Hope in Times of Uncertainty

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Hope in times of uncertainty.


I. Introduction

2020 has to have been one of the most difficult years anybody of my generation, and perhaps a generation or two behind mine, has ever seen. It has led to a time of unbriddled uncertainty as we go into 2021…perhaps some are thinking: “well things were bad last year....they don’t look much better for this year either...”....and yet some others are thinking “well things can’t get any WORSE than they were last year, so maybe this year won’t be so bad....”
We often wonder if we are in the last days....perhaps what that even means....I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked that question: Bro. Vic, are we in, the last days? Well I can tell you this with 100% certainty: the stage is set for the drama of the ages to take place....and this drama will not be a play or a movie…it won’t be make believe....it is absolutely as real as you are at this moment. And we have Christians, despite knowing what the Word of God says about the last days, worrying about it. They are not only uncertain about the future of our country....or the way the economy may be headed....or what may happen with their job situation in the next year....many are even worried about the last days themselves....
Now the truth is....we don’t know that these days we are living in are ABSOLUTE last days. Many people think that they are…many don’t. I remember a fellow years ago when I was working through college coming in my place of work and saying that in the upcoming election, Obama was going to steal the elction from Mitt Romney and that was when the Lord was going to come back…well if he was right, I think you and I all missed the rapture. But truthfully, in one sense, the “last days” really began when Jesus ascended into Heaven....because from that time until now, we have been living on the edge of eternity....so even the early church in Acts was technically in the “last days.” But the point now is this: Jesus could come back at literally any moment....but…that has also been true for the last two thousand years. Nothing else needs to happen before Jesus can come back now…all of the prophesies have been fulfilled…and they have been fulfilled for thousands of years....so he coiuld come today....tomorrow....or 500 years from now....no one knows…and if they say they do, they either don’t know their Bible or they are lying.
But, even in an uncertain, shaky world....even in a world that IS in the last days (whether they are the ABSOLUTE last days or not)…God’s people are not to be upset....they’re not to be dismayed....they’re not to be uneasy or jittery....God’s people are to be steadfast and have settled fath....So many Christians remind me of a man who swallowed an egg and he was afraid to move, he was afraid it might break, afraid to sit still, afraid it might hatch. And, I know Christians who are just about that nervous and about that jittery about things they ought not be....

a. Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

2 Thessalonians 1:7–10 NASB95
and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed—for our testimony to you was believed.
And as always, I’m going to ask you to stand with me, if you are able, as we read from God’s Holy, Perfect, Sufficient and inerrant Word.<Pray>Thank you, and you may be seated.

II. Contextualization

a. In this letter to the Church at Thessalonica, Paul writes a very personal, gentle letter to his friends there....many of them were being persecuted for their faith....so they needed encouragement....and they needed to be reminded of their hope in Christ....and Paul grants them that here in these passages of Scripture.

