06PM September 17 1 Thessalonians 2 13_20
September 17, 2006—Evening Worship
How to Deal with Life’s Difficulties
Resources to Deal with Troubles We Face
1 Thessalonians 2:13-20
Intro: A. W. Tozer wrote, I believe that Christ died for me b/c it is incredible; I believe that He rose from the dead b/c it is impossible. Someone else once said that Jesus Christ was, the meeting place of eternity & time, the blending of deity & humanity, the junction of heaven & earth. It has been said that, Jesus is God spelling Himself out in language that man can understand. & A.T. Pierson said that Jesus, stands absolutely alone in history; in teaching, in example, in character, an exception, a marvel, & He is Himself the evidence of Christianity.
A new convert under Pierson’s ministry told him of a dream he had one night. He said he dreamed he had fallen into a deep well during the night. As he looked up, he could only see 1 star far, far above his head. As he looked up, it was as if the light from the star shown down on him to lift him out of the well. When he looked down, he began to go down. When he looked up, he began to go up again. & so he looked up at the star until his feet were on solid ground again.
Pierson told this new convert that his dream was a parable. He said, “Get your eyes off yourself & keep them on Jesus. Get your eyes off your physical disease & look to the Great Physican.”
Hudson Taylor once said that, Satan may build a barrier around us, but he can never roof us in so that we cannot look up! Do you view suffering for the Lord Jesus as a great privilege? In this life, we must suffer many things but it’s nothing in comparison to the fact that Jesus left the splendor of heaven to suffer & die for you & me! Not only that, but as we shall see from our text tonight, Jesus gave us resources to deal w/troubles that face us! Let's look at them together as we read our text:
READ 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20
The 1st resource God has given us is…
1. The Word of God Within Us (v. 13).
& following the example of the Thessalonians…
A. Is to be Appreciated (v. 13a) 13a For this reason we also thank God w/o ceasing, b/c when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it….
1. Kenneth Ridings, President of FBBI, once said, “I am suspicious of anyone who claims to be a Christian who does not love the word of God.”
2. The Bible is God’s heart expressed to our hearts
3. This is what God wanted us to know so that we could walk w/Him each day
4. The word of God is not to be set aside but set apart & cherished
5. Its not to be put in a museum but it’s to be used daily
6. God’s word is the manual by which we are to live
7. We are to appreciate its truth; its promises; its instructions; its guidance
8. God’s word is the word of ages just like He is the Rock of ages
9. If you don’t love what God said, how can you love the One who said it?
10. The Thessalonians welcomed the word; & the word ‘welcomed’ means to receive as an invited guest into the home or as an adopted child into the family; to embrace & love
God’s word within us is to be appreciated & it…
B. Is to be Appropriated (v. 13b) 13a-b For this reason we also thank God w/o ceasing, b/c when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God….
1. Paul said, you received the word as it is—the very word of God
2. Men’s words can be ignored; despised; overlooked
3. But God’s word is indeed the word of truth; its God’s word; its life; its salvation
4. We are never allowed to overlook the word of God
5. This is the word spoken by God to the minds of men who penned it
6. These are the very words God wanted used & if they’re that important to Him, how much more important should they be to us!
7. The word of God is powerful—useful—beneficial—understandable—profitable!
8. When we welcome it in; embrace it; we affix ourselves to it as our guide
9. The Scriptures are said to make us wise unto salvation & if appropriated will strengthen us & prepare us for whatever lies ahead
God’s word within us is to be appreciated & appropriated & it…
C. Is to be Applied (v. 13c) 13c …the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.
1. We can learn the truths of God’s word but if we do not apply them to our lives, we become as Paul described earlier, sounding brass & clanging cymbals
2. If we learn the word but do not live the word then we are hypocrites, saying one thing & doing another
3. As our example, Jesus lived the word!
4. He sought the Father’s will in daily prayer; He read from the Scriptures; He taught from the Scriptures
5. The word of God was important to Jesus & the Bible should mean more to us than something we sit on our coffee tables to collect dust
6. READ Hebrews 4:12
7. READ 2 Timothy 3:16-17
8. The word of God effectively works in all who believe
9. Faith comes by hearing & hearing by the word of God
10. God opens our ears w/His word & then leads us to believe unto salvation
11. Appreciate the word; appropriate the word & apply the word of God within us b/c it’s a resource to deal w/troubles we face in life.
