Integrity in Leadership
Integrity in Leadership
1 Thessalonians 2:3-12
1. Intro: Stand up if 1-most consider you a leader, 2-you see yourself as a leader, 3-you are openly opinionated, 4-you share your preferences about what movie to see, video to rent, or music to hear, 5-didn’t stand when all others did)
Ø You are all leaders! (Sit) You all have influence.
2. Leadership Is…
Ø More than anything, leadership = influence.
Ø Even making suggestions and sharing opinions influences others. The way we live influences others… for better or worse.
Ø Everyone leads. Some lead more than others. Some lead better than others. Some are more natural at leading, but everyone leads sometimes.
Ø Dan & his family.
Ø And we must lead.
· We’re a kingdom of priests for those who don’t yet have a relationship with God.
· We’re team mates impacting team success.
Ø The quality & reach of a leader’s influence is determined by character & integrity.
Ø Paul understood the importance of character and integrity in his leadership.
3. Paul’s Leadership Charge
Ø On the road to Damascus, God entrusted Paul with a huge degree of leadership.
Ø He charged Paul to share the gospel with all the goyim, the people-groups that weren’t Jewish.
Ø The Gospel – the good news that our sin-debt, eternal separation from God’s goodness & love, was paid by Christ, and we can eternally enjoy God’s goodness & love if we accept his forgiveness & leadership in our lives.
Ø In this passage Paul talks of the methods, motives, focus & character of godly leadership.
4. Scripture, Thessalonians 2:3-12
5. Leadership Methods
Ø Be careful to convey only what’s true.
Ø My buds & the tripartite commission.
Ø Don’t be tricky, be straight when sharing truth.
Ø Don’t flatter. A flatterer uses words to manipulate rather than communicate.
Ø Basically, don’t “sell it”, share it.
Ø We all know that our peers despise corporate religious sales. For them, perception is reality.
Ø Not only must our methods be true, but our motives must be true as well.
! 6. Leadership Motives
Ø Even when we’re leading with integrity, it’s despised if the motive appears to be money-grubbing or selfish in any way.
Ø Don’t use a nice façade, a false face, to hide a greed motive. Deal with the greed.
Ø Try not to lead with any ulterior motive.
Ø Bob’s need for admiration.
Ø The right motive for leaders is a desire to please God.
7. Leadership Focus
Ø Leadership must be God-focused.
Ø Pleasing men in any way lowers the mark.
Ø Even when pleasing your boss or yourself, or your peers is a good thing, it has greater limitations & temptations than pleasing God.
Ø Praise from men corrupts our influence based on the hearts of those we seek to please; and only God can know hearts.
Ø God’s blessing on our leadership is directly related to a clear focus on pleasing God, not others.
! 8. Leadership Character
A. Motherly
Ø Gentleness in their leadership demonstrated a lack of selfish motives, like a mother & kids.
Ø It’s not without reason that Mother’s Day lauds the selflessness of moms.
Ø Mothers teach with more than words. They share their lives with their children, guiding them and modeling for them.
B. Fatherly
Ø In addition to being selfless, Paul and crew were pure. They were good examples.
Ø “Encouraging, comforting and urging” Paul used every pure persuasion that a Father might, positive & negative, to motivate them to live lives worthy of God.
9. Invite:
Ø God is calling you (and me) into His kingdom and into glory. He is charging us to influence others, to influence the world to follow him.
Ø Will you develop and exercise godly leadership?