Anointing Of Increase 08-01-04

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Anointing of Increase


  • Amos 9:11-15
  • Tabernacle of David is fallen, and “I” will raise it up
  • Where is God’s tabernacle on this earth now??? We are a type of it, NOW!!!
  • God has always wanted to have a tabernacle and heaven, and one on earth
  • Psalm 87 all and verse six, “and this man was born there.”
  • “In that day” is the Great & Terrible Day of The Lord in anti type – Completion
  • Plowman shall overtake the reaper, foolish in the natural – does not exist in the natural, because it is “The Anointing!!!” Christ, The Anointed One, is also His Anointing on us, Php 4:13
  • 2 Kings 4:1-7 Elisha and the widow’s oil
  • Verse 1, her husband feared The Lord, and was one of Elisha’s fellow prophets, the widow is reminding Elisha that her husband was COVENANTED to The Lord, and he was also covenanted to Elisha, and NOW Elisha, “What are you going to do about it?” A demand is being placed upon the Anointing
  • Verse 2 “except a little oil” this is the seed
  • The oil flowed as long as she had the faith to bring more pots, she EXPECTED
  • I Corinthians 3:6 “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.”
  • Feeding The Five Thousand, John 6:5-13, the boy’s lunch is the seed that was offered, Jesus touched it, and His Anointing IS THE ANOINTING OF increase
  • The boy “sowed” into Jesus’s ministry, and the 12 full baskets afterward is the boys harvest, as he is the one that sowed
  • The Lord’s tithe is your “except a little oil,” it is the boy’s lunch
  • This principle is not “ex nihilo”, out of nothing
  • We need a “VISION” of this, Proverbs 29:18 no vision, the people perish
  • A vision of “The Anointing of Increase” and it is for ME ALSO!!!
  • Luke 5:1-11 Jesus in Peter’s boat, they fished all night and caught nothing, but the Anointing of Increase filled “two” boats, fish for men with the same anointing
  • Tithing is one of our covenant connections, Lev 27:30 All the seed of the land
  • Mark 4:26-29 “the earth bringeth forth fruit of itself”
  • We must plant our seed in the ground to expect a harvest
  • Seedtime and harvest, Genesis 8:22, SEED plus TIME = HARVEST
  • The Anointing of Increase by the miraculous shortens the time of harvest
  • HOW DO WE GET IT!!! Ask, Seek, Knock …Luke 11:1-13…ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking!!!
  • EXPECT The Anointing, woman with the issue of blood Mark 5:25-34, 1. She thought it 2. She said it 3. She did it 4. She told it.
  • Faith hooks up with His Anointing
  • Matthew 11:28-30 and His Yoke, we are all yoked to something, if we are in the yoke with Jesus, we will walk with His anointing, Satan’s yoke is bondage
  • The Anointing is part of our birthright as Christians, as we carry His Name
  • The true anointing brings The Body together, it is not meant to separate us as most of the church has done with His Anointing.
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