III. Major Points

Do NOT be Dismayed
Do NOT be Deceived
Do NOT be Disappointed

IV. Point #1: Do NOT be Dismayed

Explanation Look again, if you will, in verse 7: “and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well...”…other translations say “and to those of you who are troubled...”…are you troubled? have you been troubled in the past 12 months? Well Paul is talking to you....These poor folks in Thessalonica were being badly persecuted for their religion....arrested…tortured…and even killed, all because they dared believe on the name of Jesus. And many people are feeling dismayed right now…but Paul says here that there is a relief for you…and a rest for you here in verse 7.
Illustration Hannah and I love to travel, and there is no better feeling than knowing I have a confirmed reservation. Hannah and I once had a late arrival at our hotel in Atlanta…it wa sthe night before I was to graduate from seminary…when we walked into the lobby, we talked to a very confused young man at the counter and apparently they did not have our reservation. We were tired and it appeared there was no room at the inn. So they finally checked us in and gave us a card to a room....and when we walked to that room on the fourth floor, we swiped the card and walked in the room and were terrified to find someone already in bed in that room…and boy was that lady mad! I would’ve been too. Finally, after a couple of hours of dealing with this nonsense....we got a room and settled in for the night...
The truth is, that if you are a Christian, you have a guaranteed reservation in Heaven. That is definitely something to give you some hope in unertain times....whether you are worried about the economy or whether or not it is the very last of days, the Christian has no real reason to worry. You have no reason to be dismayed because dwell on these three thoughts:
A. Who is coming...
- Notice what is says in verse 7 again...“… the Lord Jesus …” I love that, don’t you? “… the Lord Jesus …” You know, today His lordship is veiled, ignored, and repudiated, but it’s going to be revealed. This world revealed means, “It’s going to be unveiled.” People don’t understand who He is. They talk about the peasant from Galilee, they talk about the lowly Nazarene. My friend, when He comes again, He is coming as the Lord Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords. And, He’s coming to be glorified and He’s coming to be admired. THAT is WHO is coming....Jesus....we have hope in that, amen?
B. The when of His coming...
- The Bible says in verse 7, look at it. “And to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus …” (2 Thessalonians 1:7). Do you see that word “when?” If you’re a writer in your Bible, underline that word would you? It doesn’t say, “If He comes,” does it? Oh now…WHEN He comes…it’s a sure thing... When He is coming. Now, we don’t know that exact time because that day and that hour no one knows, but we do know there is a time that the Bible calls when. Jesus came the first time on time. He was born on time, He died on time, He rose on time, and He’s coming back the second time, on time. Our Lord is never ahead of time. Our Lord is never late. And Jesus IS coming....maybe today....maybe not....but He is coming. We can have hope in that, amen?
C. Think of the Wonder of His coming...
- Now, think not only of the who of His coming and the when of His coming, but the wonder of His coming. Look in verse 10: “When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired …” If you are a writer in your Bible, underline that word “admired...” Can you imagine what it would be like if we heard the trumpets sound right now, and I mean we’re swept up? I mean, can you imagine? Just think of it. Can you imagine admiring Him, looking upon Him whose name is wonderful. No wonder we’ll wonder.
- We’ll wonder about a lot of things, I’d imagine....we’ll wonder about His Transforming Love....the way He has taken stubborn people like me and made us madly in love with Himself....We’ll wonder about His Saving Grace.....Verse 10 mentions “all those who believe”....the way he can save belivers from their sin....and we’ll probably wonder about how he is able to Keep us, not just save us once and lose us to our sinful nature again....once jesus saves, he never has to do it again....what a wonderful day of wonder that will be, amen?

