Untitled Sermon
Eclessiastes 12:13
2020 has been some kind of year…. We’ve gone through some stuff
- at least we didn’t have to endure what these people have gone through
- These people have to live with these forever – At least we get to move on from 2020
I thought it might be good to check out some positive things we could focus on in 2021…
Resolutions if you will….
I searched far and wide for some great suggestions and want to share what I’ve found
1. Get a promotion
2. Become more confident.
3. Practice intentional breathing.
4. Keep a notebook next to your bed to write down ideas you have in the night
5. Start buying lottery tickets at a luckier store
6. Stop hanging out with people who ask me about my resolutions
7. Avoid taking a bath whenever possible so as to conserve water
8. Do less laundry and use more deodorant
9. Go back to school to avoid paying my student loans
10. Claim all my pets on my taxes this year
11. Buy new clothes big enough to account for all the holidays next year
12. Stop buttering my donuts…
I want to make a suggestion of my own. Found in our text for today…
- Fear God and keep his commandments