06PM January 15 Ephesians 2 11_13

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January 15, 2006—Evening Worship


“The Glorious Grace of God” Series – Part 5

But Now in Christ

Biblical Truths about Soul Transformation

Ephesians 2:11-13


Intro:  G. Campbell Morgan once said that, “A text—w/o its context—is a pretext.” The context of Scripture is so vitally important to a proper interpretation & application of any verse found in the Scriptures. & what’s so amazing to me is that, when you study the word of God, you find just how closely these verses fit together & how many times the main thrust of the text is repeated.

          The title of this series of messages through the book of Ephesians is “The Glorious Grace of God.” & that theme keeps coming up over & over & over again. Paul began by proclaiming the truths of God’s grace in terms that some people have found offensive. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul tells us that believers have been blessed, chosen, predestined, redeemed, saved, sealed, indwelt, enlightened & placed in the body of Christ all according to the sovereign will of Almighty God! & that was just in the 1st chapter of the book!

          Last week, we were able to see 3 pictures that the apostle developed for us from the 1st 10 verses of chapter 2; the picture of the natural man, the picture of the supernatural God & the picture of the radical transformation that takes place in our salvation. We’ve seen that God’s grace, mercy & love have been the main factors in God’s salvation plan & that He has developed, not only the plan to save His elect, but also has planned a purpose for each of His children to accomplish His will in this life.

          Tonight, we are going to read vv. 11-13 of chapter 2. & by the time we’ve finished this message, I hope that you see that verse 13 is a summation of the gospel. I hope that you see that vv. 11-12 describes our lives before the Lord saved us & that v.13 explains how the Lord saved us. So let’s read our text tonight & find Biblical truths about soul transformation.

Ephesians 2 11 Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands—12 that at that time you were w/o Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel & strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope & w/o God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

- Did you notice in v. 13…

1. Our Alienation from God. (v. 13a) “…you who once were far off….”

- Notice that Paul describes…

    A. His Present Readers (“…you….”)

- We must always remember that every verse in the Bible was written to someone.

- IOW each word had its original readers.

- Now Paul is writing to the believers in Ephesus, but he is also writing to everyone who would ever believe!

- That means, when you & I open the word of God, that God has made sure that it was written in such a way as to speak to us.

- IOW the word of God has its desired impact on whoever reads the words of these pages.

- That’s one reason why this book is described as the living word! It’s never tied to a date or a time—it is never out of date; it is never irrelevant; it is timeless in its truths!

- Paul describes his original readers, in v. 11, as Gentiles; those who were not of the Circumcision.

- If you look closely at v. 11 you’ll see 2 dash marks; one after the word ‘flesh’ & one after the word ‘hands.’

- The verse makes perfect sense if the words between the dash marks are omitted.

- However, they were placed there by Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to further explain something about the Gentiles & the Jews.

- The Gentiles had never heard of the practice of circumcision. It was a covenant practice of the Jews.

- The Jews called the Gentiles the “Uncircumcision” as a put down or a derogatory term.

- They also referred to themselves as the “Circumcision” which they viewed as an honor or a privilege—even as a guarantee of a right relationship w/God!

- However, in the covenant that God made w/Abraham, circumcision was to be an outward symbol of an inner relationship. But the Jews had come to view the act or rite of circumcision as their passage to salvation rather than their relationship w/God.

- Notice that Paul talks about the “circumcision made in the flesh by hands.”

Romans 2 25 For circumcision is indeed profitable if you keep the law; but if you are a breaker of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision. 26 Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision? 27 & will not the physically uncircumcised, if he fulfills the law, judge you who, even w/your written code & circumcision, are a transgressor of the law? 28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; 29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; & circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.

- So Paul’s point here is that all men trust in the wrong things to bring them to God. The Gentiles had trusted in their mythological gods & the Jews in the symbols of their religion.

- IOW all men everywhere are lost unless they place their trust in the God of Creation.

