Stay With The Word Part II 100205
Stay With The Word Part II 09/25/05
The tongue will bring results
Proverbs 23:18 For surely there is an end, and thine expectation shall not be cut off.
Matthew 15:1-11 Satan wants to steal our words, if he has your words, he has your present and your future!!! He wishes to steal our words, and we treat them flippantly. Why “they are just words!!!” Mark 7:11 corban
Corban is a vow, a gift, a consecrated present, our words are these, gifts offered, a sacred treasury, OUR WORDS
Our religious backgrounds nullify the Word of God in our lives, in essence we are practicing “corban” toward God, the service that is due to You, I give elsewhere, Victory Christian Fellowship in OH off Route 422, 3,000 attendees, 100 to the full gospel service
The gifts that are due to The LORD, I give elsewhere, the fruit of lips that confess your name, Hebrews 13:15 sacrifice of praise, the fruit of our lips, I use to speak death, lack, divorce, sickness, failure, devisiveness
We cannot expect things to change overnight, it took us years to get into our predicament, and even with The LORD, things will not change overnight
Genesis 8:22 seed + time = a harvest
2 Corinthians 9:6-11 sowing and reaping, all sufficiency
Galatians 6:7-9 a man reaps what he sows, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not, due season may not even be on this earth!!!
Kenneth Copeland and his watermelon seed
James 5:7-8 be patient as the farmer is patient for his crop to come up, a husbandman is a land worker, and this was the commandment given to Adam, former and latter rains, we are in the time of the latter rain, as it is harvest season!!!
I asked The LORD to let me teach and preach the Word of God fluidly, so that it flows out of me, with the scriptures attached, that it flow like water, you are RECEIVING what I prayed for!!! It is not just about ME!!!
This is how the process works…Keith Moore, “If we want the same thing that God wants, for the same reason He wants it, we become unstoppable.”
Sowing and reaping, the woman with the leather skin