The Gospel of John: Jesus the Son of God
Generally, when someone writes something, they do so in order to convey information in hopes of influencing belief that the data is true or worthy of being believed. John explicitly wrote his gospel toward that end by his selection of signs and statements in order to garner belief that leads to life.
What can we believe?
Introducing John
No doubt John recorded the interviews with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman back to back in order to prove that all men and women, no matter where they are in the realm of human experience, need to and can be saved through a personal encounter with the Savior.
What are “these”?
Why “these”?
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God
So what is the result of belief?
On the one hand, believers “have” eternal life in the present (Jn 3:36). Believers have already passed from death to life, possessing eternal life now (Jn 5:24). Deliverance and judgment, salvation and condemnation are already being determined in an individual’s encounter with Jesus (Jn 3:18). On the other hand, they still look forward to resurrection to the life of the world to come (Jn 11:23–26), to being “raised up on the last day” (Jn 6:39–40, 54), to a future judgment (Jn 12:48), and to eternal life beyond death in this world (Jn 12:25).