When The Church Stops Being The Church Rom 1:16
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· 8 viewsThe Power of the Gospel, it saves, it leads to life eternal. We shouldn't put limits on the gospel nor be afraid or ashamed to deliver the complete message.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek”.
I was inspired to develop this message based on a book entitled “Ashamed of the Gospel-When the Church Becomes like the World” by John F. MacArthur Jr. He received his inspiration from a sermon by Charles H. Spurgeon who made this statement, quote “Everywhere there is apathy. Nobody cares whether that which is preached is true or false. A sermon is a sermon whatever the subject; only the shorter it is the better.” Unquote. The word ‘Apathy’ means: Lack of interest in something, according to Webster. In this case, it was a lack of interest in hearing sound, quality messages preached, regardless of there length. Spurgeon was showing that people of his day were getting fed up with longer sermons, sermons of substance that did not trade in length and substance for popularity and acceptance. Now, don’t get Spurgeon wrong. He said that there’s nothing wrong with short messages, as long as they are biblically founded and preach Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. When correctly delivered, the gospel saves, and it leads to life eternal. We shouldn't put limits on the gospel nor be afraid or ashamed to deliver the complete message from God.
Don’t Be Afraid!
First, notice what the Apostle Paul says “For I am not ashamed of the gospel...” Paul was not afraid to preach the gospel. He was not concerned about stepping on some body’s toes. In the preceding letters and surrounding chapters, Paul had mentioned “learned (as well as unlearned) people. There had to be many philosophers in cities like Athens, Corinth, and of course, Rome. Were some accusing Paul of delaying his coming to Rome because he was ashamed of meeting these scholars, educated people? We are quickly given the answer in the first line of his letter to the Romans, and the answer was NO! He said “For I am NOT ashamed of the gospel...” He, no doubt, means, “I am proud and happy to have the privilege to preach to you all the gospel. He was even anxious to preach the gospel there. This brings us to point two.
2. The Power of The Gospel.
Why was Paul anxious to preach the gospel?
Because, it was “the power of God and the wisdom of God”. (I Cor. 1:23-24). It says “For it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes”. What is the Gospel, but the “death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When leaders of the church allow the world to dictate what and how they preach, the church has stopped being the church. The day you see outside forces dictating inside church happenings, is the day the church has stopped being the church. Some churches have turned to books on marketing and sales pitches to lure people into their brand of church. Listen folks, it’s not the quantity of the people present that defines how great and powerful a church’s ministry is, but it is the quality of the gospel message preached and received that will dictate the greatness of that church. Paul didn’t have any picks and choices. He had no big U’s and little I’s.
3. The Gospel, and the cross. He said, the gospel was intended to go to the Jews first. The Jews, God’s chosen people were to be the firstfruits after receiving the gospel and preach it to the rest of the world. They were supposed to give up their old belief system that was based only on the Old Testament, and had to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. But of course, they rejected Him. So that branch was cut off and a wild branch was grafted in, by way of Jesus Christ and the cross. Romans 11:17-18 (GW)
17 But some of the olive branches have been broken off, and you, a wild olive branch, have been grafted in their place. You get your nourishment from the roots of the olive tree.
But it continues in the next verse, !8 don't brag about being better than the other branches. If you brag, remember that you don't support the root, the root supports you.” In other words, we could be cut of as well, if we refuse to believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How can it be Christ’s church and Christ’ gospel, and not connect the message to the cross? Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).
When the church stops being the church, people are more concerned with living bodies in the pews, rather than with living souls being saved for Christ. The cancer of sin is doing more damage than sickness in the body. What are you talking about preacher? Well, I’m glad that you asked! You see, sickness in the body can only destroy the body, but SIN can destroy both body and soul! When the church stops being the church, PRAYER becomes a thing of the past! For some, prayer becomes a waste of precious time! The thought of sitting at the dinner table over rules prayer in the church. People are just too impatient to take the time to pray! Prayer is put in the category of other old fashioned traditions. Call me old fashioned, but I still believe in the power of prayer. Not only is prayer powerful, but the WORD of God is powerful! It’s sharper than any two edged sword. As we close, Paul says “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it reveals the saving power of God”! Paul says “ you all have been boasting and bragging about your own power, how you conquered the world! But the gospel I preach is superior, far above anything that military force can accomplish! This power power will bring everlasting life! And it’s free of charge! It don’t cost you one cent. Because, Jesus PAID it ALL, on a hill called Calvary! Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, SIN had left a crimson stain, but he washed! He purified, He sanctified, HE washed me white as snow! When they nailed him to the cross! They hung him high! Stretched him wide-And planted him deep....he died for you…and