Like A Flood 09-11-02
“LIKE A FLOOD” 09/11/02
I. Isaiah 59:8 – Isaiah 60:5 Like a flood the Spirit of the Lord.
A. A Messianic passage, but the Messiah has “come,” so it is now.
B. The flood is the Spirit of God, not the enemy.
C. Verse 19, “as for me, this is my covenant with them saith the Lord.”
D. The Kingdom of God is here, it is near…Mt 3:1-3 and John the Baptist.
E. Jesus saying the same thing…Mt 4:13-17
F. We now have the authority and the Power…Mt 28:18-20 is the authority, and the
Power is Acts 1:8 and being baptized in the Holy Ghost.
II. Satan attempts to use fear to rob us of the “Now” of the Kingdom
A. Rev 12 the Dragon and the Woman
B. Satan attempts to place fear within us, which will rob us of our covenant rights.
C. II Tim 1:7 For I have not given you “the spirit of fear,” but of power…
D. I Peter 5:4-11 Resist the Devil
E. James 4:6-8 submit to God, and again resist the Devil
F. Faith hooks us with God’s anointing, and fear hooks up with Lucifer.