Sermon 072196
Phi. 2:5-7 Have This Attitude in Yourselves-III 7/21/96
I. Introduction and Review 530
¨ Paul’s appeal for Christian unity was based on the example on Christ (2:5-11)
¨ The Attitude of Christ (v. 5)
A. His divine pre-existence (v. 6) - Jn. 1:1;Tit. 2:13
B. His eternal pre-existence (v. 6) - Is. 9:6
C. Did not cling to His divine privileges as something for His own advantage (v.6)
Þ Heavenly glory & honor (Jn. 17:4; Is. 6:1-3); riches (2Co. 8:9); full & independent exercise of authority & power (Heb.5:8; Jn. 5:30)!
Everything that Christ was & did in redemptive history reveals His SELFLESSNESS!
II. Christ Emptied Himself(v. 7) - “kenoo” = to make void, empty, of no reputation
A. DOES NOT mean that Christ emptied Himself of divinity
· He could never cease being God, even in the incarnation! (Heb. 13:8; Mal. 3:6; Jas. 1:17 = the Father & Son have the same qualities)
· If He ceased being God, then He ceased to exist - He would not be eternal
B. He “emptied Himself”’ in regard to His divine privileges - This was not a pretense!
Þ He willingly laid them aside; made His privileges void or ineffective
Þ He laid aside His reputation by releasing or giving up His divine privileges
Þ His reputation = being worshipped, praised, served, obeyed; no hunger, thirst, tiring
Þ Jesus did not come to impress sinners with His reputation (power & glory) - 2Co. 8:9
Have This Attitude in Yourself-II, pg. 2
C. Christ took on an additional form or nature (Jn. 1:1, 14)
1. “the likeness of men” = flesh & blood (Heb. 2:14, 17)
¨ He had some similarities & dissimilarities to mankind (Gal. 4:4; Rom. 8:3; Heb. 4:15)
¨ As man, Christ was born, grew & matured, ate, slept (Lk. 2:6-11; 51-52; 8:22-23)
¨ Jesus Christ was not simply a man; He was The Man; The Unique Man (Jn. 19:5)
¨ Christ was The Son of Man, not a son of man (Mt. 12:8; 13:41; 19:28; 24:30; 26:64)
2. “bond servant” = humility & servanthood; no rights, privileges or advantages
¨ Christ was not pretending to be a servant; He was a servant! - He served the unlovely, the unclean, the outcasts = lepers, prostitutes, poor, demon-possessed, tax collectors, educated & uneducated, deceivers & true disciples, etc.
Behold, the Man! Look at the heart & character of God reveal in Christ. God is not one who uses His divine privileges, His rights, His advantages with selfish motives or empty conceit (v. 3). Look at Christ as He considers the interest of others as more important than His comfort, pleasure or rights! Have this attitude in yourself!!!!
What are you clutching & clinging on to as your right & privilege? What’s holding you back from thinking about other people’s needs, praying & then meeting those needs? Christ Himself who has given us the example of His life also gives us the DESIRE & POWER to be humble!