The Giants We Face
Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 34:13
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Good morning LEC, it is a privilege to be up here, bringing God’s word to such an
awesome church. I am looking forward to what God has in store for His people this
We are almost done with 2020, I know there are a lot of you happy about that, getting
ready to usher in a new year, 2021.
2020 has left a lot of us hurt and crushed with certain circumstances that have
happened in our lives. Maybe you have taken on some big things this year and you feel
like it’s too big for you to handle. It’s become like a giant in your life. This morning I want
to talk about those giants and what we have to do to get rid of them so we can go into
2021 a new person free from your giants.
If you will, let's go ahead and turn with me to 1 Samuel 17:40-44. I want to talk about a
very familiar story that I know most of us should know this morning.
Let us pray
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1 Samuel 17:40-44 NLT
“He picked up five smooth stones from a stream and put them into his
shepherd’s bag. Then, armed only with his shepherd’s staff and sling, he started
across the valley to fight the Philistine. Goliath walked out toward David with his
shield bearer ahead of him, sneering in contempt at this ruddy-faced boy. “Am I a
dog,” he roared at David, “that you come at me with a stick?” And he cursed
David by the names of his gods. “Come over here, and I’ll give your flesh to the
birds and wild animals!” Goliath yelled.”
Isn’t that just like your giant to try and discourage you!
Giants represent anything which is keeping us from our freedom that God has intended
for our lives!
Now you may be wondering, what are some of the “Giants” that people face:
(1)- There is the Giant of Resentment
(2)- There is the Giant of Fear
(3)- There is the Giant of Loneliness
(4)- There is the Giant of Guilt & Shame
(5)- There is the Giant of Worry
(6)- There is the Giant of Discouragement
(7)- There is the Giant of Jealousy
(8)- There is the Giant of Depression
(9)- There is the Giant of Hopelessness
(10)- There is the Giant of Bitterness
(11)- There is the Giant of Pride
(12)- There is the Giant of Selfishness
(13)- There is the Giant of Doubt (14)- There is a Giant of addiction
We can say that these things and many other things like these keep us from our victory,
and our peace!
You see, these things that I mentioned can distract us; detour us; and drain us of being
everything God intends for us to be. Therefore it goes without saying - “Giants” must be
killed and removed.
I can imagine what David must have thought when he saw Goliath. But David did not
seem concerned about this “giant”; he was very disappointed because of the fear that
Israel showed toward Goliath.
I want you to recognize in this story that there is far more at stake than just a little man
defeating a big man. You must recognize that this is a picture of great struggles that are
taking place in the lives of God’s people right now.
God’s people need to understand that we need to a)- Face your Giants; b)- Fight your
Giants; and c)- Finish your Giants
(1)- Face your giant
I believe as David heard the voice of Goliath and saw him standing in the valley of Elah,
he said to himself; “That ‘giant’ must go down.” I also believe that David understood that
confronting Goliath would not be an easy task.
I want us to take a moment and notice what David saw as he looked and confronted
a)- The Description Of Goliath
His Appearance:.” Goliath was a gigantic man. Some stories say he was [9’ 9”] tall. His
appearance was beyond comprehension.
His Armor: Goliath was decked out in brass armor. From head to toe.
As we read about Goliath we can vision in our minds that he was an impressive man.
He seemed unstoppable. He presented himself as someone who would not go down.
What kind of ‘giant’ are you facing? What seems to be stopping you dead in your
tracks? Does your ‘giant’ seem unstoppable? Do you feel that there is no way that you
can defeat something that you are facing at this moment?
Listen carefully. Before David could fight Goliath, he had to realize and recognize ‘who’
and ‘what’ he was facing. David had to confront his ‘giant’ in his mind and in his heart
before he ever tried to attack him. He knew that there was no way around Goliath; there
is no way around your giant. David knew that Goliath had to fall, and so does your giant.
We have to realize the fact that Your giant is no ordinary adversary.
We are fighting spiritual warfare.
