06PM February 12 Ephesians 4 1_6

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February 12, 2006—Evening Worship


“The Glorious Grace of God” Series – Part 9

United We Stand

The Details of Unity in Christ

Ephesians 4:1-6


Intro:  Ephesians 4:1-6 will be the focus of our attention tonight, as we investigate the details of unity in Christ. The old saying is true, “United we stand, divided we fall.” But our text, tonight, holds so much more meaning concerning the unity of the faith, so let’s read it & hear from the Lord on this subject of unity.

Ephesians 4 1 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling w/which you were called, 2 w/all lowliness & gentleness, w/longsuffering, bearing w/1 another in love, 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is 1 body & 1 Spirit, just as you were called in 1 hope of your calling; 5 1 Lord, 1 faith, 1 baptism; 6 1 God & Father of all, who is above all, & through all, & in you all.

          I don’t know the political persuasions & beliefs of every American concerning the Presidency. I don’t really know how you felt about Richard Nixon’s involvement in Watergate, or Bill Clinton’s involvement w/Monica Lewinsky. I don’t know what you think about the political fallout over President Bush authorizing the NSA wire taps. But I do know that every American believes that the President of the United States ought to conduct himself in a manner worthy of his office.

          I didn’t say that the man ought to be worthy of the office. I said that the man ought to conduct himself in a manner worthy of the office. IOW, the office of President of the United States – ought to cause those who occupy that position, to feel a deep sense of duty & respect for that position – that would keep them from doing anything that would bring dishonor or disgrace to the office of the President of the United States.

          I believe that the leadership in the Church ought to feel the same deep sense of duty & respect – that would keep them from doing anything to bring dishonor or disgrace to the Lord, the Church or the position of leadership in the Church. & I believe the Bible teaches us that every Christian ought to feel that same sense of duty & respect for the privilege & joy of being called a Christian!

          When I 1st told my parents that God had called me to preach, my dad said, “You’ll find out that everything that happens in church is not spiritual.” & unfortunately that’s true. It seems as if we hear every week about preachers who fall morally or church members who disgrace the Lord & His work by the ungodly way they live.

          We’ve all heard stories of churches that argue & how business meetings get turned into knock down drag outs. We know of churches that split over trivial matters.

          Granted, sometimes those who are the worst offenders are unconverted church members, but much too often, it is true believers that disrupt the unity of the church by their selfish actions.

- Paul tells us in v. 1 of our text that…

1. There is a Conduct that encourages unity. (v. 1)

- & that conduct would not be one that brings disgrace to the Lord, but it would be conduct that lets your light shine so that the world may glorify God!

- Notice that…

    A. God’s Purpose demands your consistency. (v. 1a) 1a I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy

- This is the 2nd time Paul mentions his imprisonment. Why? Why does he mention it here?

- We’ve already talked about the Ephesians’ concern & confusion over Paul’s imprisonment. They wondered why God had not miraculously freed him.

- But Paul’s mentioning his being a prisoner of the Lord was not to call attention to those things, but to call attention to the purpose & power of God at work in him.

- Paul is saying that, “Whatever it costs me to serve God I’m willing to pay. Whatever God has sent me to do – it is so worth it!”

- God’s purpose demands your consistency & Paul encourages us to walk according to the name as a prisoner of the Lord!

- The word translated ‘beseech’ literally means “to encourage, to strengthen, to instruct or to teach.”

- IOW, Paul was saying w/his lips & w/his life, “Let me encourage you to walk worthy; let me instruct you to walk worthy; let me teach you to walk worthy as a prisoner of the Lord.”

[Dr. Kenneth Ridings, who is President of FBBI, told us 1 day in Homiletics Class, “I’d rather hear of your early death, than to hear that your actions caused reproach to the name of Christ!”]

- God has called each one of you for a purpose & if you are to fulfill that purpose, you must be consistent in your example for God!

- But notice also that…

    B. God’s Providence demands your consistency. (v. 1b) 1b walk worthy of the calling w/which you were called

- You are where you are in life according to the power & providence of God.

- You are what you are in life according to the providence of God.

- & everywhere you go & everything you do calls attention to you as a child of God, as a work of God & therefore everything about you reflects on God Himself!

- So Paul’s point here is, “In whatever situation you may find yourself, be sure you walk worthy of the Lord.

- IOW, you are a demonstration of God’s power & purpose & providence. So don’t let it be said that you live an ungodly life; don’t let it be said that you’ve ever done anything to bring disgrace & dishonor to the cause of Christ!

- Since you are a Christian & since you represent God to the world – live up to your name!

[December 7, 1990, Tahir Iqbal, a Muslim who was converted to faith in Christ, was imprisoned in Lahore, Pakistan. He died in prison, 19 months later on July 19, 1992. He was a paraplegic & confined to a wheel chair. When asked about the possibility of being hanged he said, "I will kiss my rope, but will never deny my faith."]

