06AM September 10 Mark 16 9_15 20

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September 10, 2006—Morning Worship

The “Life of Jesus” Series – Part 6

He’s Alive!

News that Delivers

Mark 16:9-15, 20

Intro:  “News that Delivers!” It’s the slogan of many books, magazines, tabloids & even TV news broadcasts. But we are not told exactly what this news does deliver. According to one review, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central’s Cable Network is, “the fake news that delivers the truth.” & I’m afraid that much of what we get news-wise is, to some extent, fake.

          With all the hype about Katie Couric becoming the 1st female to anchor an evening news broadcast on a major network, comes the question, “If you’re not sure you’re getting the truth, what difference does it make who delivers it?” Most people today are skeptical about the news they hear. They either think that the government is planting a story, spinning the truth or covering up the truth. Some think that the news networks are shaping the truth to make the reality they want to portray. So it all boils down to—what is the truth & can you trust the person giving it.

          In our text today, we will discover no less than 15 eyewitnesses to the fact that Jesus Christ is alive! These witnesses have given testimony over & over again to the truth of the resurrection. & yet, as we will see in our reading of the text, their testimony was not believed.

          The world around us, for the most part, refuses to believe that Jesus Christ is alive. B/c if He is alive then He is who He said He is. & if He is who He said He is, then they must submit to His lordship. & the world, for the most part, still refuses to have this King rule over them.

          But I am happy to report to you today that Jesus Christ is alive! He’s Alive! & that is news that delivers! It delivers men from sin & death & hell & delivers them to freedom in Christ! & that my friends, is the Good News!

So let’s READ our text, Mark 16:9-15, 20 & there find the news that delivers.

The news that delivers can be found in…

1. The Testimony of One Woman (vv. 9-11)

Her name is Mary Magdalene & v. 9 gives us a glimpse into…

   A. Her Background (v. 9)

          1. Her name probably comes from her city of origin, Magdala. Mary the Madalene

          2. v. 9 tells us that Jesus had cast 7 demons from Mary

          3. Yet that actual event is recorded no where in Scripture

          4. Some have surmised that Mary was a very wicked woman

          5. Some even saying she must have been a prostitute

          6. There is no evidence of prostitution but surely Mary was a wicked woman

          7. But v. 9 places great honor on Mary b/c Jesus appeared to her 1st of all people

          8. That means that God can use even the most vile & wicked who come 2 Him!

          9. Mary’s background was not perfect, pure or pristine—but neither is yours

          10. Jesus Christ calls, changes, equips & empowers old sinners as new saints!

Mary’s amazement at seeing Jesus quickly turned into…

   B. Her Bereavement (READ v. 10)

          1. These men whom Jesus had poured Himself into were struck w/grief

          2. It had been 3 days & they were still mourning & weeping over Jesus’ death

          3. Did not Jesus say that after 3 days He would rise again?

          4. Had they not heard that—had they missed that—were they oblivious to that?

          5. It is apparent from this verse & the last 4 words of v. 11, “they did not believe”

          6. & when Mary, who had just seen & spoken w/Jesus saw it, it broke her heart

          7. Jesus was alive & they did not believe

          8. Just as this world is oblivious to the truth of the resurrection, so the disciples

          9. But why would they not believe—why would they refuse Mary’s testimony?

          10. In those days, women were not accepted in court as true. Mary heartbroken

& yet, this did not stop…

   C. Her Belief (READ v. 11)

          1. Jesus said a prophet has no honor in his own country/from his own people

          2. Mary had been acquaintances w/these men for several years/didn’t believe

          3. Her words were the words of a hysterical, emotional, unreliable woman

          4. But it was in Mark 8:31 that Jesus began to teach about His resurrection

          5. He plainly taught them that after 3 days He would rise again

          6. Why did they not believe the testimony of Mary after what Jesus told them?

          7. The world may not believe your testimony but that should not affect your faith

          8. You just need to be like Mary Magdalene & keep on telling the Good News

          9. Don’t let anyone else’s unbelief stifle your faith—but let your faith grow strong

The news that delivers can be found in…

2. The Testimony of One Couple (vv. 12-13)

These are the ones on their way to the village of Emmaus & here we can observe…

   A. Their Walk (READ v. 12)

          1. That was their mode of transportation in those days—slow, tiresome & hard

          2. Luke tells us that they were talking about all that had happened in Jerusalem

          3. As they walked they met Jesus who concealed His ID to challenge their faith

          4. He acted as if He knew nothing about the events of surrounding His death

          5. & Cleopas & his companion (possibly his wife) began to tell Jesus everything

          6. “Jesus was a Prophet / chief priests & elders delivered Him to crucify Him

          7. We were hoping that He was the One to redeem Israel & it’s been 3 days!

          8. Some of the women in our company said they saw angels who said He’s alive

          9. The tomb is empty but they didn’t see Jesus”

          10. Then Jesus expounded all the Scriptures to them about Himself

          11. & when He revealed Himself to them He disappeared before their eyes!


