06PM December 10 Various Verses
December 10, 2006—Evening Worship
What Christmas Really Means – Part 4
The Revelation of the Word of God
Views of Revelation
Various Verses
Intro: I'm sure you've heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." & that saying goes along w/the saying, “Seeing is believing.” & therefore, many people would say, “If God would only paint us a picture, how much would it speak of who He is!”
Well, the Scriptures at which we look tonight teach us that God has done just that! God has given us His beautiful world as a picture of His glory. Not only that, but He has given us the Scripture, His written Word, as well. Let's look at 2 passages from the Bible, Hebrews 1:1-4 & Psalm 19:1-14 & see 2 views of revelation & see how we can apply these truths.
READ Hebrews 1:1-4
Here we have a picture of God speaking through His Son to man. But in this picture, we never see God, we only see the One who is (v. 3) “the brightness of His glory & the express image of His person.” IOW it is Jesus Christ who reveals God to man. We could never know God by any other means. But God in His grace, ordained this means of revealing Himself to us.
But why does God wait until “these last days” to reveal Himself through Jesus? What about all those who lived before Jesus came? What about all those who have never heard about Jesus? How could they know God?
Well, according to King David, who wrote Psalm 19, men can know God by…
1. The Word of God through Nature (vv. 14a).
1- IOW God speaks to all men through nature.
2- God is the Creator.
3- This fact is established in Genesis 1:1 & is echoed throughout all of Scripture & is evident in our world (v. 1).
4- The general Hebrew word for God is used in this section, & it’s a shortened version of the same word used in the Genesis account of creation.
5- God has given us this general revelation of Himself to proclaim His glory.
The Word of God through Nature is…
A. Continual (READ vv. 1-2).
1. The repetition of "day unto day" & "night unto night" emphasizes the unending nature of general revelation.
2. The glory of God is continually revealed in the specifics of nature
3. The sunrise & sunset, the changing of the seasons, clouds & rain, wind & calm, clear & bright days – it all reveals the fact of THE Creator
4. The “Big Bang” theory is not accurate or correct; it’s man’s attempt to explain away God’s revelation of Himself
[You may have seen in the news this week a story about scientists being able to look into the womb of animals & see their babies develop. Now what struck me about those reports was this: they said, “Oh, look at the baby elephant, or the baby lion in their mother’s womb. How cute!” They never said, “Examine for yourself this blob of tissue in this animal’s body.”
If an animal in its mothers’ womb can be called a baby animal; then why can’t babies in their mothers’ wombs be called a person?]
5. Whether man likes it or not, God is the Creator of all things & is to be worshipped b/c His word continually reveals His handiwork through nature.
But not only that, but God’s word through nature is also…
B. Universal (READ vv. 3-4a).
1. The Hebrew word translated "line" is often used for a family line or a measured area.
2. So these vv. convey that general revelation transcends all language & all cultural & spatial barriers.
3. Interpreting & applying the book of Psalms often depends on the preceding or following Psalm.
4. In this case, at the end of Psalm 18, David told the Lord that he would give thanks to Him among the Gentiles & sing His praises (v. 49); he followed w/Psalm 19, which is a cross-cultural proclamation of God's revelation!
5. If we look down, we see God's wonderful creation, though what we see will differ depending on where we are in the world.
6. But if we look up, we see the same sky, heavens, & sun as the rest of the world!
7. This idea is echoed in Romans 1:20, 21--creation is the source of the general revelation of God to people of all times, places, & cultures.
The 1st application is simple: look up!
1- We are so entertainment oriented that we often neglect praising God for His creation.
2- These vv. focus on the heavens, the sky, & the sun.
3- How full of praise we would be if we would take time to look up.
The 2nd application is that general revelation should not only be a means for praise, but a starting point for evangelism.
1- & that’s b/c it's the common factor that binds all peoples, cultures, & languages together.
2- The created world we live in reflects the Creator, the only God!
But then King David gives us another view of revelation & it’s by…
2. The Word of God through Scripture (vv. 4b9).
1- In a beautiful transition David continued his use of nature to move us into his next section on the Law of God (READ vv. 4b6).
2- He compared God’s Word to the majestic sun, b/c as no one can escape its heat, no one can escape how God's Word searches our hearts.
