Galatians #01 Only Good News is Gospel

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Galatians: Freed to be Free #1

On June 15, 1215 in the meadow of Runnymeade, giving in to pressure from the English Barons, King John I placed his seal on a paper written and published that is perhaps the most influential writing outside of the Word of God; the Magna Carta.  Also known as Magna Carta Libertatum meaning Great Paper of Freedom.  It was a paper guaranteeing rights to the British Subjects.  It was the foundation by which the constitutional forms of government were based in the centuries to come including here in the United States of America.  While it was modified many times, it is a critical piece of work that we still reap the benefits of today.  Among its important freedoms it guaranteed the freedom of the English Church, a right to due process, and the right to governmental representation.  It has been quoted, sited, copied, and adapted in legal briefs and by virtually every Constitutional Government since, including our founders in developing the Constitution of the United States as well as the constitutions of state and local governments.

Well some have called the book of Galatians as the “Magna Carta of Christian Freedom”.  We will be defining freedom during these weeks.  We need to define it because we live in a fallen, upside down world and sometimes our eyes deceive us.  I remember a Looney Toons cartoon as a kid with a dog and cat.  The cat nails furniture to the ceiling, lights to the floor and the dog wakes up and thinks he is  on the ceiling.  Well, we are going to talk about freedom.  We have to define it because “doing what you want” isn’t freedom, it’s bondage.  Religious rituals and regulations can be bondage equally confining.  But in Christ we have freedom that is REALLY Free. 

There is much discussion through the last 2000 years about the date, occasion, and object for Paul’s writing of this important book.  As there are two groups referred to as Galatians, northern and southern, it bears importance to consider to whom Paul is writing.  I am in agreement with those who believe that this book was written to a group of churches that Paul had founded in southern Galatia, which would include Antioch and Derbe, and Iconium.  These churches were some of the first founded by Paul.  Very soon after Paul had founded these churches and moved on to further ministry, it seems that other “missionaries” from Judea found their way into these churches.  Though they preached Christ and what they called a Gospel, they added to the preaching of Christ, the inclusion of the Law.  This preaching of traditions and the Law superimposed over the preaching of the Gospel given by Paul, brought great confusion and strife to the church.

The book of Galatians was written to deal with a conflict between Paul and some in the Galatian church.  But this was NOT a personality difference, worship preference, or leadership style.  This was a battle for the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Paul is writing to those of us in this specific dispensation of God.  Before the cross was the time of the Law but that is no longer.  One day we will dwell eternally in God’s presence and rule where we will know and be known completely and live in the fullness of God’s Grace and Freedom, but that time in Not Yet.  But for NOW we live Free from the Laws of Gravity as we call it but our Freedom is limited to the boundaries of this fallen world in which we live.

Paul wrote to correct misconceptions and flat out lies.  He wrote to be sure that people understood that Salvation is found in Christ plus NOTHING and THAT is GOOD NEWS … and That is the Gospel

Jesus plus anything might not be good news. 

It’s not Christ plus personal holiness for salvation, though I Believe that Christians are called to holiness

It is not Christ plus certain spiritual expression or gifts though every Christian has their own gifts and expressions.

It is not Christ plus hymnody or Christ plus denomination or Christ plus a scripture translation or Christ plus a pastor.

It is Christ and his grace experienced through faith and nothing else.

We will learn about freedom before our salvation and freedom in our expression and the freedom that is found in living by sound doctrine, good expression, holy living, walking the Word, and sound pastoral leadership and teaching.

So, let’s begin …

READ Galatians 1:1-10

There is a lot of “gospel” out there these days, Christian and otherwise, religious and otherwise

There is a lot of stuff out there that promises a lot of results

But not every gospel is the same

Not every gospel is good news

Gospel should be good in every sense

Good news Pleases God

But is that true of your Gospel?

Three questions I want to ask today about The Good News you follow.

