River of Worship 061205
River of Worship
We must choose to get out in the river
Israel refused to cross the first time, they were afraid of the giants, and the walled cities
Joshua 3:1-13 “as soon as the soles of the priests”…they had to worship before The LORD, that is to bow their will to His will
We think of worship as something that is in church on Sunday morning, to worship is to bow your will to God’s will
The priests by faith stepped into the Jordan, and by faith we step out also
It was God’s will for them to step out in faith 40 years previously
What has been God’s will for you, that you failed to move on in the past????
Don’t look back on the past and bemoan and berate, and beat yourself up about the missed opportunities in the past, step out in faith and bow your will to God’s will
It was God’s will for them to step out in faith, but it did not happen UNTIL they stepped out, God’s will won’t happen to us either if we don’t bow our will to His
We can step out in faith, as our High Priest has already crossed OUR Jordan, and has defeated the enemy, Colossians 2:14-15
What is on the other side of the river???
1. Deliverance – from Egypt or sin, Exodus 12:13
2. New Life – a land of their own, where they are free to worship God
3. A brighter future with God and man, not just suffering through life, baptized in lemon juice, John 10:10…life more abundantly
4. Land of Milk & Honey – not “just enough” as in the desert, WHY??? “BECAUSE I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE,” but this won’t happen until we bow in worship
The church has had “just enough” for so long, that the thought of “more than enough” chokes us into a religious box
We will have “just enough” as long as we do it “my way.” “My way,” will never bow the knee, and is determined to persist in its own way
Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man
Last week, and Donna leading worship, two sons in State Prison today.