§ “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its
young shoots become tender and it puts out its leaves, you
know that summer is near;33 so you, too, when you see
all these things [taking place], know for certain that He is
near, right at the door. 34 I assure you and most solemnly say
to you, this generation [the people living when these signs
and events begin] will not pass away until all these things
take place. 35 Heaven and earth [as now known] will pass
away, but My words will not pass away. Matt 24:32-35 AMP
§ In 2021 we must be actively watching for the signs Jesus
said we are going to see to signal His return. In 2020 many
things began to happen but many people didn’t even
understand what they mean. We saw a number of floods in
many places, there were fires in various places, famines in
many places, saw the plaque of locusts which devoured
food across the northern part of Africa and Middle East and
South America, (even being labelled Biblical proportion!)
and then of course the worldwide pandemic COVID-19.
§ In 2021 we are likely to see many of the things
prophesied by Jesus in the Ollivet discourse coming
to place. The issue is not just one or two things
happening here and there but when there is a
convergence and the things begin to happen across
the world. Jesus said when we see this things
happening all together we must know He is very
near, right at the door!
§ Watchful
§ Prayerful
§ Consecrecated
§ Study the Word of God
§ Obey the voice of the Lord.
§ Be alert and ready
§ Prepare
§ “But be on guard, so that your hearts are not weighed
down and depressed with the giddiness of debauchery and
the nausea of self-indulgence and the worldly worries of
life, and then that day [when the Messiah returns] will not
come on you suddenly like a trap; 35 for it will come upon
all those who live on the face of all the earth. 36 But keep
alert at all times [be attentive and ready], praying that you
may have the strength and ability [to be found worthy
and] to escape all these things that are going to take place,
and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man [at His
coming].” Luke 21:34-36 AMP
§ Serious economic collapse world wide
§ Increase in adverse weather patterns
§ We may likely see many deadly sicknesses
§ Massive hunger and famine around the world
§ Increase violance and riots
§ Religious intolerance will increase and Christians are going to
start feeling the pressure, deception will also increase.
§ Travelling will become very difficult
§ Increase in demonic pressure
§ May THE LORD keep you and bless you, THE LORD
make his face shine on you and give you peace. THE
LORD strentghen your inner man with power and
may you understand the breath, the dept, the height
of the love of God. May His glory be your rear
guard and may He keep you under the shadow of
the Almighty!