1. What is the source

2. Is it good?

3. How should we respond?

1. What is the Source?v1

There is a lot of “gospel” that is based on Jesus but built on the wisdom of man or on “further revelation” or the “enlightenment of angels” …

it may be that the source of the agitators were a group sent to straighten out the Gentiles to appease and quiet a group of Jewish Zealots that were putting pressure on conformity to Jewish standards.  So, some believe that they were coming in behind Paul and saying “yes Jesus Loves You, and Yes he is the Messiah, but if you want Salvation, become a Jew first, receive circumcision, keep the law, THEN you can be saved by Grace …

  A. What is the SOURCE of THAT Gospel?

    1. There are a lot of people on TV; there are a lot of people who will come to your door; there is a lot of material that you receive in the mail; and they ALL seem to be telling you GOSPEL. 

    2. Many of them want to teach you about God.  Many of them even tell you about JESUS … but what is the source of their knowledge.

    3. For some the source of their gospel is NEW REVELATION given to modern men

    4. For some the source of their gospel is Revelation of Angels

    5. For others the source of their gospel is a New Translation of scripture that only ONE translator seemed to be able to get it right and all the other translators over the year have gotten it wrong.

    6. There are some interesting gospels out there folks.  But where do they come from?

    7. Most of them come from one or a combination of three things, Pride, Greed, Fear, or Lunacy. 

What did Paul Say?

  B. Paul’s Source?

    1. v1 – sent -  Paul lets us know right of the bat, that he is not in this for himself … he didn’t come because he had a personal agenda. 

    2. Paul knew what it was to be SENT and to SEND … Before he became a follower of a Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ he was SENT by the Chief Priests to persecute, harass, arrest, and destroy this “uprising” called Christianity.  When Paul met Jesus on the Road to Damascus he had been sent with letters of authority arrest and imprison Christians …

    4. but he was now “sent NOT”

      a. FROM men – as he had been sent FROM the Priests in Jerusalem … out FROM them

      b. not BY men – with their authority which ultimately was given with the authority of the overseeing Roman Rule

    5. But he was BY JESUS Christ and God the Father –

      a. notice both power and authority are stated

      b. Jesus is listed as not just Jesus of Nazareth, but Jesus the Christ.  That speaks to his authority as the anointed one promised and fulfilled.

      c. who himself was from God the Father, Yahweh, Creator, Sovereign

      d. His Power raised Christ from the dead, through the working of the Holy Spirit

    6. THAT was Paul’s source – Every false religion or cult preaches, another Savior, another Revelation, and another Outcome

    7. Peter understood and preached the same concept …

2 Peter 1:16 (NIV)
16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

2 Peter 1:20-21 (NIV)
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

In vv11-13 Paul says that his gospel is not something made up by man.  It wasn’t received from man or taught by man.  It came from Jesus

Paul is saying, look, if was making something up, if I was creating a gospel, this is NOT the one that I would come up with.

I had been taught something else, but God blew my mind on the road to Damascus and showed me something that I never would have thought or believed.

So Paul points to the source of the Gospel he preaches … and with so many “gospels” out there, you need to know the source …

There have been so many charlatans, misinformed, unconcerned preachers, con artists that have impacted negatively the gospel of Jesus Christ

Martin Luther said “Satan hath wrought greater harm to our Gospel by his ministers, the fantastical spirits, than by all the tyrants, kings, princes and bishops that have persecuted it and still do persecute it”

The Source of the Teaching has to be considered. 

I have to give you a Modern Day example.  Know that I am not attacking or putting down anyone.  However, as your Pastor, concerned for truth, we must recognize that NOT everything that calls itself Gospel is Gospel.

And Paul identifies his Gospel and that of the Apostles by the Source of direct inspiration breathed out from God. 

Let me give you an example. 

There came a man in the 1800’s … he was touched by the Great Spiritual Awakening on the east coast.  He was touched by different folk teaching. 

He had runins with the law.  He was run out of towns being accused of being a liar, thrown out of one town and another, no personal integrity and suddenly he has a new message, a new revelation, a superseding gospel, and he says it comes from and is about Jesus Christ. 

But let’s just look at the source FIRST. It is VERY clearly stated in scripture … you don’t have to wonder about a proclaimed prophet.  Interesting, there are Pastors that want to call themselves prophets today.  And you better define the word.  If you want to speak prophetically, i.e. FORTH telling, speaking the truth … that’s great … but if you want to say that you speak for God … you better be right

Deuteronomy 18:21-22 (NIV)
21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.

So, with that measuring stick … let’s look at this young man who received visions from God. 

