The Call of Wisdom and the Call of Christ Pt.2 12/23/2020

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HotPads what I'm going through my phone and I hope I can read the scriptures but we going to continue where we left off last Wednesday. Now, what we're talking about is the call of wisdom in the call of Christ and how wisdom is portrayed in the proverb as a lady lady wisdom. And then we're kind of looking at this and Christ. And and how is he the Christ was with him. He was the wisdom of God is going to let me kind of go over to the point that I given you so far Jesus Christ is wisdom. Incarnate Spirit of wisdom was going to rest upon Him First Corinthians tells us that he became to us wisdom from God speaking of Christ, but I was the first point second one was wisdom in Jesus call out the first chapter 8 of proverb remember wisdom was going through the city and Waiting with the naive the Heat or call them we said, you know, Jesus pleaded with senators and he says come to me all you who are weary and heavy-laden and then we said wisdom and Jesus should be treasured that was in verses 6 through 11 of chapter 8 in the Bible says there's nothing crooked in the in her teaching speaking of women in crisis the power of God and the wisdom of God and there's no sin or wait weirdness in him. So you see how is wisdom in Christ go hand-in-hand then we said Jesus for your God. We talked about how Christ was humble and kind of Shame those who are world we want and we looked at First Corinthian on that and then say Jesus wisdom in Jesus offered you a success and I think they looked at Jeremiah 23:5 online. I'm going to see if I'm at the right place Neighbor come and piss Lord. I will raise to David a branch of righteousness that came to rain in Prosper next to each other and righteousness in the earth. And so that's kind of where we stopped off at 4:40 and then we'll publish so we're going to be in Florida.

And the next one is it when Jesus offer great rewards. I want you to look at it and look at it here. What a person think this is wisdom speaking lady Willie. I love those who love me and those who seek me diligently will find.

Are you in I will have those the John 14:21. Sorry. 17. Okay, that's fine. I can pull it up if you like. Sorry.

But he enjoys the clinic in what way well do Joy success in the rotation? If you live with in your family in your finances in your relationship, and remember what the Bible said, Jesus loves and blesses those who seek him if that is in John 14:21. I think you have that up. It says he who has my Commandments and keep them it is he who loves me and he who loves me Will Be Loved by my father and I will love him and manifest myself. With love my commandment. You keep my commandment with in my father's going to love you, and I will love you.

Same way with Lady wisdom in Christ. Now we know by nature, but we're kind of waiver We Know by Nature that we really don't seek God there is none to speak.

And remember all the billions and billions of people was born not single person and just as wisdom offers great treasure to those of speaker. Remember or 17th. Jesus makes all who come to him spiritually rich and it was a great cost to him to look at it on the screen here so I can print them. 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9 for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ for the cheese through his poverty he became poor he became like one of us and by his grace he has saved us it when he has stayed up then through his poverty through his become Emma come before we became rich

We gave him RCN and he gave us his son of the righteous. He became poor so that we might become rich and we have because of that. We have a Heavenly It parody of look what it says in 1st Peter 1 4 through 5 to an inheritance. Incorruptible and undefiled and it was not fade away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through faith for the Salvation ready to be revealed in the last night. We have salvation Incorruptible undefiled does Not Fade Away in this reserved.

When we leave this earth. The day we leave this earth. Our family left may be sitting around the table kitchen table and there's going to be more stable and there's going to be an empty spaces are families. Not there yet for our loved ones now so wisdom in Jesus offer you great rewards rate. Wisdom in Christ display their glory in creation after 8 or 2:31 and I think about while we're not having Church make you Proverbs 8. What do you want Wendy to convert? E14? Let's read it together. The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his way before his Works a bowl. I have been established from Everlasting. I think I just missed him speaking in Christ for the beginning before that was ever an earth. When there was no dance, I was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water before the mountains were sick before the hills. I was brought forth. Waluigi hat he had not made the Earth of Appeals. What are the Primal dust of the world when he prepared to Heaven? I was there to hear that when he prepared to help. Prices I was there. When he drew a circle on the face of the deep when he established the clouds above when he strengthened The Fountains of the deep when he assigned to the limit so that the waters would not transgress his command. Then he marked out the foundations of the earth then I was beside him.