Ephesians 6:12 NLT
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and
authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against
evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
Goliath not only had a massive appearance but he also had huge demands
b)- The Demands Of
Goliath was a representative of the Philistines. He called out for someone, anyone from
the army of Israel to fight him. Goliath was aggressive. He was persistent. Every day,
twice a day, for 40 days, Goliath stood in territory that belonged to Israel and demanded
that someone fight him. {17:16}
Every day, twice a day, for 40 days, all Israel could hear was this voice echoing through
the valley. The size of Goliath; the sound of Goliath; the strength of Goliath was
frightening. The people of God were actually in the bondage of fear because of some
‘giant’ that stood against them and their God. (They were afraid)
Goliath was called a “Champion”. He was the philistines Superman,
Goliath was arrogant, defiant and rebellious against the things of God. He roared like a
lion as he spoke in the valley of Elah. Satan is making more noise today than he has
ever before; and many of the people who claim to be children of God are covering up
and running away.
We need to remember who we serve!
David knew that in order to regain the territory that belonged to Israel, Goliath had to be
confronted. He knew that Goliath was a force to be reckoned with. David knew that
Goliath would not go away. David had heard his voice; David could sense some fear;
David knew that Goliath was a dangerous threat. But David also knew that somehow,
someway, and at some point, Goliath had to be removed.
Let me ask you something. Slide What is Satan using as a ‘giant’ to stop you from
becoming the Christian you ought to be?
(1)- Do you have [resentment] in your heart toward someone that did you wrong or
something that has happened in the past?
(2)- Are you running from something that God has called you to do?
(3)- Is your family facing marital or financial difficulties?
(4)- Are you having trouble with ‘guilt’ or ‘shame’ that you feel because of something
you did in the past?
(5)- Has something taken place in the past that so disappointed you that you just can’t
seem to get over?
(6)- Are you finding it difficult to have a consistent and committed Christian life?
(7)- Is your pride keeping you from giving your life over completely to God!
What you are going to have to do is FACE YOUR GIANT and realize that you cannot go
on in your Christian life until that ‘giant’ is dealt with.
(2)- Fight your giant
Listen carefully:Slide Defeat is a possibility for the believer; but it is not a necessity!
Proverbs 29:25 NLT
“Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety.”
You don’t have to be defeated by your ‘giant’.
There are many Christians who are so discouraged about what is taking place in their
life. At the base of your discouragement is a lie from Satan. What so many Christians
who are discouraged have done is that they have dropped their “shield of faith” and
have failed to truly trust the Lord.
Ephesians 6:13 NLT
[13] Therefore, put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the
enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.
Here is how David fought his giant, he
recalled his past victories
1 Samuel 17:32-37 NKJV
Here is what took place. David went before King Saul to explain to him that Goliath must
be defeated. Saul and the army of Israel were men that were ‘giant dominated’. But
David came before King Saul as a person God Dominated!
While King Saul couldn’t understand why David wanted to go out and face Goliath,
David couldn’t get over the fact of what God had done for him in the past. King Saul
kept talking about how big Goliath was compared to them. David began to talk about
how small Goliath was compared to his God.
King Saul began to repeat his excuses. David began to remember his experiences.
I can hear David, after listening to King Saul and his excuses, tell him; “King Saul, your
right. I am just a teenager. I am just a little shepherd boy. But There was a day when a
bear attacked my sheep and took one of them. God gave me strength to go over to that
bear, take my little sheep out of his mouth and I killed him.
Soon after that, a lion attacked my sheep; but God gave me strength to look at that lion
straight in the eyes; I pulled his beard and I killed him. KING SAUL; THE SAME GOD
But the same God that has come through for you in your past is going to do it again for
you now!
David knew that he could confront and challenge Goliath based on the fact of what God
had done for him in the past.
While David was faithfully tending his sheep, all alone, facing and defeating the bear
and the lion - God was preparing him to face Goliath!
There is something that you need to understand about what God is doing in your life.
The little battles in our life are getting us ready for the big battles we are going to face
David could challenge Goliath because he knew that since God took care of him in the
past, God could and would take care of him in the present. David had nothing to fear in
his present because of what God did for him in his past.
You should never forget what God has done for you in the past. As you look back over
the circumstances and situations you have been through, you will discover that God
was just preparing you to face the ‘giants’ that are ahead of you.
David’s confidence {was not in his own ability}; he was no match for Goliath. David’s
confidence {was not in his armor}; David refused to wear men's armor. He was not
going to dress like Goliath and look like Goliath and act like Goliath so he could go out
and try to defeat Goliath.
David understood that it “was not by his might, nor by his power; it was by God’s Spirit.”
