The Blood Of The Covenant 120405
The Blood Of The Covenant 120405
Law of first mention, Genesis 4: 9-13
The bible is a bloody book, 447 times in the KJV is blood mentioned
Genesis 9: 3-6 shedding another man’s blood requires a payment
The life is in the blood, Leviticus 17: 10-14, and the blood is the atoning sacrifice
The blood is integral in The Word of God, Psalm 103: 1-5, The womb is a protective sphere, a covering, vs 4 TENDER MERCIES, show photo of 21 week old boy, the life is in the blood
We are born grabbing onto others, let’s grab onto and hold onto God!!! There is blood between us and God, the Man Christ Jesus!!! 1 Timothy 2:5
This is the Blood of the Covenant, Exodus 24: 6-8 is the Book of The Covenant & Moses sprinkled The Blood of The Covenant on the people
In the New Covenant we are not just sprinkled with the blood, we are covered completely, and it is inside us at the same time
The Blood of Christ overwrites our sin program with a molecule of His blood
The Blood of The New Covenant, Hebrews 9: 18-28
God killed an animal to clothe Adam “after” his sin, Genesis 3:17-24, The wages of sin is death Romans 6:23
The sin of man brought the curse & death soon followed