Just think about what don't you love the word pictures that we see here in the Bible when he drew a circle on the Facebook. Look at the oceans and how far they and the depth of the ocean for 30 40 50 60 thousand feet deep. He knows all about it before the mountains before the hill and he established the clouds and he have a name for everything if he knows the name of the Stars.

boat There's no passage in Proverbs. Really that directly points the price then the description here. Of the role of wisdom in creation. It says it is from Everlasting to Everlasting. What did Jesus say about himself? Well, look at it and John 17 verse 5. Look at what Jesus said? And now O Father or find me together with yourself with the glory which I had with you.

We people think Jesus started in Matthew was he was born on this Earth. He created this Earth. He was with the father before that was against humanity. As far as in his divinity, he was before the world was ever created. When it was only at fault in the mind of God. And it says wisdom was brought forth versus 44 226 kind of reminds us of the price and wisdom was President though. It kind of meat mediated beer in the work of creation than just like Christ said in verse 17 there. He was the agent of creation Colossians 1:16. What it says this is speaking of Christ by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth visible and invisible weather Thrones or dominions or principality or power. All things were created through him and for who created through him and for him and you can probably add by him.

Where's the week rice, let's play their glory in creation and think of the beauty of wisdom and the beauty of Christ. They're displayed in the skies and seas on the land. The Bible says that wisdom the lights in God's work of creation look at it in for service. Then I will Society. As a master Craftsman and I was daily instalife rejoicing always before him the lights in God's work created. Jesus the light in the Bible. He always did look at it here and look at the next verse in John chapter 6 verse 38. What did Jesus say? I'm having not to do my own rabbit will be.

If he did it. You think he always did God will it slow the father also Delights?

As well as in the work of Grey author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him.

It says who for the joy that was set it was.

Despising the shame. He sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God.

For the joy set before him he endured the cross the joy set before you so the role of wisdom in creation required in order to create.

How much more do we need wisdom to live our everyday life in our family vocation relationship in Ministry Look what Jesus said in John 15:5. Do we need Jesus? Do we need wisdom?

Or we leave because without it we will do nothing. Well, let's move on Somerset. this coming Friday to Westview with ly Bible say about the man who? Sleep sack wisdom obtains life and favor from God. I look at it in versus 3235 Proverbs 8 now therefore no business speaking. Listen to me. Not yours. or blessed are those repeat by wait here instruction and be wise and do not disdain don't despise it. Blessed is the man who listens to me watching daily at my gate waiting at the post of my daughter or whoever Finds Me finds a y in a tank favor from the Lord. So you see the one who comes to Christ in fate. He receive everlasting life. God will bless us with a lot. But how about the person who doesn't

But he who made wrongs his own soul, all those who hate me look like.

You see Christ gives life. But if we reject him if we reject wisdom lady wisdom that leads to death is what the Bible says. We lie. Look what John says John chapter 3 verse 18 and 19. This is what Jesus said he who believes in Him is not condemned but he who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the combination to the world and Men love Darkness rather than light because their feet Those who reject wisdom those who reject price are all ready to be picked up later in life. It's not like you're teetering on yes or no.

When you were born, but you're already condemned unless you trust price unless you believe in him unless you speak after with if you don't. That's what the Bible is saying here.

hear it starting in chapter 9 wisdom products Bobo They have invited us to a pic from you. Maybe not going to get together this Christmas.

If you don't have a big big meal with here, we see the wisdom in Christ invite you to a seat and I'll look at it in Proverbs chapter 9 here. We have actually two competing dinner invitations. If you wish lady wisdom calls the naive to turn away from falling into feet that hurt a person but then you have lady Folly. She has prepared a banquet as well with stolen food. She said that will poison look at it in verses 15 and 18 of chapter by the call to those who pass by who go straight on their way. Whoever is simple With These Foolish let him turn in here and ask for him who lacks understanding she says to him stolen water is sweet bread eaten in secret is Pleasant. But he does not know that the Dead are there that her guests are in the depths of hell. You see Lady Bali offers up a dinner invitation that went with a citizen of simple in the foolish past 5 because she makes it sound so good bowling water sleep. What about it is about us that we like to do something then that's something we just love to do things and keeping a secret and we just named will no one knows about this. It's just something about doing something that no one knows that you do. But it says here really hidden secrets.