But notice 2ndly that another resource God has given us to deal w/difficulties is…
2. The People of God Around Us (vv. 1416).
& looking back at church history we find that…
A. Our Experiences are not new (v. 14) 14 For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judea in Christ Jesus. For you also suffered the same things from your own countrymen, just as they did from the Judeans,
1. What is it about Christians that cause others to love to persecute us?
2. Its the fact that we are in right relationship w/the one true God & others hate it
3. Our presence gives a testimony for Jesus Christ & makes others uncomfortable
4. & so, they try to make us uncomfortable
5. But even in the midst of terrible circumstances, believers have the peace of God
6. You may face persecution & you may have your happiness taken from you; but no one will ever be able to steal your joy b/c that comes from God & is implanted in you by the Holy Spirit who lives in you!
7. Church history tells us that men & women; boys & girls were burned at the stake, feed to wild animals, impaled & set on fire to be used as street lamps, beaten, enslaved, tortured & violently killed—all b/c they believed in Jesus Christ as Lord
8. Don’t you let anyone intimidate you b/c of your faith
9. Don’t be afraid to stand up for the Lord & testify of Him
10. His grace is sufficient for whatever situation you face
11. You can go through any difficulty as you walk daily w/Jesus
Our experiences are not new & Paul writes under the inspiration of God that…
B. Our Enemies will not escape (vv. 15-16) 15 who killed both the Lord Jesus & their own prophets, & have persecuted us; & they do not please God & are contrary to all men, 16 forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved, so as always to fill up the measure of their sins; but wrath has come upon them to the uttermost.
1. They shall not escape b/c they have not pleased God
2. Not only that, but they also are contrary to all men
3. Not just to Christians, but to the pagans too
4. They being the Jewish leaders have forbidden that any Jew speak to Gentiles about the saving grace of God.
5. Since they refuse to acknowledge the Gentiles as people (calling them dogs) they are restricting the word of God by their actions & beliefs
6. Paul says they are filling up the measure of their sins
7. IOW they are working toward a predetermined point
8. God has set boundaries & established levels at which the sins of these people would be considered full
9. & at that point, the full wrath of God would be poured out on them
10. We wonder why God is patient & waits as men grow more & more wicked
11. Its b/c they have not filled the measure of their sin & God knows the exact point at which that comes & He will consume unbelievers in eternal destruction.
We keep waiting for the day God will respond to the wickedness around us but God has given a better resource w/which to face the troubles of life—it’s…
3. The Glory of God Before Us (vv. 1720).
Through the trials & hardships of life, we find that, even walking in the glory of God…
A. We maybe hindered by Satan (vv. 17-18) 17 But we, brethren, having been taken away from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavored more eagerly to see your face w/great desire. 18 Therefore we wanted to come to you—even I, Paul, time & again—but Satan hindered us.
1. I believe Paul was a godly man who lived to the utmost of his abilities for the glory of God
2. Yet Paul said that Satan hindered his coming to Thessalonica.
3. & when we are walking closely w/God, we will be hindered by the schemes of the wicked one & his forces
4. When things begin to move quickly & growth takes place, you can count on it that Satan is not happy & he will try to disrupt the work of God
5. He will attack the leadership of the church or he will use an ordinary member to attach a swirl of controversy to a church leader.
6. IOW all of us are literally in harms way when it comes to the attacks of the enemy
7. But greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world
8. As I quoted before, Satan may build barriers around us but He can not roof us in so that we can not look up to God!
9. The glory of God before us keeps us looking up to Him
10. Don’t look down, don’t look around, don’t look out & don’t look in—look up!
Look up & see the glory of God before us even when Satan hinders us & remember…
B. But for us a reward is in Store (vv. 19-20) 19 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? 20 For you are our glory & joy.
1. Paul told the Thessalonians that they were his crown; they were his reward
2. Just being able to see them in the presence of the Lord safe for all eternity
3. What about your family; your friends; your co-workers; your neighbors
4. Will they be a reward for you? Will you be able to see them in heaven b/c of the testimony you gave & the life you lived before them?
5. Do you consider souls as reward or are the trinkets of this world luring your attention?
6. What will be your crown of rejoicing? What will be your glory?
7. Don’t consider the trials & troubles of this world, but look to the pleasures of heaven – to the reward in store for believers & work through the trials of life.
Conclusion: How do we make it through life's difficulties? We make it w/help through the Word of God, through the people of God, & through the glory of God! & hopefully one day you’ll stand amazed in the presence of the Lord receiving your reward for faithfully serving Him!
Invitation: Where do you place your trust? On whom do you rely? To whom do you look for help?
If you could not honestly answer Jesus Christ my Lord to those questions, would you come in repentance & place your faith in Jesus Christ alone? There is no other way to face the difficulties of life. You can never make it w/o trusting in Him & His power & ability. Would you come & trust Him?
Or maybe God has spoken to you about other matters of a spiritual nature. Would you come & make those things right w/Him tonight?
Hymn 547 I Stand Amazed in the Presence