04 Bethlehem, a place of
04 Bethlehem – Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.
Ephratah is Bethlehem (Ge. 35:19); Rachel was buried there, (Gen 35:16); Jessie lived there, David grew up there, (1 Samuel 17:12); Elimelech, Naomi’s husband was from there – Jesus was born there.
The shepherds said in Luke 2:15 “Let us go to Bethlehem…”
The world saw Bethlehem as a small, insignificant village; God saw Bethlehem as:
A place of potential:
· In God’s economy, the small shall become great; the last shall be first.
o 1 Corinthians 1:26-29
§ God see potential in you or else He would not have died for you.
· Though small and seemingly insignificant, God had big plans for Bethlehem; she would be the birthplace of the Kings = David & Jesus
· How insignificant do you see yourself? How insignificant does God see you
o All the great Christian men of this world were born of a woman
o All of them were led to Christ by someone sharing the word of God with them.
· God doesn’t see you for who or what you are but rather who and what you can be through Him.
o You are a person of potential. You have value!
A Place of Providence: (protection by the Providential hand of God)
· God put the whole world into motion to see His word fulfilled
o David was born around 1000 BC
o Cyrenius started a census in A.D. 6,7
o Caesar Augustus sent out a degree a few years later to tax everyone
o What may have seemed to Joseph as a big inconvenience was indeed the hand of God fulfilling His word.
§ Subsequently the situation also removed Mary from further gossip and even humiliation.
o In Bethlehem, God would protect both parents and child.
o God fulfills His promises and protected the family.
§ If we are His children, He is always at work in our lives as well.
o But, make no mistake, God’s providence never gets in the way of His plans.
A Place of Privilege:
· Christ was born in Bethlehem, hand picked by God to cradle the Saviour of the world.
o But has HE been born in you?
o Have you died to self that HE might live in you?
· We too are of privilege, we have been blessed by God, chosen by God before the foundation of the world…
· Furthermore, we are a place of privilege for GOD has chosen to dwell, to tabernacle, in us.
o 1 Corinthians 6:19 “What? Know ye not…