A Great Lesson from A Gracious Host (This is why I trust God)
David still has in mind, “This is why I trust God”. What David achieves in this text is giving us the track-record of God. However it‘s hard trusting someone I do not know.
He looks back at moments in His life where different attributes of God showed up. Do not get too lost in the illustration that we lose sight of God’s description.
Nobody has to tell David about God’s character and is saying through this Psalm, “this is why I trust God”
As he looks back he writes, and describes God in the following ways:
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies”
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies”
“you prepare a table” tells me this is intimate. This host wants to eat with me (antiquities will suggest that meals together signified close fellowship; they also shed light on victory feasts) - He doesn’t just say “here, look that!” he says, “I’m here”
“before me” tells me that He is serving me
“in the presence of my enemies” tells me that He has my back and gives me confidence to eat in spite of and in the sight of my enemies
NT Application:
Heb. 10:19-22; James 4:8; [God wants the closeness]
Trust describes a reliance or confidence in because of one’s nature and past experience.
“You anoint my head with oil”
“You anoint my head with oil”
This imagery is also borrowed from that culture.
The anointing indicated choice, it also indicates favour, something that the psalmist talks about in other psalms. [Ps 5:12; 30:5-7; 119:58]
The guest would be anointed by the host to “make them feel at home”
Something now happens to those in Christ. [2 Cor 5:16; John 1:12-13; “all spiritual blessings”]
The psalmist doesn’t take it for granted that he is in God’s favour. If God is willing to do so much “while we were enemies” imagine what He can do, if I trust Him.
“my cup overflows”
“my cup overflows”
Considering what God has done (part a&b), David says this my state; “my cup overflows”
God has done too much and been too much for me to keep it to myself.
Many verses show us how abundantly God has blessed us. (Jn 10:10; Eph 1:3-4; 3:20; 2 Cor 12:9-10)
Consider Jesus
Consider Jesus
Consider what he has done
Consider how I have responded
Consider what I need to change
Trust Him!