& at that point they began to hurry back to the other disciples to deliver…

   B. Their Witness (READ v. 13)

          1. So here we have these ‘giants of the faith’ exhibiting very little faith!

          2. Jesus once said that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed/move mtns!

          3. But not these guys – they were weak in their faith – but before we criticize…

          4. How many of us would have done exactly the same thing!?!

          5. It’s almost too good to be true – they not only heard He’s alive/He was seen!

          6. He talked, He walked, He hid His features, He revealed them/resurrection pwr!

          7. & yet they still did not believe them either!

          8. We’ve the best news; life-changing news; the big story; & they don’t believe!

          9. The Biblical world was much like our world; if too good to be true – it is!

          10. But our good news is true! It’s life-changing! It’s powerful! It’s real!

          11. & it will be believed as soon as God opens the hearts/minds of disbelievers!

& that happens when people hear the news that delivers found in…

3. The Testimony of the One Lord (vv. 14-15, 20)

Jesus quickly moves His disciples to…

   A. The Confrontation over unbelief (READ v. 14)

          1. Mary was the 1st eyewitness; then the 2 going to Emmaus; now the 11 know!

          2. Jesus confronts their unbelief, He reveals Himself an eyewitness making 15!

          3. He rebukes them for not believing the testimony of the others – John 20:29

          4. Seeing is not believing – believing is seeing the evidence & power of God!

          5. What are we to do when life seems to make no sense? Trust/believe God!

          6. Stand on the promises of God’s word & keep the faith! Keep the faith!

          7. That’s basically what Jesus is telling His disciples in v. 14

Then Jesus focuses their attention on…

   B. The Commission to preach (READ v. 15)

          1. Jesus commissioned His disciples to be the 1st missionaries! He said, “Go!”

          2. Go into all the world & preach the gospel! Not your ideas/opinions/thoughts

          3. Preach the gospel to every creature & that means to the whole creation

          4. IOW preach to every individual in the creation the news that delivers!

          5. Everybody needs the gospel! Don’t pick & choose who to tell! Tell everyone!

          6. At the very least, this commission applies to us today by application

          7. More to the point, this commission is expected of us today by Jesus Christ!

          8. Don’t let weak faith stop you! Preach the gospel! Be a witness for Jesus sake!

B/c even though the disciples didn’t believe early on, their faith gave them…

   C. The Confidence to obey (READ v. 20)

          1. IOW they did as they were told! They obeyed the word of God & He blessed!

          2. Not only did He bless – He was with them & worked in/through/for & by them!

          3. Oh, that the world would see Jesus in us as it did in them!

          4. Oh, that our lives could be & would be lived for the glory of God!

          5. Oh, that we would so follow our Lord that His work in us would capture sinners

          6. B/c when we do God will make us useful to convict & convert many to Christ!

          7. & to that truth Mark ends his gospel w/AMEN! So be it; may it be fulfilled!

          8. Oh, may it be fulfilled in us in America to go & give & glorify the King of kings & Lord of lords who reigns upon the throne of heaven!

Conclusion:  Ladies & gentlemen, Jesus Christ is alive today! He is living & seated at the right hand of the throne of God! Jesus Christ is interceding for His children every moment of every day! He died for you that He might have the right to plead your case before God the Father. IOW Jesus wanted you to be represented in the courts of Heaven & there is no better Advocate than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!

          The world may not receive your testimony. They may not believe your words. But don’t you ever give up testifying about Jesus! Who knows, one day, God will touch their hearts & they will hear w/spiritual ears & see w/spiritual eyes & God will graciously save them! So keep the faith; keep on giving; keep on sharing; keep on telling the good news b/c it’s the only way for anyone to be delivered. The gospel truly is the news that delivers!

Invitation:  Have you been delivered from your burden & bondage of sin? Are you free in Christ to live for His glory? & are you doing that daily?

          If not, & you sense that God is dealing w/you about the destiny of your eternal soul, would you come today in repentance of sin & place your faith in Jesus Christ alone? If you sense God drawing you to Himself, wont you come & be set free?

          Or maybe today, God has spoken to you about your life & witness. Maybe He would have you to be more active in proclaiming the good news. Would you commit to do that today? Would you come & offer yourself as a living sacrifice to God & ask Him to use you as He sees fit?

          Or maybe God has spoken to you about other matters of faith today. Would you come & deal w/those as God speaks to your heart?

Hymn 533 He Lives

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