06PM July 9 John 3 16

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July 9, 2006—Evening Worship


What Makes the Gospel so Different?

Biblical Reasons Why the Gospel Changes Lives

John 3:16


Intro:  Two dozen—just 24 different words, woven together w/precision & accuracy to form, probably, the best known verse of Scripture in the whole Bible. I’m talking about John 3:16. This beautifully crafted verse is the work of none other than God Himself. This verse contains an explanation of the entire gospel story.

          But have you ever wondered what makes the gospel so different? Why is the Christian faith so much different from the religions of the world? Well, from our text tonight in John 3:16, we can find 10 Biblical reasons why the gospel changes lives. & those 10 reasons will answer the question, “What makes the gospel so different?”

- Let’s begin by reading this verse, which we will divide into its natural divisions so that we can examine it more closely.

John 3 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

- The 1st reason the gospel is so different is b/c…

1. God took the initiative of Salvation. (John 3:16a) For God so loved the world….

- Block off “FOR GOD” above it write #1.

- Nowhere does the Bible tell us that b/c we loved God so much we sought Him out.

- The Bible is plain—it tells us that God initiated man’s salvation.

- W/o God’s intervention, all men everywhere would still be lost & in rebellion against God.

- Salvation belongs to our God. Salvation was His divine plan from the beginning.

- It all begins w/God—just like every point in this sermon & every point of this verse points back to God as the originator, instigator, & Creator of the salvation of man!

- But notice w/me the next 2 words b/c in them we see that…

2. God displayed His Abilities. (John 3:16a) For God so loved the world….

- Block off “SO LOVED” above it write #2.

- This is the 2nd reason why the gospel is so different.

- God, who initiated our salvation, also displayed His abilities.

- God displayed His power to create the world & everything in it.

- He displayed His tender mercy toward His creation by revealing His supernatural love.

- I want you to know tonight that it’s impossible to love anyone any more than God does!

- His love is so vast that Paul said he hoped that we would be able to grasp the depth & the height & the width of God’s love b/c if we did, it would change our lives.

- & that’s what God has shown the world—His abilities; love, mercy, grace, forgiveness & on & on & on & on.

- But now I want you block off the words “THE WORLD” above it write #3 b/c they reveal that…

3. God cares about lost Individuals. (John 3:16a) For God so loved the world…

- It is true—that God loved the whole world of His creation. But it is also true that no one ever came to God as part of a group.

- God’s concern for the world; His love for the world was & is made up of His care & love for individuals of the world.

- IOW, John 3:16 tells everyone who reads it that God cares about YOU!

- You are not just a face; you are not just a number; you are not just another body!

- You are important to God b/c you were made in His image & you possess an eternal soul.

- That soul is the real you & you will never be able to enter Heaven based on your own works or your own righteousness.

- But God so loved each individual of the world that what He did next sets the Christian faith apart from any other world religion.

- The next phrase of our text tells us that God did something no other so-called god had ever done or ever would do. IOW it tells us that…

4. God’s Actions reveal His character. (John 3:16b) …that He gave His only begotten Son….

- Block off the words “THAT HE GAVE” above it write #4.

- In all the world religions there is not a god who gave! All the world religion gods require their subjects to give to them!

- But the one true living God gave.

- His actions reveal His character of grace & mercy & supernatural abundant love!

- God gave you all you have; God made you all you are; God gave His very best for the likes of you & me!

- That means that to God YOU ARE VALUABLE!

- In fact, you are so valuable to God that He gave something so precious that…

5. God’s Grace exceeds our comprehension. (John 3:16b) …that He gave His only begotten Son….

- Block off the words “HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON” above it write #5.

- God gave His Son—His only Son—to take your place—to die for you—to suffer your punishment!

- When the Bible says that God gave His Son it’s telling us that when He gave His Son He knew what would happen.

- God knows all things & He knew that w/o the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sin.

- He knew that men would mistreat His Son & He knew that His Son would die for the sins of all who would believe.

- But that was God’s plan from the beginning.

- He gave His Son for you & me! He gave His Son when we hated Him! He gave His Son when we were dead in trespasses & sins! He gave His Son to take our punishment.

- God’s grace exceeds our comprehension! We cannot begin to fathom how anyone could give at so great a cost!

- What are we talking about? We’re talking about the Biblical reasons why the gospel changes lives. We’re talking about what makes the gospel so different.

