New Year's Eve 2020
After experience and revelation of God - rest in covenant relationship not material blessings, tremble at judgments, confident of them but …
The New Bible Commentary 3:16–19 Trembling Yet Trusting
In the final verses the writer comes to realize that his faith can ultimately and finally be left in the God who keeps his covenant for ever. Israel received a large portion of its livelihood from agriculture, but the psalmist now realizes that his ultimate source of succour is Yahweh alone, and that he is still God whether he continues to provide these things for his people or not. Habakkuk’s assurance does not rest in visible yet temporal blessings, but rather in an unshakeable relationship with his covenant God (cf. Jos. 1:5; Rom. 8:38–39). In the midst of all of this questioning and dialogue, the writer can still call God his own. All this explains in practical terms the meaning of the faith espoused in 2:4.
SO in the end: As a result of this faith, the powerful Lord will strengthen the psalmist to endure, but also to leap joyfully in the exhilaration of life like a deer (cf. 2 Sa. 22:34; Ps. 18:33[34]). This strength is still available to those who find that they can yet have this faith in the God of Israel and of the church
If .. then of v.18 whether Babylon or Judah cause of the devestation and judgment of God… yet I will = cohorative … not just rejiooce TRUMPH in LORD… not taking pleasure in suffering of the land, not suffering that brings exultation, the LORD brings joy no matter the circumstances… God of my salvation, despite antyhing happening on earth, God is still and lways will be his Saviour… righteous shall live by faith 2:4,
like Job now no complaints … now understands … Sovereign God … joy and truimph....
Ein Gedi nature reserve… bordered by two huge cliffs… eibex climbing.. merest toeholds… perilous … prophet can walk securely through life because God is his strength… prophet and friends are in grace danger from approaching Babylonian army, yet their fortress and protection is God himself… Masada
Like Gardiner… Isaac Waats O God our Help in ages passt, our hope for years to come; our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal home…
Heb 11:1 Faith as assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen… Habakuk is a prophet of faiht.