Then David moves to…
A. The description of God’s Attributes (READ vv. 7-9)
1. In v. 7 the Hebrew name for God, Jehovah, is used.
2. This name is the proper name of the One True God
3. The Jews would not pronounce this name b/c it was so holy
4. When they came to this name as they read the scrolls they would substitute the word Adonai
5. Again this reveals the 1st & foremost characteristic or attribute of God is His holiness
6. His other characteristics are displayed through His Word & are reflected in the terms used in these vv.
7. v. 7 we find the words "perfect" & "sure"
8. v. 8 it’s the words "right" & "pure"
9. v. 9 it’s "clean" & "true" & "righteous"
10. These words describe God’s word & therefore are descriptions of Himself
& these words also lead us to…
B. The explanation of their Affects (vv. 7-9)
1. God’s Word prompts action b/c God’s word changes us, as these verses describe
2. v. 7 says that God’s word is "converting the soul" & "making wise the simple"
3. v. 8 says that it is "rejoicing the heart" & "enlightening the eyes"
4. & v. 9 says that it’s "enduring forever"
5. God has given us this specific revelation to proclaim the character of God & their affect on us.
6. The Bible is what has been called “Progressive Revelation”
1. God starts w/the simply; w/the general & then moves to a more clearly defined explanation
2. When you entered Kindergarten, your teacher didn’t say, “O.k. class, let’s open our Calculus books to page 88.
3. No, you began by learning the numbers & how to count to 10 & then 100
4. Then you learned to + & - & x & ÷
5. Then you learned more advanced math
6. & God’s revelation of Himself had to be progressive b/c man’s minds are too finite to grasp the full revelation of God at once
1- Scripture is not general but specific, & it’s not revealed in nature only, but through human language
2- We are responsible to share the Scriptures w/others.
3- & again, David's purpose in this Psalm was to praise God & to proclaim Him to the Gentiles; he was sharing the glory of God's Word w/them!
4- Perhaps you are gifted w/language; maybe you should consider missionary work as a Scripture translator!
5- Maybe God is prompting your heart to donate to Wycliffe or another worthy translation ministry.
6- Or maybe God is prompting you to simply be His witness!
7- Let’s get God's Word out to all the people so that it can do what God sends it forth to accomplish!
& so this brings us to…
3. Our Response through actions (vv. 1014).
1- God has given us senses to perceive His general & specific revelations & then He gave us the will to respond to them.
2- David exemplifies the application of these vv. clearly as he says our 1st response is to be one…
A. Of Obedience. (READ vv. 10-11)
1. 1st our desire must be to obey.
2. God’s word should be the “apple of our eyes” – it should be the “desire of our hearts” – it should be that which we desire most in order to know God better
3. God's Word keeps us from danger & when we obey it, there is great reward
4. So we must always obey it.
David also says that our response to God’s word is to be one…
B. Of Repentance. (READ vv. 12-13)
1. We must confess & repent.
2. We need to confess & ask forgiveness both for our character flaws & for our willful disobedience.
3. David asked God to keep him from sins to help him be blameless.
4. This is repentance & life through the Spirit.
5. God works in us to change our character & to keep us from sin!
& then finally, our response to God’s word should be one…
C. Of Commitment. (READ v. 14)
1. We must commit ourselves to God.
2. IOW everything we say & everything we think about is to be pleasing to God
3. How far short of that standard do you fall?
4. Notice David is asking God to help him be pleasing in His sight
5. & notice the word “meditation” it means “resounding music”
6. IOW your life’s song of praise – everything that you do is to be “music to the Master’s ears”
7. David felt that way b/c Jehovah was his “strength” & that word means “rock” but not just a rock but a “rock wall w/a flat face”
8. IOW a shear cliff of protection
9. I want my life’s song to be a praise song to God my rock!
10. Oh, but I fall so far short of even being on key—let alone singing w/excellence
11. But like David, I know that God is my Redeemer & that makes me want to do it right
Conclusion: Oh, let’s let our response to God's Word be a commitment of our own words & hearts to Him.
As Hebrews 13:15 says, “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”
Praise the name of Jesus! Praise the name of Jesus! He’s my Rock! He’s my Fortress! He’s my Deliverer! In Him will I trust! Praise the name of Jesus!
Jesus came to earth to be born as the Babe in Bethlehem; to live a sinless life; to be the spotless, perfect, only acceptable sacrifice for sin; that through faith in Him, we might be saved! & that’s the message of Christmas!
Invitation: Prayer: Oh, God, You are our God – & we will forever praise You! & I pray tonight, that if someone under the sound of my voice is struggling w/the destiny of their eternal soul, God I pray, that You would grant them the gifts of repentance & faith & that they would respond to Your word as they come to the Rock of salvation!
Lord, I also pray for those who may be struggling w/other matters of faith & practice. I pray You would give them strength & help them stand for You.
& God I pray that You would be pleased w/the response of each one of us during this invitation tonight ---- as we stand to sing…
Hymn 294 Have Thine Own Way, Lord