- & another reason is that…

6. God’s Mercy reaches down to man. (John 3:16c) …that whoever believes in Him should not perish….

- Block off the words “THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES” above it write #6.

- The Bible tells us that Jesus came for the Jews 1st but not for the Jews alone.

- He came for the “whosoever wills,” He came for those who would believe.

- It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor; famous or unknown; young or old; tall or short; thin or heavy; educated or uneducated; gifted or simple.

- God’s word says that whoever believes will be the recipients of His mercy, grace & eternal salvation.

- IOW anyone can get on board; anyone can be a part; anyone can come to Him if they come on His terms.

- It is impossible to please God w/o faith & w/o faith it is impossible to receive Him.

- Which brings us to the 7th reason the gospel is so different, & it is b/c…

7. God’s Way is clear. (John 3:16c) …that whoever believes in Him should not perish ….

- Block off the words “IN HIM” above it write #7.

- The other religions of the world are ambiguous at best as to how anyone can know for sure they will make it to paradise.

- They must do some special kind of works; or do penitence of some kind to atone for their own sins—& then they are never certain they will enter heaven.

- But God’s way is clear. The only way to heaven is through the door of faith in Jesus Christ alone!

- There are no works; no deeds; no actions; no self-inflicted punishments or pain that can ever make anyone worthy of heaven.

- It’s only obtained through a personal relationship w/Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior!

- Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth & the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.”

- That’s clear enough, isn’t it? There’s only one way & it’s Jesus!

- So far we’ve seen that God loved the world so much that He sent His Son to die in place of all those who would believe. But beyond that we also see reason #8 for why the gospel is so different.

- It’s different b/c…

8. God’s Purpose is immutable. (John 3:16c) …that whoever believes in Him should not perish….

- Block off the words “SHOULD NOT PERISH” above it write #8.

- I said that God’s purpose is immutable. That means that it’s unchanging; it remains the same.

- But not only is God not changing His purpose; but His purpose is unchangeable by anyone or anything else!

- I said earlier that it was God’s plan from the beginning to save all who would believe & once He has saved you – you are eternally saved!

- God gave His Son to die in your place & to take your punishment so that you should not perish.

- Your body will perish but not the souls of those who believe!

- You need not condemn yourself, nor can anyone else condemn you b/c the Son has set you free!

- & how can you know that you are free? It’s b/c…

9. God’s Promise is sure. (John 3:16d) …but have everlasting life.

- Block off the words “BUT HAVE” above it write #9.

- The word “have” means exactly what you think it does. It’s the same meaning in the original language as in the English language.

- It means to have, to hold, to possess.

- It means to be so closely joined w/something or someone as to make it a part of you.

- IOW once you get it—it can never be taken away b/c it’s part of you—it’s part of who you are—it helps to define you as a person.

- & God has promised in His word that we should never perish!

- That’s something that the other religions can not boast about! They are always fearful of perishing & w/good reason – they don’t know God through Jesus Christ His Son & therefore they are perishing!

- But God has given His children assurance & peace that passes all understanding!

- & finally tonight, the #10 reason why the gospel is so different is…

10. God’s gift is Eternal. (John 3:16d) …but have everlasting life.

- Block off the words “EVERLASTING LIFE” above it write #10.

- “Everlasting” means, eternal, w/o end, never to cease.

- & “life” means, the absolute fullness of life which belongs to God given through His Son Jesus Christ.

- God’s gift of eternal life is w/o end!

- If you go as far as your imagination could possibly take you into the future, you have not even begun to comprehend eternity!

- As a child of God, you have that life now & will enjoy it throughout the eons of un-timed bliss of heaven!

Conclusion:  What makes the gospel so different? GOD! He took the initiative to save the souls of men. He displayed His abilities to draw us to Him. He cares about lost individuals & demonstrates that through His actions. His grace exceeds our comprehension. His mercy reaches down to man. His way is clear. His purpose is unchangeable. His promise is sure & His gift is eternal!

          When men & women, boys & girls, of all ages, in all places here these truths, they have heard the gospel & it will change their lives through the power of God at work in them! & that’s what makes the gospel so different!

Invitation:  Aren’t you glad someone shared the gospel w/you? Would you share it w/someone else, that they may be saved?

          Will you respond to God’s grace as He has called to you? Would you come?

Hymn 595 Send the Light

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