Sermon Tone Analysis

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> .9
The Church: Devoted to One Another
\\ Review last week-empowered by God; now going to look at some of things early church did and see what it means for us today
Begin by watching a clip showing a small band of people coming together in fellowship.
((ch 27)1:41:00-1:45:31
This group-Fellowship of the Ring, very much like the church.
-People on a journey
                -Fulfilling a greater purpose in a world of trouble
                -Drawn together by forces beyond selves
                -Unlikely group
Drawn together in fellowship.
What exactly does this mean?
*What do you think of when you hear the word fellowship?*
One of things defining the early church was fellowship:
Acts 2:41-47:one of the Bible clearest descriptions of the earliest church gatherings.
What does this mean for us today?
Let’s consider the world we live in:
                -self-sufficient~/attached garage effect
                -don’t  want to ask for help
                -Quietly suffering and~/or wearing ourselves out trying to do it all alone.
-Depression~/suicide stats
                -Depression is one of biggest health issues of our time.
Increasing most among children
                -Suicide: Social isolation has become a major problem in America-1 in 4 Americas say they have nobody to confide in has tripled.
This is 3 times as many as in 1980.
One of the key things we do as a church is to remind people of their need for one another.
Want to provide a place for meaningful friendships-one part of fellowship
The believers studied what the apostles taught.
They shared life together.
They broke bread and ate together.
And they prayed.
(Act 2:42 NIrV)
Early Church-Love Feasts-celebrating their love for one another.
Sharing lives: knowing one another’s joys and concerns.
Being there for one another in big and small ways.
Just as say in Fellowship of the Ring-providing encouragement, laughter, guidance
Little things matter.
Sometime feel urge to call just to say ‘hi’, touch someone-learn to act on those.
People need them more than know, may be God calling you to reach out to someone in need around you.
*More than friends-family *(verse)
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are!
(1Jn 3:1 NIV)
God sees us as his children when we enter into relationship with him through Jesus.
Makes us all brothers and sisters in Christ.
Early Christians referred to one another as  brother & sister
We are placed in our natural family.
In the same way God draws us into our spiritual family.
Doesn’t mean we are perfect-look at the unlikely and diverse group drawn together in the Fellowship of the Ring.
Didn’t always get along, but they developed a deep love and respect for one another.
There will be conflict anytime people are together, but as family we are called to work through those things together.
Family bonds are deeper than friendship…there for one another.
Protect one another, see the best in one another .
Above all stick together.
Notice this level of fellowship when someone is missing for a little while.
If anyone who is part of the True North family is missing…we notice just doesn’t feel right without them.
I know when people have to be away for a little while…they feel a little empty…that’s the kind of fellowship that runs deeper than friendship
Every part of a family is important.
Bridge-individually-pieces don’t accomplish anything.
Together make a strong unit.
Every piece is critical-same thing in the church.
All important-no matter what role they play.
*More than family…communion of saints*
Early church-gathered in catacombs-fellowship continued when had passed from this life into eternity with God.
Celebrated what Jesus had done in binding them together.
Fellowship in the church is something that extends beyond this life.
Spiritual connection we all share.
Sometimes you can sense this fellowship when you meet new people.
I have learned there is often an instant connection you experience when you meet other people who have faith in Christ.
This deeper level of fellowship is important-we are bound together for a greater purpose-God’s purpose.
We are bound together to build one another up in our faith.
Consider the world we live in again…full of negativity, blame, expectations, guilt.
Fellowship in the church is meant to rise above all that.
Provide relationships that build us up and encourage one another.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
(Heb 10:24-25 NIV)
Called to encourage one another.. build one another up-remind one another constantly of God’s love and grace.
That God has given us an amazing gift of forgiveness and have been washed clean-renewed and given the opportunity to give out the love and grace we have received.
So, what I have described for you today is my impression of what true fellowship in the church is.
It begins with meaningful friendship, grows into stronger family tie and binds us together with impenetrable spiritual bonds.
Encourage you to consider where you fit into the fellowship of True North.
If you feel as though you haven’t really experienced it yet, I encourage you to take some steps today.
The reason for all the events we announce each week is to provide us all with ways to deepen our fellowship.
Life is busy, I know..but it is valuable to get connected with other people.
Our lives are going to be filled with everything from tears and sorrow to happiness and joy.
Those things are not meant to be experienced alone!
I know that it can sometimes feel awkward to insert yourself into a small group meeting or a wedding shower…you feel like you are interrupting a family gathering…but we want you to.
Our family is built by God and we always have room for more people to join in
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