messiah like no other - than understand His whole life, death resurrection, ascension into heaven, it’s all about Him bring you into a personal and face to face, toward relationships with His Father! To receive Jesus isn’t to ask him into your heart. Its to believe who He is a God, loving - receive all He is a your wisdom, righteousness, your salvation, what it means to be united to Him as heir of the kingdom of God.
See that’s what it means to believe in His name tonight - trust into all that He is and does . Then the reality of Christmas - Emmanuel - God coming to a world that is so post-Christmas blues - its so without - think stuffed ourselves with so much food, so many gifts, so much luxury - but still deep gnawing with-out! And Jesus Christ, living Lord you can be in His orbit, in His reality, in union with Him, He brings you into orbit of the Father
Christ Himself is the meaning of Christmas, He with all his benefits, all his salvation all his righteousness He is the one you must receive! And if you do - be able to call God your Heavenly Father!
Pray with me: Lord God, you sent your Son from the heights of heaven to the depths of earth for us. Jesus you who were rich became poor, so that we receive the riches of heaven!
The brightness of your beauty and holiness, remind me of the ugliness of of my sin, and of a life lived without You. Lord I believe your witness, and prophets and John and John the Baptist that Jesus is your Son and He is the Lamb of God who takes away my sins. I ask you to forgive me and to enable me to turn away from sin and begin to live for you Heavenly Father and Christ’s Kingdom!
Thank you Heavenly Father, for the promise that if i seek you I will find you when I search with all my heart. When I knock you will open - no matter how down, or sinful or weak or numb I feel.
Heavenly Father, grant me new life in Christ, Help me to receive Christ - to live as one forgiven and raised up as heir with Christ . Amen
345 Hark the Herald Angels Sing
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