Matthew 9:27-38
Jesus’ demonstrates His authority and power in chapters 8-9.
The leper – Jesus’ power over despair (8:1-4)
The centurion’s daughter – Jesus’ power over distance (8:5-13)
Peter’s mother-in-law – Jesus’ power over disease (8:14-17)
The storm – Jesus’ power over disaster (8:18-27)
The demon possessed man – Jesus’ power over demons (8:28-34)
The paralytic – Jesus’ power over difficulty (9:1-8)
The call of Matthew – Jesus’ power over disdain (9:9-17)
The raising of the official’s daughter – Jesus’ power over death (9:18-26)
In today’s passage we see:
The two blind men – Jesus’ power over darkness (9:27-31)
The mute – Jesus’ power over deafness (9:32-34)
Jesus’ power over disbelief (9:35-38)
1A. Jesus Power Over Darkness (9:27-31)
When He left Jairus’s house in Capernaum after raising his daughter from death, Jesus passed on from there and two blind men followed Him, seeking deliverance from their great affliction.
1B. Two blind men (9:27)
Their condition – they were blind
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Their cry
Krazoô (from which comes crying out), basically carries the idea of shouting or screaming with great intensity
Ø They had the right knowledge about Jesus – “Son of David” = Messiah
Ø They had the right attitude toward Jesus – “have mercy on us.”
2B. Two believing men (9:28-30a)
The test – “Do you believe I am able to do this?”
Ø Jesus provided them with an opportunity to verbally express their faith in Him. (Romans 10:9)
The trust – “Yes Lord”
Ø The men respond with the proper confession
The touch – “He touched their eyes… according to your faith”
“The faith which in itself is nothing is yet the organ for receiving everything. It is the conducting link between man’s emptiness and God’s fullness, and herein lies all the value faith has. Faith is the bucket let down into the fountain of God’s grace, without which the man could never draw water of life from the wells of salvation. For the wells are deep, and of himself man has nothing to draw with. Faith is the purse which cannot of itself make its owner rich, and yet effectually enriches by the wealth which it contains.” (Trent, Richard, The Miracles of Our Lord [London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, & Co., 1902], p.212)
3B. Two blessed men (9:30b-31)
The Lord’s command (9:30b)
Ø The danger was that they would talk about the miracle rather than the Messiah.
The men’s confession (9:31)
Ø The men could not resist the overwhelming desire to tell everyone of their wonderful deliverance and of the Lord who delivered them.
2A. Jesus Power Over Deafness (9:32-34)
This man was a deaf/mute. His malady was the result of demonic possession. His healing pictures one of the results of salvation, speaking for Jesus.
There are three kinds of speaking in these verses:
1B. The crowds speak about Jesus (9:33).
Thaumazoô (amazed, marveled) means to be greatly amazed and astounded, to be overcome with awe.
A lot of people are willing to talk about Jesus.
2B. The Pharisees speak against Jesus (9:34).
When pressed with the claims of Christ, many people will speak out against the Lord.
3B. The ones who were healed speak for Jesus.
Psalm 107:2 Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the adversary
3A. Jesus Power Over Disbelief (9:35-38)
Jesus overcame disbelief by…
1B. His ministry (9:35)
Where He went – “through all the cities and villages”
Ø Jesus went everywhere there were people.
Ø Jesus went to every kind of person.
What He did
Ø Jesus taught in the synagogues
Teaching is primarily instruction.
Ø Jesus proclaimed the gospel
Preaching is the point at which teaching becomes personal, (kerusso, to herald)
Ø Jesus healed their diseases
These miracles gave evidence that He was indeed the Messiah.
2B. His motives (9:36)
His compassion for the lost
Splanchna, the noun form of the verb behind felt compassion, literally refers to the intestines, or bowels. Jesus therefore used the common term of His day to express His deep compassion for the great crowds of people who were suffering.
The condition of the lost
Ø They were hopeless – “distressed”
Skulloô (to be distressed) has the root meaning of flaying or skinning, and the derived meanings of being harassed or severely troubled.
Ø They were helpless – “dispirited”
Rhiptoô (to be downcast) has the basic meaning of being thrown down prostrate and utterly helpless.
3B. His method (9:37-38)
He clearly states the problem (9:37)
Ø The problem is with the workers not with the harvest.
He calls His people to prayer (9:38)
Ø We are not to pray for the harvest but for workers!
Are you blind?
Are you deaf and mute?
Are you working in the harvest?
Matthew 9:27-38
1A. Jesus Power Over ____________________ (9:27-31)
1B. Two ____________________ men (9:27)
Their condition – they were blind
2 Corinthians 4:3-4
Their _____________________
Ø They had the right knowledge about Jesus – “Son of David” = Messiah
Ø They had the right attitude toward Jesus – “have mercy on us.”
2B. Two believing men (9:28-30a)
The ___________ – “Do you believe I am able to do this?”
The ____________ – “Yes Lord”
The ____________ – “He touched their eyes… according to your faith”
3B. Two blessed men (9:30b-31)
The Lord’s ______________________ (9:30b)
The men’s ________________________ (9:31)
2A. Jesus Power Over Deafness (9:32-34)
1B. The crowds speak ____________ Jesus (9:33).
2B. The Pharisees speak __________ Jesus (9:34).
3B. The ones who were healed speak _____ Jesus.
Psalm 107:2
3A. Jesus Power Over Disbelief (9:35-38)
1B. His ______________________________ (9:35)
________________ He went – “through all the cities and villages”
________________ He did
Ø Jesus taught in the synagogues
Ø Jesus proclaimed the gospel
Ø Jesus healed their diseases
2B. His ________________________ (9:36)
His __________________________ for the lost
The __________________________ of the lost
Ø They were hopeless – “distressed”
Ø They were helpless – “dispirited”
3B. His __________________________ (9:37-38)
He clearly states the _______________ (9:37)
He calls His people to ______________ (9:38)