David’s Confidence Rested In The God That Brought Him Through The Past! (This is
where the battle was won!) David knew that his God Was Bigger Than Goliath!
David had set his mind and heart to Confront Goliath and Challenge Goliath. David had
no doubt in his mind and no fear in his heart!
If you are facing a ‘giant’ in your life, the only thing you can do is to put your faith in the
God who can do all things. Don’t look at your ‘giant’ from an earthly point of view; look
at it from Heaven’s point of view. God is bigger than any ‘giant’ that you will ever face.
After we face our giant and fight our giant then it’s time to finish our giant!
3)-Finish your giant
David was not afraid nor did he hesitate about going out to meet Goliath. We are told
that {17:48}- “David quickly ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.”
I can hear King Saul and his army; “David don’t go. He’s too big to hit.” I can hear David
as he runs at Goliath; “You’ve got it all wrong. HE’S TOO BIG TO MISS!”
As David ran to meet Goliath,
David Experienced The Power Of The Lord
As we read earlier, we see that Goliath didn’t think much of David. In fact, from an
earthly stand point, David looked outclassed and outmanned. But from a Heavenly
stand point, Goliath was no match for David’s God!
David Faced Goliath In The Name Of The Lord!
1 Samuel 17:45-47 NLT
“David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I
come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of
Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and
cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild
animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone
assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and
spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!””
I don’t have to remind you that there is Power in the Name of Jesus. . When you face
your ‘giant’ take time to whisper the Name of Jesus. It will give you comfort, calmness
and Courage.
Proverbs 18:10 NLT
The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.
David Faced Goliath With The Weapons From The Lord. David had a sling; and he had
5 stones. God didn’t want David to face Goliath with Saul’s armor; but God didn’t want
David to face Goliath unarmed. God wanted David to use the basics. David used a sling
and 5 smooth stones and he had complete trust in his God to help him overcome
David knew that the battle was in the Hands of the Lord. As David ran at Goliath, he
knew that Goliath had to fall. He reached into his bag; he pulled out a smooth stone; he
put that stone in his sling, and he threw it at Goliath. The stone sunk right in the
forehead of Goliath and he fell immediately to the ground. {That was the last thing that
entered into the mind of Goliath.} {17:51,52} tells us that David stood over Goliath; then
he took the sword of Goliath, and cut off his head.
David is an example that when one life is yielded to the Lord - - it will make a huge
difference in many lives! Think about this: remember that his brothers did not want
David there. They didn’t think much of him. But once David defeated Goliath, his
brothers were one of many who enjoyed the spoils of victory.
When David defeated Goliath, others were blessed. Others are watching how you face
your ‘giants’. When you allow God to give you victory over your ‘giant’, others will be
encouraged and blessed.
It makes no difference what you are facing; it makes no difference what your ‘giant’ may
be. You can defeat any ‘giant’ that comes your way.
“Greater is He that is in you, than He that is in the world.”
The same thing that happened to David can happen to
you. You can face, fight, and finish off your ‘giant’ if you
will just trust and depend upon the Lord. Don’t just
throw a stone at your Giant and hit him in the forehead;
go over to “your giant”, take the spiritual sword and cut
its head off and completely finish it. Don’t give that
“giant” that you are facing in your life an opportunity to
live again in your life. KILL YOUR GIANTS!!!
Jesus Is Greater Than Your Giants
If you need something this morning and you need prayer, we have our
prayer partners ready to pray with you. Just comment below and they
will be right there to help you pray.
If you need salvation this morning all you have to do is believe that
Jesus was born of a virgin, died on the cross for your sins and was
raised to life, you can be saved.
Say this prayer with me this morning, believe it in your heart,
God I am a sinner
I’m sorry for my sins
I believe Jesus died for my sins and was raised from the dead
I believe you will forgive me of my sins
I choose Jesus
This morning if you said that pray and you truly believe that then you
are saved.
As you get ready to enter into a new year this week, I challenge you
this week to Face those giants that may be holding you back from
having the relationship with God that you desire to have.
Face your giant
1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you and give you the strength
and confidence to face those giants.
Fight your giant
2. Read God’s word and allow it to equip you with the knowledge
you need to fight the giant, it is your sword.
Finish your giant
3. Worship God for what He has done, claim your victory over that
giant and give God the glory.
I hope everyone has a great week in the Lord.