- I want to have that kind of faith! I want you to have that kind of faith!

- If we all did, we would be even more united in the cause of Christ!

- That kind of faith & conduct encourages unity!

- Paul tells us that there is a conduct that encourages unity & he says…

2. There is a Character that seeks unity. (vv. 2-3)

- In the 1st verse, Paul told us what to do. In vv. 2-3 he tells us how to do it.

- The character that seeks unity begins with…

    A. A Proper view of yourself. (v. 2a) 2a w/all lowliness & gentleness

- The knowledge of our high calling should make us feel very lowly.

- Christian lowliness is a disposition to think lowly of your self & highly of Christ.

- Christian gentleness is the demeanor of a person w/that disposition.

- B/c you’ve been granted to know God, your life is a life of lowliness.

- You regard your knowledge as small & lowly b/c you’ve seen the omniscient God.

- You regard your strength as small & lowly b/c you’ve seen the omnipotent God.

- You regard your righteousness as small & lowly b/c you’ve seen the Holy God.

- & since your life is focused on God & not man, you’re not puffed up by any little superiority you may have over other humans.

- Christian lowliness makes you feel awkward receiving praise.

- It makes you recoil from self-assertiveness & self-esteem & self-confidence.

- The great delight of the lowly Christian is to enjoy the free, unmerited mercy of God.

- All your longings are satisfied in God. God is the one you esteem. God is your confidence. God is the one who will assert Himself to vindicate the poor in spirit & to make the last first.

- In the meantime, the man or woman of lowliness is the servant of all.

- This is the work of the Holy Spirit opening your eyes to see the majesty of God's holiness & just how minute you are.

- You need a proper view of yourself &…

    B. A Patient understanding of others. (v. 2b) 2b w/longsuffering, bearing w/1 another in love

- The word translated ‘longsuffering’ literally means, “patience or steadfastness.”

- Lowliness is the prerequisite of patience. The more highly you think of yourself the more quickly you will think you should be served.

- But if you have a disposition of lowliness it won't feel so inappropriate when you are not treated like a dignitary & when the fruits of your labors are slow in coming.

- If you’ve seen the majesty of God's holiness you know just how small & sinful you really are, & you don't presume to deserve special treatment.

- If you’ve seen the magnificence of God's grace you know He will give you the strength to wait & He will turn all your delays into strategic maneuvers of victory.

- Paul also tells us that we are to bear w/1 another in love.

- The word ‘bearing’ means ‘enduring.’

- Just like gentleness is the demeanor of lowliness, endurance is the demeanor of patience.

- I am so glad Paul said we must endure one another.

- That means that there are no perfect people in church b/c perfect people don't need to be endured or forgiven.

- You & I both know that Brookleigh Baptist Church is not filled w/perfect people.

- Some of us are grumpy or critical. The pastor has gaping holes in his sanctification.

- & so what Paul tells us here is not how perfect people can live together in unity, but how real, imperfect people can maintain the unity of the Spirit.

- We do it by enduring each other in love.

- A proper view of yourself & a patience understanding of others will lead you to…

    C. A Persistent work toward peace. (v. 3) 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

- This is a labor of love! B/c the word translated ‘endeavoring’ literally means, “to exert yourself, to hasten, to be diligent.”

- IOW, Paul says we are to work at keeping the unity of the Spirit.

- If it’s the unity of the Spirit, that means it’s the Spirit’s unity. So Paul tells us to keep what we already have been given by the Spirit of God.

- & since we’ve said that the church is not filled w/perfect people, but w/sinners saved by grace, it’s hard work to keep the unity of the Spirit b/c we must constantly endure one another in love.

- But thank God that He has given us a means to keep the unity! Thank God that He has made it possible for brothers to dwell together—united in cause & purpose!

- If you remember, that unity was purchased for us by the blood of Christ.

Ephesians 2 14 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both 1, & has broken down the middle wall of separation, 15 having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself 1 new man from the 2, thus making peace, 16 & that He might reconcile them both to God in 1 body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. 17 & He came & preached peace to you who were afar off & to those who were near. 18 For through Him we both have access by 1 Spirit to the Father.

- It was purchased by the Son – given through the Spirit – reconciling us to the Father.

- & it’s up to us; it’s our responsibility before God; to keep the unity; to guard as precious that for which Jesus died!

Paul tells us there is a conduct that encourages unity, a character that seeks unity &…

3. There are Conditions that necessitate unity. (vv. 4-6)

- We’ve just read Ephesians 2:14-18 which reminds us God took 2 opposing groups & made them 1, reconciling both to God in 1 body.

