Encountering the King
As Mary and Joseph follow the Mosaic Law concerning purification and circumcision, they are met by two elderly individuals who have been waiting for the coming of the Messiah.
Opening Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
When we encounter the King, we are made holy and righteous. (vs. 22-24)
I see many after their baptism living more carelessly than the uninitiated, and having nothing peculiar to distinguish them in their way of life. It is, you see, for this cause that neither in the market nor in the Church is it possible to know quickly who is a believer and who an unbeliever, unless one be present at the time of the mysteries and see the one sort put out, the others remaining within. On the contrary they ought to be distinguished not by their place, but by their way of life. For as men’s outward dignities are naturally to be discovered by the outward signs with which they are invested, so ours ought to be discernible by the soul. That is, the believer ought to be manifest not by the gift only, but also by the new life.
Sanctification is a gracious work of God, whereby in a supernatural way He gradually divests from sin the inclinations and dispositions of the regenerate and clothes them with holiness.
When we encounter the King, we see our salvation. (vs. 25-35)
Christ is now the righteousness of all those who truly do believe in him. He for them paid their ransom by his death. He for them fulfilled the law in his life. So that now in him, and by him, every true Christian man may be called a fulfiller of the law, since that which their infirmity lacks, Christ’s justice has supplied.