V. Point #2: Do NOT be Deceived

Explanation Not only should you not be dismayed, number two, you need not be deceived, you should not be deceived. Look if you will now in the 2 Thessalonians the 2 chapter and notice how it begins…and I’m going to read from the old King james Version this time…so listen to 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 verse 1: “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him”—that is the rapture—“That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled”—that is, don’t be dismayed—“neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?” What is Paul is saying here? He’s saying, “Not only don’t be dismayed, but don’t be deceived.” Look again, chapter 2 verse 3: “… Let no man deceive you …”
Now, put it down big, plain, and straight, the devil is a deceiver. He is a liar, he is the father of all lies, and he has inspired a devilish deception. What had happened, a forged letter had gone out. Somebody had signed Paul’s name to it to deceive the church and they had said that they were teaching that the church was already in the great tribulation. That’s called “The Day of the Lord.”And, they were saying, “You Christians have missed the rapture and you’re in the great tribulation. And, it was a lie; it was a devilish lie. Paul is talking about our being gathered “… together unto Him” in verse 1 (2 Thessalonians 2:1). The rapture’s gonna come first, but here was the lie that the day of the Lord is at hand, you’re in the tribulation. So Paul wanted to straighten this lie out once and for all....
And to straughten it out, Paul had to reveal more about the end…and part of that truth is that a man of sin, an antichrist was coming. Notice what he says, in verse 3: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). That is, the day of the Lord is not going to come until the antichrist is here. Now, he’s called here “The man of sin.” He is going to be the epitome of evil. He is Satan’s superman. He will counterfeit the work of God, and like many criminals, he has many aliases. I want to give you some names that he’s called in the Bible. Two of them are found right here: “the man of sin” and then in verse 3 “the son of perdition”....so he is the personification of sin....and perdition means judgment…so it means destruction and judgment are coming upon him.
So Paul was dealing with a straight up lie where the people of God were being misled, despite being persecuted.
You know they say if you ever visit a foreign country in Europe to be very careful if you come into contact with some of the local gypsies. I’m not saying all gypsies are bad or anything like that, but they say that sometimes you will be in a crowd in some of these countries and these women will literally throw their baby at you and, since Americans are usually so nice, we catch the baby and while we are distracted with the baby in our arms, the gypsy women will swarm you and pick all of your pockets and snatch the baby back before you even realize what just happened to you.
Deception is often easy because it is swift. Those women take your wallet, credit cards, and purse before you realize what happened because they work quicker than you can think. Be very careful of a shakky world that demands you act before you have a chance to think things through. Used car salesmen get you to commit to buying things you aren’t ready to buy because they put pressure on you and make you think you are about to miss the best deal in the history of the world.
Beware of the decievers in your life…thos that pressure you to act before you think and pray....and measure things aganst the word of God....those who would take advantage of your confusion and dispair to get you to act out of character.
And remember this: if you are worried about the deception of the final days: the Bible is clear that the antichrist won’t be revealed until AFTER the rapture of the church is complete. So as bd as things get, we are not in the Tribulation....things will get worse: but take heart: you, nor I, will be here for it.

VI. Point #3: Do NOT be Disappointed

Paul is saying to these folks, “Don’t be dismayed.” He’s saying secondly to these people, “Don’t be deceived.” And, he’s saying thirdly and finally, you will not be disappointed. This verse, chapter 2 and verse 8: “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth …” (2 Thessalonians 2:8). This is talking about the battle of Armageddon, when the wicked, the wicked one, antichrist comes “… the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth …” (2 Thessalonians 2:8). What is that? The breath of His mouth, the same Jesus that spoke them into existence is going to speak them into oblivion. This speaks of the battle of Armageddon.
Remember that the second coming of Jesus Christ is in two stages. First of all, He comes secretly for His church. And, then secondly He comes in sovereignty with His church. There’s a period of seven years in between the Great Tribulation and when our Lord comes, not only in the mystery of the rapture, but the majesty of the revelation. It’s then that antichrist is going to be destroyed. It is then that 777 will take care of 666.
It is then that the Lord Jesus who suffered in shame will come in glory. It is then that Jesus who wore a crown of thorns will wear a diadem. It is then that the one who died in the sinner’s place will come to execute judgment upon those who refuse such love.
He came the first time to seek and to save. He’s coming the second time in judgment. He came the first time in mercy. He’s coming the second time in flaming fire, to take vengeance. He came the first time in humility, He’s coming the second time in incredible power.

VII. Conclusion

a. Look, I don’t know what kind of feelings you have going into 2021....maybe you’re worried about politics....personally, I refuse to worry about that anymore. I believe my calling as a pastor is bigger than politics....I’ll preach truth, vote my convictions, and leave the rest up to the Lord.....maybe some of yall are worried about the economy....God is bigger than my money....maybe some of yall are actually “worried” that is the absolute end of days....if it is: I say amen…let’s go home!
But no matter WHAT you are worried about…remember this: we have our one true hope....it’s the same in 2021 as it was in 2020 or the year 350....and that hope is Jesus: and you can rest assured that, no matter, what....if you are in him through faith: He’s got you....
How many of you are glad abou that?
b. Let’s Pray
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