Who Really Has Your Heart?
Intro & Context
The Great Sin: Idolatry
The Great Cure: Repentance
A child came home from the common with her lap full of brightly shining berries. She seemed very pleased with what she had found, but her father looked frightened when he saw what she had and anxiously asked her, “Have you eaten any of those berries?”
“No, father,” replied the child, to his great relief.
Then he said to her, “Come with me into the garden,” and there he dug a hole, put the berries in, stamped on them, and crushed them, and then covered them with earth.
All this while, the little one thought, “How unkind father is to take away these things that pleased me so much!” But she understood the reason for it when he told her that the berries were so poisonous that if she had eaten even one of them, she would in all probability have died in consequence.
In like manner, sometimes, our comforts turn to poison, especially when we begin to make idols of them. It is kind on the part of God to stamp on them, and put them away from us, so that no mischief may come to our souls.145