- Paul describes his present readers & he also explains…

    B. Their Past Relationship w/God (“…who once were far off….”)

- In v. 12 Paul continues to describe his readers by explaining that they are aliens!

- The Gentiles of v. 11 are said to be “aliens of the commonwealth of Israel & strangers from the covenants of promise…” in v. 12.

- Now does that mean that in order to be saved, anyone would have to be a Jew?

- Of course not! It means that these Gentiles had never had the word of God or the promises of God on which to rely.

- They were aliens or strangers to God’s word, to His power, to His presence & to His people.

- Therefore, they did not know God; they had no capacity for God; they were lost, separated from & unaware of what God could do.

- Now that describes us to a tee, before God saved us!

- In fact, that describes anyone before they come to the saving knowledge of God.

- We were all aliens, strangers, deaf, dumb & blind to the things of God.

- We were content to continue in our own ways & to walk ‘according to the prince of the power of the air’ as Satan is described in v. 2.

- Our eyes were not wide open to the things of God – but blinded!

- Our ears were not wide open to the words of God – but deaf!

- Our hearts were not wide open to the ways of God – but stone cold & sin hardened!

- IOW Paul is saying that our past relationship w/God was non-existent!

- According to v. 3, before Christ saves us we are “children of wrath, just as the others.”

- We were not near to God but far off; God was not close but unapproachable b/c of our ignorance & wickedness.

- But I’m so glad that v. 13 doesn’t stop there! It goes on to tell us of…

2. Our Salvation by Grace. (v. 13b) “…you…who once were far off have been brought near….”

- You see, we’re talking about…

    A. The Power of God. (“…have been brought….”)

- That verse doesn’t tell us that we came near. It doesn’t tell us that we once looked into salvation & thought that since it was such a great deal, we decided to take it!

- No! That verse tells us that we have been “brought” near.

- That word literally means “to be made to become, to be made to begin, to be made to happen.”

- IOW we did not come near on our own, but we have been made to come near by the grace of God in salvation!

- The latter part of v.12 says that all aliens, all strangers who are separated from God have, “no hope & [are] w/o God in the world.”

- As we saw last week in vv. 1-3 of chapter 2, the natural man has no capacity for God being dead to the things of God b/c of sin.

- & as we’ve just said, our eyes were blind; our ears were deaf; our hearts were hardened to the things of God!

- I don’t want to belabor this point b/c it’s been covered thoroughly enough already in vv. 1-10 of this chapter.

- But let’s let it suffice to say that all men everywhere, w/o the revelation of God by the word of God & the Spirit of God are all far from God.

- But that those same men w/the revelation of God by the word of God & the Spirit of God can be brought near to God by His grace!

- Thank God for His grace! Thank God for His willingness to draw a dead, rebel sinner like me to the glorious truth of the gospel!

- But not only are we talking about the power of God but also…

    B. The Purpose of God. (“…brought near….”)

- Brought near! The word translated ‘near’ literally means “to be near in place or position; those near to God or to the blessings of His kingdom.”

- The purpose of God is clear in v. 13. It’s the salvation of those elect whom God has, by His grace, brought near to Himself.

- & since the word ‘near’ literally means near to God & to the blessings of His kingdom, God has purposed, not only to bless you w/salvation, but also to bless you w/an active participation in building the kingdom.

- You’ve been brought near to God to be an example for God of the saving grace of God!

- When the world sees you & the change God has made in you, it peaks their interest.

- You become a 24 hr/day—7 day/wk—365 day/yr influence on the lost world!

- You are an example of God’s grace & you are to be a glowing testimony to the power, purpose & praise of God!

- God didn’t save you just to save you from Hell! He saved you to save you for Heaven! He saved you to save you as a testimony of grace!

- God also gifted you to serve in the Body of Christ & to minister in the world of sin.

- So how’s that going w/you? What are you doing to advance the cause of Christ?

- What are you doing to build the kingdom of God? What are doing to fulfill God’s purpose for you?

- You were brought near by His grace for a purpose—don’t let anything stop you or slow you down from doing the will of God!