- In Feb 14, 1835 wrote “go forth to prune the vineyard for the last time, or the coming of the lord, which was nigh even 56 years should win up the seen.” (history of the church vol 2 p 182.  … well that means Jesus is coming by 1891.

- he prophesied that there were inhabitants on the moon of uniform height about 6 ft.  tall, dressed like Quakers and lived to be nearly 1000 years old.  (journal of oliver b Huntington, v 3 p 166 copy at Utah Stat Historical Society)

He taught that there was a tropical oasis at the North Pole … Of course in the mid 1800’s there was no one who could refute his teaches about the moon or the north pole because no one had been there.  … Well we’ve been there

Joseph Smith preached another gospel

He wrote “he that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven” Doc and Cov. 1:32

He wrote “we know that it is by grace that we are saved, AFTER ALL WE CAN DO”  2 nephi 25:23b

He preached another Jesus …

God is Eternal and that Jesus Christ has always been with God and God in essence

But John Smith said about this “Jesus” he preached … “all men in pre-existence were the spirit children of God our Father, an exalted, glorified, and perfected Man” (Morman Doctrines p 751)

Joseph Smith said “God himself was once as we are now, and is and exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!  … I am going to tell you how God came to be God.  We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity.  I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, so that you may see …” (Mor Doc p 321)

He taught that God had a Father – M.Doc. p 322 says “there is a God above the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ … Hence if Jesus had a Father, can we not believe that HE had a Father also?”

He taught a Heavenly Mother who is deity giving birth to literal sons and daughters of deity (M. Doc p 516)

He didn’t believe in the virgin birth of Jesus but instead a physical conception from an Immortal Father (M.Doc p 547)

I cannot begin to take  you through it all, he taught that people could be saved AFTER death.  He taught that there are serious sins like Murder that were not capable of being atoned for by the cross of Christ. 

He wrote “the true gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to earth in the last days through the instrumentality of Joseph Smith.  It is found ONLY in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (M.Doc 334)

He taught in Doc. And Cov. 132:7 – The President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hold the keys of salvation for all men now living because he is the only one by whose authorization the sealing power of the priesthood can be used to seal men up to salvation and exaltation in the kingdom of God

He taught some interesting things about Adam in M. Doc pp 16,17 he sat in the council of gods in the planning of the creation of this earth, and then, under Christ, participated in the creative enterprise … Adam (with the exalted title of Michael the Archangel) led the hosts of the righteous in the war in heaven (rev. 12:7-9) … holds the keys of salvation over all the earth

Thus saying that Adam was both a god, and the Angel Michael. 

You might be interested to also know that he taught that the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County Missouri part an area he called “the land of zion” M. Doc p 20

What about these people Paul is dealing with?

They were either working on their own authority, or on the authority of overzealous power hungry people from the church in Jerusalem, or simple Jewish interlopers, but they were not sent from Christ and the Father with the authority of the Apostles and church leaders …

But the point is that they were coming behind Paul and CHANGING the Gospel with NO authoritative source. 

I’m not picking on the Mormon Church, but truth must be spoken as truth, when truth is perverted and the gospel is changed

Paul said, if someone comes to preaching a different Gospel that the one we have preached … 2 Cor 11:4 Paul talks about some that preach “another Jesus” … well that is what these in Galatia were doing and that’s what Joseph Smith did

Jesus Christ as portrayed in scripture is NOT the same Jesus that Smith wrote about

This gospel was the same …

The source is wrong

But coming to the title of my message, we have to ask …

2. Is it Good?

Paul said they were turning to a “DIFFERENT gospel … (vv6-7) which is really NO gospel at all”

What does he mean Gospel which is no Gospel?

The word euaggelion /yoo-ang-ghel-ee-on/ good tidings; the glad tidings of the kingdom of God; subsequently also of Jesus the Messiah; preaching of Jesus Christ crucified for our salvation, restored to life, exalted to the right hand of God in heaven, to return in majesty to consummate the kingdom of God

In the simplest form it means GOOD NEWS

Well Folks … If it isn’t GOOD … it isn’t GOSPEL …

If it isn’t TRUE … it isn’t GOOD …

If it doesn’t provide life, it isn’t Good

If it keeps you bound it isn’t GOOD

If it promises Grace but adds something to it, then it isn’t Good

Paul came along and taught Salvation by Grace through Faith.  These people gladly received it, but then some slick Jewish Christian preachers come along and say “I know you were saved by your Grace, but if you were really saved, you will prove it by being circumcised.  If you want to be saved you have to follow the law. 