- That means that this unity is not just for people inside the church – it’s also for people who are afar off; it’s to those who are outside the church, too!

- & so Paul tells us the conditions that necessitate unity are…

    A. The condition of God’s Grace. (vv. 4-6) 4 There is 1 body… 5 1 Lord… 6 1 God & Father of all, who is above all

- This is the foundation for unity inside the church & the foundation for missions outside the church.

- Since there is 1 Lord, we should be diligent to maintain the unity of the Spirit under His unifying lordship.

- & since there is 1 Lord among all the religions of the world, we should be diligent to spread the news to Muslims & Hindus & Buddhists & atheists.

- This has never been a popular stance--that there is only 1 Lord in all the universe w/whom all humans must deal.

- & that this Lord is the God-Man Jesus Christ who lived & died & rose once for all over 2000 years ago.

- & knowing & trusting Him alone is the only way to escape the just judgment of God.

- Jesus as man's only hope has never been popular & it’s increasingly unpopular today

- But by the grace of God, (who is the Father of all & especially of those who believe) there is 1 body into which the Lord Jesus places all who come to Him in repentance & faith.

- God’s grace draws us together into 1 body under 1 Lord to 1 God who is above all!

- But there’s also…

    B. The condition of the Spirit’s Work. (vv. 4-6) 4 There is…1 Spirit… 5 1 faith… 6 1 God & Father of all, who is…through all

[British theologian John Hick argues that different religions are "equals, though they each may have different emphases. Christianity, he says, is not superior, but 1 partner in the quest for salvation. We are not to seek 1 world religion but rather we look to the day when the ecumenical spirit which has so largely transformed Christianity will increasingly affect relations between the world faiths."]

- He likes to quote from the Hindu “bible” iv, 11, "However man may approach me, even so do I accept them; for, on all sides, whatever path they may choose is mine."

- But if it is true that Christ is the Way, the Truth, & the Life, & that knowing & trusting Him is the only way to heaven--if it is true, then believing it is a humble submission to reality.

- & teaching it is not intolerant except in the sense that doctors are intolerant of disease.

- There is only 1 Spirit, whose task is to glorify Jesus.

- There is only 1 faith, the body of truth that points to Jesus alone for salvation.

- There is only 1 God, who works through His children as instruments for His glory.

- The conditions of the glorious grace of God & the marvelous work of the Spirit leads to…

    C. The condition of the believers’ Joy. (vv. 4-6) 4 … just as you were called in 1 hope of your calling; 5 1 baptism; 6 1 God & Father of all, who is…in you all.

          [When you are trying to find your way out of the woods, the important thing is not that you know all the trees & streams & birds & rocks. The only important thing you must know is the path that leads to other side.]

- There is 1 hope, Christ in you the hope of glory.

- In the original language it states there is only 1 hope.

- It also states there is only 1 baptism; this is a reference to the baptism of the Spirit at the moment of conversion.

- You can be physically baptized more than once. But there is only 1 spiritual baptism!

- The Bible clearly states there is ONLY 1 hope & ONLY 1 baptism.

- The other times the word translated ‘one’ is used in vv. 4-6 it’s simply the number 1.

- But when you are called in the 1 hope & baptized by the Spirit & filled w/the indwelling presence of God in you—your joy is complete!

- No one is ever truly joyous apart from a personal relationship w/Jesus!

- & when God calls a group of believers to work together in a church, they are united around the purpose of God.

- If it were not for that, there could be no unity!

Conclusion:  Ephesians 4 3 [says we are to be] endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace….13a till we all come to the unity of the faith & of the knowledge of the Son of God…. In v. 3 we’re told to maintain unity but in v. 13 we’re told to attain unity. The reason for this is that in 1 sense, Christian unity has already been accomplished & in another sense hasn't. In an act of reconciliation, Christ has already made us 1. What He did at Calvary, we should maintain by the Spirit. On the other hand, the unity Christ purchased & guaranteed w/His blood must now be lived out & brought to a full expression in the life of the church. So in that sense, it’s a goal to be attained.

Since the same basic unity is spoken of in 2:13-16 & 4:3, 13; we can say that, Christian unity involves 3 commonalities. Eph. 4:13 speaks of a "unity of … the knowledge of the Son of God." That’s our common convictions about Christ. That verse also speaks of a "unity of faith." That’s our common confidence in Christ. & Eph. 2:14 speaks of the end of hostility. When hostility is replaced w/love we have a common care for each other. So, Christian unity from Ephesians 2-4 is having common convictions about Christ, common confidence in Christ & common care for each other.

Invitation:  Are you laboring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the body of Christ? Does your conduct & character reflect the glory of God to all inside & outside the church? If not, would you come in repentance & faith & dedicate yourself to God for His glory?

Hymn 317 Only Trust Him

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