- There is not a more important job or task in this world for the child of God than to do the will of God!


- You were once alienated from God, but God saved you by His grace! & so Paul points out…

3. Our Propitiation in Glory. (v. 13c) “…by the blood of Christ.”

- The word propitiation means that God’s wrath against sin has been satisfied & that is…

    A. Accomplished by a Sacrifice. (“…by the blood….”)

- After man 1st sinned, God made clothes for Adam & Eve from the skins of animals.

- IOW there was shedding of blood in order that God could be consistent w/His character to pardon & bless the sinner.

- God could not overlook what Adam & Eve had done. Sin must be punished!

Hebrews 9 22b & w/o shedding of blood there is no remission.

- All the sacrifices of the OT were foreshadowing pictures of the realization of the 1 real sacrifice that Jesus offered when He died in your place.

- There is no other way to be made right w/God! There are no other options! There are no other ways!

- A lot of people say that there are many roads that lead to God—but according to the Bible, there is only 1 way to be made right w/God & that is by grace through faith!

- God’s way is to bring us near to Himself by grace & lead us to repentance of sin & faith in Christ alone!

1 Peter 2 24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness——by whose stripes you were healed.

[Buddha never claimed to be God. Moses never claimed to be Jehovah. Mohammed never claimed to be Allah. But Jesus Christ claimed to be the true & living God. Buddha simply said, “I am a teacher in search of the truth.” Jesus said, “I am the Truth.” Confucius said, “I never claimed to be holy.” Jesus said, “Who convicts me of sin?” Mohammed said, “Unless God throws his cloak of mercy over me, I have no hope.” Jesus said, “Unless you believe in me, you will die in your sins.”]

- The hate-filled words of Muhammad cannot save you; the passivity of Buddha can not save you; the wisdom of Confucius can not save you!

- Only the blood sacrifice offered to God in the heavenly temple will do that & that was…

    B. Secured by the Savior. (“…by the blood of Christ.”)

Hebrews 9 11 But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, w/the greater & more perfect tabernacle not made w/hands, that is, not of this creation. 12 Not w/the blood of goats & calves, but w/His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. 13 For if the blood of bulls & goats & the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh, 14 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself w/o spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? 15 & for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.

- You see Jesus Christ entered the Most Holy Place in the heavenly temple w/the blood of His sacrifice which eternally secured the redemption of all who would believe!

- Our propitiation in glory was accomplished by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ who did not make your salvation possible—He secured your salvation w/His blood!

          [J. Sidlow Baxter, British Bible teacher once said, “Fundamentally, our Lord’s message was Himself. He did not come merely to preach a Gospel; He…is that Gospel. He did not come merely to give bread; He said, “I am the bread.” He did not come merely to shed light; He said, “I am the light.” He did not come merely to show the door; He said, “I am the door.” He did not come merely to name a shepherd; He said: “I am the shepherd.” He did not come merely to point the way; He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”]

- W/o Him, I could do nothing, w/o Him, I’d be enslaved; w/o Him life would be hopeless, but w/Jesus, thank God I’m saved!

Conclusion:  & you were blessed w/all this b/c, as v. 13 says, “But now in Christ Jesus…” you are in Christ. You’ve been brought near by the blood of Christ & are now a recipient of the blessings of God in Christ! You who once were far off have been brought near! Thank God for His blessings! Thank God for His grace! Thank God that He gave us sense enough to respond to His grace & repent of our sins & place our faith in Jesus Christ alone so that we might be saved!

          2 Corinthians 9:15 “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”

Invitation:  In light of what God has done, will you continue to walk in the same self-centered ways – or – will you commit yourself to walk w/God? Are you in Christ & enjoying the blessings – or – are you still in your sin, w/o hope & w/o God?

          Whether you’ve been a Christian for many years, or even if you’ve never come to faith in Christ, would you, right now, bow your head & ask God to show you how you should respond to the word of God you’ve heard tonight? & then having heard from God, will you respond?

Hymn 300 Without Him

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