Folks Grace plus ANYTHING … FOR salvation is NOT Grace.

If I preached Grace to you and said you could be saved by Faith through Grace, plus a tattoo of a bunny behind your left ear …

Well not that’s easy right?

But it’s NOT GRACE so it’s NOT GOOD

Help me out here … say it with me “If it’s not Grace, it’s not Good”

Paul said in verse 6 that we are saved by Grace … Charis – good will, loving-kindness, favor, of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith; knowledge, affection and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues …  … Simply getting what you don’t deserve simply because God chooses to give. 

So, if you are Saved by Grace AND singing hymns only …

That’s not Grace … help me “if it’s not grace then it’s not good”

If you are saved by Grace AFTER you have done all you can … that’s not grace

“if it’s not grace then it’s not good”

If you are saved by Grace and Circumcision … that’s not grace and “if it’s not grace then it’s not good”

If you are saved by Keeping the Law AND Grace … that’s not Grace … “if it’s not grace then it’s not good”

If you are saved by grace and joining the Baptist Church … that’s NOT grace, “if it’s not grace then it’s not good”

What we are going to see here people is that Paul is addressing a Perversion of the Gospel of Grace …

We are NOT saying that you shouldn’t live a moral life …

We aren’t saying that you shouldn’t keep the 10 Commandments

We aren’t saying that there is not a purpose for different churches with affinities and giftedness that reaches different types of people.

We are not saying there’s something inherently wrong with a bunny tattoo  behind your ear LOL

But when you attach it to the Gospel it is Not Grace and …

“if it’s not grace then it’s not good”

You have heard a lot this election season about “pork” … that is programs, money, laws, that are attached to OTHER bigger laws, in order to get someone to sign on and vote for it.  Well folks there is no Pork in Grace!

What does the Grace of God do for us?

v.4 “who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of the Father 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever

The Grace of God is GOOD NEWS because it rescues us, forgives us, and brings glory to the Father

Perverted gospels confuse, bind, 

Folks I haven’t even addressed some folks that are out there preaching today a perverted gospel, but we wouldn’t really consider them a cult.  We would even include them in Christianity. 

With Perversion of the Gospel, as we close,

3. How Should We Respond?

Go to the Word of God

Please God … don’t worry about pleasing man

V10 – am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God?  Or am I trying to please men?  If I WERE still trying to please men, I would NOT be a servant of Christ.

I think Paul is using a little throwback to his time persecuting Christians, he was pleasing men.  And Now Paul says, THAT is behind me

There are some of you here today, that were in places were you were caught up in pleasing men and not pleasing God. 

I told you there are some out there that we would consider Christian, but they are perverting the Gospel.  How do you get around it?

Ps. 119:105 your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

When someone comes to you throwing the name of Jesus around, claiming to have a Gospel Word …

Hold Up the LIGHT - -- and that light isn’t spelled G-E-B-U-L-B. … it is spelled B-I-B-L-E.

Don’t lay it down and shine YOUR light, YOUR understanding, YOUR preferences, lay it down next to the Word of God, and the Gospel will stand and perversion will fall.

Examine “New Revelation”

Examine “Gospel”

Examine even if they say “that’s Jesus” … well not everyone named Jim is ME.  Nor everyone named Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.  Not everything called Christianity is True, nor everything called “Gospel” … Good News

One of the best ways to identify a servant of Christ is look to see who they are honestly trying to please.  Whose pleasure do they seek?

Whose eye do they want?

Paul says in verse 9 If anyone is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned

Why so strong?  Because every preacher of Truth, every shepherd, knows that people are often, like sheep, easily led astray and he desires that no wolves get his sheep.

Is it Good?

Is it True?

Is it From God?

Does it Please God?

Does it bind instead of free?

Does it add to Grace?

Then it’s not Grace?

And … <say it with me>


“if it’s not grace then it’s not good”

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