But her dear friend and he doesn't know that the Dead are there of this spiritual food. Remember the Lord is Our Shepherd.

You see the Lord is preparing a table for up the psalmist saying and I think it's in like that down your words to my text. He said sweeter than honey and the honeycomb in my mouth. That's what the psalmist said. Also. He seems this thing and even and Isaiah in the Old Testament, Isaiah chapter 5 verses 1 and 2. It says her everyone who thirst come to the water and you have no money, Bonnie. Yes, come buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you need? Why do you spend money for what is not bread in your wages for what does not satisfy listen carefully to me and eat what is good and let your soul the light itself in a month. The even and Isaiah we see this theme and parallel to your proper by God is speaking through the prophet for people to stop wasting their money on food that does not satisfy. But instead heat pump price offered in Jesus being steady this thing also in the New Testament. This is how we going to read it. Look at it here in John chapter 6 48 255. This is what Jesus said. I am the what the what the lady Bali say old stollen bread or if you know that is really good and your fathers ate the Manna in the wilderness and are dead. This is the bread when it comes out of Heaven that one may eat of it and not even though you die. You shall live because of the Resurrection then he says this I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this brand he will live forever and the bread that I still give as my flesh which I shall give for the life of the world the Jews therefore or among themselves saying, how can this man give up his flash to eat?

Like that's what baseball not spiritually. They thought we're actually going to eat him. Then Jesus said to them most assuredly I say to you unless you eat the Flesh of the son of man and drink his blood.

You have no life in you whoever eats my flesh and drinks. My blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is food in me and my blood is drained it be spiritual what he's talking about her house as a place or 5 verse proverbs 9. Jesus is building his house and his house just the church in The Fellowship of the Lord's Supper. Remember that we feed upon price by faith and then we look forward to force through our Heavenly feet when he was hurt at the marriage supper all that ties in together. But here's what I want to ask you before we close here. What is your reply to wisdom and the Jesus? Now when you're invited to a formal dinner party, you have to reply either you're coming or you're not but you have to let him know. Well, what's your response to God's invitation? Do you realize that by Nature your kind of simple like lady Folly talked about yourself. We desperately need with. Do you hunger for that with do you hunger for truth? You hunger for God worth Will you commit yourself to it? Only those who humbly seek wisdom is going to receive God blessing. That's just the way the Bible said you let me say something else here while we go.

don't be. Don't shop at God. Look at what? Wisdom in Boston I eat to her banquet, but she never bothered to ask Stoppers.

Look at what you say. Or get changed.

Do not correct a Spofford Messi hate you rebuke a wise man, and he will love you give instruction to a wise man, and he will be wiser. He just mad but you tried to recruit he bought the wisdom of Christ if you join a soccer in the desk and wisdom. Then there's no one to blame for our own boob. I slept so Madame 585 Auntie God and empty miss those who follow after her will. I will read it when we hunger for God and he'll fill us up with this one.

And it is Jeremiah 9 2324 the book of the Bible play Norm at the rich man will read his riches but let him who glories glory in this that you understand. When we going to go or you need anything tonight get off the weed that we understand God. That's what we doing that I am the Lord exercising loving-kindness judgment and righteousness in the Earth for these either life says the Lord. lady whistle the epitome of wisdom when we see Christ we see with when we reject father. We think it braided loving tonight Lord how we can take this picture and put it together and not only if we see principles on how to be quiet, but we see how this principle you are the epitome of spiritual wisdom Lord help us to understand that help us to always love you with all my heart and soul a banquet Force forcing Christ's name. I do pray. Amen.

Well, I guess this will be our last meeting together for those not.

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