Men's Retreat 2005
Men’s Retreat 2005 “You Are Worthy, Because You Are Forgiven”
Can’t forgive yourself, Psalm 103:12
Forgive ourselves, but we must first forgive others, Matthew 18:21-35 and the
unforgiving servant
We want the anointing, but it only comes with a forgiving spirit, Mark 11:22-26
Stuck in the past, Matthew 6:9-15 and The LORD’s prayer, “The will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.”
Binding & loosing, Matthew 16:19 to Peter concerning the church & Matthew 18:18
concerning an offense between brothers
Past more real than the present, Philippians 3:13-14
1864 & Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclaimation, the slaves either did not know they were
free, or decided to stay where they were, John 8:31-36 “if the Son makes you free
If we allow the past to be current, God must allow it to
Re-living the past
Longing for the “good old days”
Unworthy to be happy or joyful, Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-24, if God says you were
lost and are now found, why can’t we believe it???
Appearance of Christ to the Apostles, and Paul’s last position, 1 Corinthians 15:8-10 Paul killed Christians, and by his faith in Christ, he is certainly now worthy
Christ and us at the right hand, Revelation 3:20-22
What we give, we receive, Sowing & Reaping, Luke 6:36-38, do we give forgiveness???
giving in any area, not just forgiveness, finances, family, job
If we confess, He will forgive, 1 John 1:9, it is by confession, not sorrow over it